Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Can the Nutrisystem Diet Work for Diabetics

Can the Nutrisystem Diet Work for Diabetics

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Can the Nutrisystem Diet Work for Diabetics

The over-abundant food selections and varieties we have today have also paved the way for diabetes, a lifelong disease that can affect us all regardless of race, age, gender, and social status.

A person with too high blood levels instantly becomes a member of the ever-increasing statistics of diabetics that unfortunately grow rather than diminish. The swift rise of obesity all over the world has become alarming needing stricter measures when it comes to unhealthy food selections and an inactive lifestyle.

Diabetes has two main types:

Type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune condition wherein the insulin-producing cells are attacked and destroyed by the immune system of the body
Type 2 diabetes is a health condition wherein an inadequate insulin is produced by the body or due to the bodys non-reaction to insulin

Between the two types of diabetes, type 2 is the health condition that has become commonplace the world over.

People having above-normal blood sugar levels are not diagnosed right off as diabetic. However, they are now in the pre-diabetes area with a bigger chance of eventually becoming a full-blown diabetic.

The only way to counter this health condition, whether in the pre-diabetes or diabetes stage is to drastically change the lifestyle. Going from sluggish to active and opting for foods rich in fiber and protein are the best ways to reverse or avoid altogether the devastating effects of diabetes.

Diets have come and go with little or big success, depending on a persons attitude. Some diets went against the grain when it comes to health such as the liquid diet, the one-a-day eating diet, etc. They were flash-in-the-pan diets that were so extreme and unhealthy as well.

A good diet does not have to deprive the body its basic nutrients for it to achieve weight loss. A good diet means getting all the benefits from nutritious foods that can sustain the energy levels throughout the day.

The Nutrisystem Diets arrival on the scene to claim weight loss as much as 5 pounds in a week while improving the health of the body is too good to be true. Can this finally be THE diet to help diabetics lose weight and lower down their blood sugar levels at the same time?

What is the Nutrisystem Diet and what does it claim to have?

Meal planning and portion control is what the Nutrisystem diet is all about. Blood sugar has been found to be the first to be affected by the various carbs taken into the body. There are good carbs meant to be slowly digested such as whole grains and veggies that are high in fiber and protein. Filling your digestive system with full-packed protein and fiber carbs keeps you full longer, thus stabilizing your metabolism and blood sugar.

The prepackaged meals created by Nutrisystem not only pack in the nutrients needed by the body, it also leads to weight loss. Shopping, purchasing, and preparing foods that include all the healthy carbs to curb your appetite and make you lose weight need not be a time-breaking chore when the prepackaged meals can be delivered right to your home.

Losing weight can now be achievable and doable with the new Lean 13 plan of Nutrisystem that claims to make women lose 7 inches and 13 pounds on the first month of the diet, with men losing as much as 7 inches and 15 pounds for the same period of time.

The D Plan from Nutrisystem aims to lose weight, control and maintain the weight loss, and control and prevent diabetes.

Whats the D Plan and how can it manage diabetes?

The D Plan is Nutrisystems answer to the burgeoning health problems of obesity leading to diabetes. The plan aims to:

Sustain normal levels of blood sugar while promoting weight loss
Provide a balanced prepackaged meal for an effective, yet safe, weight loss
Provide frozen foods that are delectable and top-of-the-line anytime you need it
Prevent blood sugar level spikes by keeping it steady with snacks and meals every 2-3 hours
Provide a total count between 1,200-1,500 calories of nutritious meals a day to keep you full for longer periods
Feel happy with the meal choices while maintaining the stability of your blood glucose

There are three diabetes plans to choose from with the Nutrisystem D:

Diabetes Basic

For $9.82 a day the diabetes basic plan gives you:

A Nutrisystem Blueberry Muffin to start your day
Fresh berries with nonfat yogurt for a mid-morning snack
Nutrisystem Chicken Noodle Soup garnished with sliced veggies you can quickly heat for lunch
Almonds and Orange to instantly lift you up mid-afternoon
Nutrisystem Chili with Beans for a satisfying and fulfilling dinner
Nutrisystem White Chocolate Chunk Cookies as a delicious and nutritious snack to end your day

Diabetes Core

Expect these amazing meals offered by the Diabetes Core Plan starting at $10.54 per day:

Break the fast with the filling Nutrisystem Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
Rev up the energy level with the mid-morning snack of fresh blueberries with low-fat Greek yogurt
Enjoy a lunch of instantly heated Nutrisystem Cheese Tortellini garnished with sliced veggies
Pair cheese and whole grain crackers for the afternoon snack
Bon apptit with the delicious Nutrisystem Santa Fe Style Chicken for dinner
Sit in front of your TV while deliciously ending your day with Nutrisystem White Cheddar Popcorn

Diabetes Uniquely Yours

Get on the bandwagon with this top-rated meal plan starting at $11.96 per day:

Start the day right with the appetizing Nutrisystem Buttermilk Waffles
Lift up flagging spirits with a healthy dose of apple slices with peanut butter dip
Heat and enjoy your lunch of Nutrisystem Broccoli & Cheese Melt
Get going with a mid-afternoon healthy snack of cheese and whole grain crackers
Celebrate pizza night with a dinner of Nutrisystem Italian Sausage & Turkey Pizza
Treat yourself to a decadent snack of Nutrisystem Ice Cream Sandwich

In closing

Nutrisystem seems to have hit the mark with their meal plans that cater to weight loss and diabetes issues. The convenience of home delivery with the option of choosing more delicious meals from a wide assortment of nutritious foods is mind-boggling. Yet, the thousands of customer reviews that only have high praises for Nutrisystem tells you the success story of the company.

The best thing about these meal plans is their 30-day money back guarantee. This is one offer few, if none at all, food service companies can ever beat, hands down.

Can Omega 3 Improve Your Sex Life Or Increase Libido

Can Omega 3 Improve Your Sex Life Or Increase Libido

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Can Omega 3 Improve Your Sex Life Or Increase Libido

A low libido is basically a lack of sex drive and although the problem affects both the sexes it is more common in women, and many women are looking for answers. In pursuit of this, some are asking if fish oil might be able to improve libido.

This is a question for which there isn't a straight forward answer. Put it this way, despite the fact that there is no official literature available that specifically states there is a direct link between taking a daily dose of fish oil and an improved libido, there does appear to be an indirect association.

First of all you can find plenty of people, both men and women, in internet chat rooms and forums who have tried fish oil and claim their libido has improved. These claims are echoed by sex educator Dr Yvonne Kristin Fulbright and environmental consultant Marenna Lindberg.

Dr Fulbright wrote about the benefits of fish oil in an article entitled "Can You Eat Your Way to Better Sex?"

"I'm a big fan of fish oil" she says. "This isn't simply because I'm Icelandic. I take two tablets every morning because there are so many health benefits. So I was delighted when I learned that animal and human studies show that fish oil raises dopamine levels in the brain."

"This neurotransmitter triggers lust. Dopamine can stimulate the release of testosterone, your hormone of sexual desire" wrote Fullbright.

Marenna Lindberg talks about the sexual benefits of taking fish oil in her book "The Orgasmic Diet". She herself suffered from lack of libido and rarely experienced orgasm but after taking lots of fish oil she reckons she's cured.

Lindberg talks of her first hand experience with taking fish oil in her book. "My libido not only picked up, it took off. I became a maniac. My husband was ecstatic!" she said. Now although Lindberg promotes lots of fish oil she also recommends eating a little dark chocolate every day and to stay off the coffee.

According to Lindberg, the improved libido is mostly a result of fish oil increasing the levels of dopamine and serotonin both of which are feel good chemicals released in the brain. She also claims that Fish oil increases the levels of nitric oxide in the arteries which increases blood flow to the brain and to the sexual organs which of course is important for sex.

So what do we know about fish oil that might validate these claims?

- We already know that Fish oil contains Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA which can improve blood flow and we all know that a healthy blood flow is necessary for a male to be aroused but not many are aware that it's also important for female libido too.

- Taking a daily Omega 3 supplement really can boost levels of Serotonin and Dopamine.

- Fish oil has been clinically proven to alleviate the symptoms of many different types of depression, one of which just happens to be lack of interest in sex.

- It's well known that stress and anxiety can influence libido and as fish oil helps people feel less anxious and to cope better with stress then it could well play a role in improving sex drive.

- We know that Eicosapentaenoic acid can improve brain function and as the brain controls most functions in the body, including what happens when we have sex, then taking EPA fish oil could well influence libido.

The bottom line is that there is no conclusive evidence that fish oil will boost sex drive but because the fatty acids in fish oil have such an impact on both the mind and the body, the chances are you may well be more in the mood for sex if you start taking a daily dose.

Cacao Beans - This Summer's New Hit

Cacao Beans - This Summer's New Hit

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Cacao Beans - This Summer's New Hit

This summer it is likely that most kids will be spending the majority of their time, walking to and from the local convenience store, buying and then shoveling into their mouths, their favorite chocolate bar. The ingredients and actual content of all chocolate bars is usually printed in the back of the packet, but that still doesn't convey the correct unhealthy image that it should!

Chocolate bars are full of ingredients that are simply not fit for human consumption on a large scale. Chocolate is usually cooked off at intense high temperatures. Once this process is complete, the manufacturer simply adds as many unhealthy ingredients as possible, including white sugar, milk, and saturated fat and hydrogenated oils. Surely everyone can see that the damage that eating chocolate is potentially doing their bodies!

Whilst the majority will continue down the unhealthy route, many will discover the cacao bean, the natural and healthy side to chocolate. The Cacao bean originates from the Theobroma Cacao Tree and is extremely healthy, even in raw form. The organic Cacao bean is essentially free from caffeine, with only minor traces. It is used in several exotic and exclusive recipes worldwide and was originally discovered by Carl von Linnaeus in 1753, in the Amazon.

Of course, it is obvious that Cacao beans have no added sugars or chemicals, which straight away offers a huge improvement in comparison with a processed chocolate bars. In fact, Cacao beans actually contain a range of minerals that are fundamental to the health of your immune system, while the antioxidants also offer your body the healthy and support benefits that it needs. Many have suggested that cooking Cacao beans is a viable option, where as I would tend to disagree, as you lose a range of natural and healthy based benefits through a pan and a bit of heat, completely defeating the object.

Many underestimate how healthy the Cacao bean actually is. Alongside several fundamental minerals and antioxidants, it also contains traces of magnesium. I'm not a health professional, but even I know that magnesium works overtime to ensure that it support the heart, digestive system and brain as well as acting as a bone strengthener.

Other two major components of the Cacao bean include iron and Anandamide. Both of the above work together to help to provide a constant supply of oxygen to the body's blood stream as well as making you feel extremely fresh and vibrant. There are already a range of organic based ships supplying the Cacao bean; try it out!

The list could go on; there are literally hundreds of minerals, nutrients and natural ingredients that make the Cacao bean extremely healthy. The Cacao bean is becoming more and more popular every day, so it is only a matter of time, before the demand for it as a product surpasses that of chocolate. Of course, once the commercial potential has been revealed, companies and organizations will be jumping at the chance to supply the Cacao bean world wide.

Marabel Cocoa Farms - cocoa beans - Sanchez and Hispaniola cocoa beans producer and importer from the Dominican Republic.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Buying and Using Environment Friendly Products

Buying and Using Environment Friendly Products

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Buying and Using Environment Friendly Products

Global warming and rise in energy prices are common terms today so are eco friendly products and recycling. Our global market is trying to become more eco friendly and manufacture more environmentally friendly products. Rise in global warming is mainly due to fact, that many of us are using organic non bio degradable products like polythene bags. Our natural resources also are depleting at a very fast pace which makes conservation a necessity and responsibility for each one of us.

You as consumers can show the way by buying products and services that are earth friendly. It's a wise choice when you buy organic products that are good for your health and for the world.

Manufacturing eco products like bags and cases, books, audio, magazines, drink wares, and other products is not an easy thing. We as consumers are bound by social responsibility to encourage and help these companies by purchasing their products.

Eco products are bio degradable which means, they mix along the surface of the earth making it easy for Mother Nature. Plastic products are not bio degradable and hence not a healthy option. They can't mix into the earth's soil which makes them remain as they are which has caused lot of difficulties for the marine life especially.

Eco products or green products have one main advantage over plastic products. They can be recycled and used again and again. This causes the amount of toxic and harmful materials entering into our eco systems to reduce.

Going green doesn't cost you lot of money. There are many more options. Recycled, earths friendly materials cost less than their non-recycled counterparts and research has shown that every little bit you do counts. We can also discourage waste and help in the reduction of the amount of toxic materials entering our ecosystems.

Environmentally friendly goods and services that are available are made of natural resources which are safe for Mother Nature. The use of recycled products helps in the conservation of natural resources. Companies that produce environmentally friendly commodities are using eco-friendly means to produce their products. This helps in the reduction of disposing waste material, which helps in keeping pollutants out of the environment. It is important that you buy these products from the companies and encourage others to so the same as it is beneficial for Mother Nature. does exactly that. They can help you purchase eco friendly products like health and beauty items, books, audio books, magazines, organic clothing, designer clothing, healthy foods, home and garden, and healthy items for kids. They do product reviews periodically on their website to make sure that the companies are reputable and make sure that the products are as eco friendly and renewable. Their website also provides you lot of free information on healthy foods and products.

We are all aware of the fact that pollution leads to climate change, so all of us should do what we can to help limit the amount of poisonous gases that are being released into the atmosphere. We can start doing that by purchasing eco friendly products.

Body Composition and its effects on Health

Body Composition and its effects on Health

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Body Composition and its effects on Health

There is a correlation between body composition and health ranging from mortality and morbidity to immunity, longevity, high function and athletic performance. Body composition analysis is one of the tools used in preventative, therapeutic and research applications. In the human body, body composition analysis is the clinical assessment of tissue and fluid compartments. Fat Mass is the total amount of stored lipids (fat) in the body and consists of the following types of fat:

Subcutaneous fat located directly beneath the skin. This type of fat serves as an energy reserve and serves as insulation against environmental cold.

Visceral fat lies deeper within the body. It serves as an energy reserve and as cushion between the organs.

Fat Free Mass (FFM) also called Lean Body Mass (LBM) is the total amount of non-fat (Lean) part of the body. Fat free mass is approximately 73 per cent water, 20 per cent protein and 6 per cent mineral and 1 percent ash

Body Cell Mass (BC M) is the metabolically active tissues and is the living cells of the body including muscle cells, organ cells blood cells and immune cells. It also includes the living portions of fat cells but not the stored fat lipids. The intracellular water (ICW) inside the living cells is also included in BCM. Potassium is the electrolyte of the intracellular water.

Extra cellular Mass (ECM) contains all of the metabolically inactive (non-living) parts of the body such as bone, minerals and blood plasma. Water contained outside of living cells is included in the extra cellular water. The main electrolyte in this compartment is sodium.

As mentioned before, body composition is used in preventative, therapeutic and research applications. The following can be determined through the use of body composition analysis:
Nutritional Assessment
Anti-aging Therapy
Physical performance Assessment
Weight management
Fluid and Nutritional Assessment
Lifestyles Assessment
Athletic performance
Clinical trials
Research Initiatives

What is body composition Analysis? Body composition analysis utilizes the mass and fluid compartments of the body when measurements are taken and the results are analyzed. The Bioimpedance (BIA) body composition analyzers measures body composition electronically. A qualified healthcare professional uses the result to diagnose disease, recommend treatment requirements or give treatment requirements.

The purpose of body composition analysis is to monitor and improve function. For healthy people the analysis of the Fat Free Mass and Body Cell Mass compartments can help maintain function, productivity, immunity, physical performance and longevity.

Patients/clients who are obese, the evidence has shown overwhelmingly, that obesity (excess storage of fat) has adverse effects on health and longevity.

The obesity epidemic continues to grow in the United States and has become a problem in other countries of the world. The diagnostic criteria for obesity is having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater or Fat Mass greater than 25 percent for males or greater than 30 percent for females.

Obesity has always been associated with health risks. Although the link to how it affects health are not fully known, recent research shows genes expression in fat tissue shown promise. The genes code for hormones is associated with insulin resistance and cardiovascular plaques.

How to treat obesity for healthy body composition

The first step is weight reduction to relieve mechanical stress on body systems.

Prescribe a healthy diet
Measure Basal Metabolic Rate
Estimate total daily caloric expenditure
Set dietary intake to equal caloric expenditure and subtract 700 calories per day
Continue diet until BMI = 30
Hormonal Reduction

The second step is to decrease the ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass to reduce the incidence of fat related hormones.

Continue with a healthy diet
Add exercise
Measure basal metabolic rate and fat-free mass
Estimate caloric expenditure= BMR
Set dietary intake=caloric expenditure 500 calories per day
Continue until percentage fat mass reaches optimal level.

What we can do to achieve healthy body composition? It is a known fact that a healthy diet and physical activity play a pivotal role in living healthy through out our lifes span. The task of maintaining healthy body weight appears to be a complex task involving many important lifestyle choices. Patients are bombarded with conflicting messages about what to eat, how much to eat, which diet is the right one, and the right exercises to do or which exercise machine to buy. In summary, you have the power to be informed and do what works best for you in achieving healthy body composition.

Blood Sugar Level Chart

Blood Sugar Level Chart

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Blood Sugar Level Chart

Control diabetes with blood sugar level chart for a healthy diet.A is a reference for health care practitioners to use with their diabetic patients.

This type of chart can also be of use when screening patents to determine if they may be at risk of developing this health condition. A quick and easy chart can also come in handy for individuals to use when they are trying to learn more about how blood glucose levels can impact their health.

Normal Blood Sugar levels stay in a fairly tight range of numbers. Someone without diabetes may expect their glucose level to be in the 80-100 range if it has been 6 hours or more since they last consumed food or beverages.

Individuals without diabetes will experience a rise in their glucose level after they are given food to eat. Immediately after consuming a meal or snack their glucose may read in the range of 170-200. If the glucose level is checked 2-3 hours after a meal then the increase in glucose will only be noted as 120-140.

A diabetic patient can have widely different number readings when their glucose is checked. A fasting glucose level for these individuals could be very low or it may read as 126 or higher.

Immediately after a meal the amount of glucose in their bloodstream might read in the 220-300+ range. Even when glucose readings are checked a few hours after meals diabetic patients will often register glucose levels that are in excess of 200.

Those patients with diabetes who are under the care of a doctor, and choosing healthy foods to eat may be expected to register blood glucose readings that are more stable.

Many diabetics will discover that their blood glucose is usually within the normal range if they are being properly treated for this chronic disease.

If the doctor has alerted you to the possibility that you have developed a pre-diabetic condition it means that your glucose levels are higher than normal, but it does not necessarily indicate that the condition will continue to progress. A healthy diet, regular exercise and lowered stress levels may help you restore your glucose to normal levels.

It will be of concern to a medical professional if a patient presents with glucose levels that are in the 101-125 range when fasting; 190-230 range shortly after eating; and in the 140-160 range a few hours after finishing a meal or snack.

These are the numeric values that would cause a doctor to suggest more lab tests and a change in diet and exercise to a patient.

Controlling your blood glucose is much easier when you have a that you can refer to at home. You can find some detailed charts available online or simply discuss your concerns with your doctor and ask for some additional information about this health condition.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Biolustre Hair Repair can Fix Your Damaged Hair

Biolustre Hair Repair can Fix Your Damaged Hair

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Biolustre Hair Repair can Fix Your Damaged Hair

Biolustre is one of the best hair repair method of maintaining your hair healthy and shiny by protecting it from damage, or repairing it if damage has occurred. Growing healthy hair is not an easy task. Biolustre is one among the most popular products available to you today for caring for your hair and can prevent or repair resulting in a lustrous hair. This product makes your task of maintaining much easier in an effective way. The hair that are suffering with problems like dryness, over processed, damaged due to undergone more number of coloring processes, etc can benefit from this kind of treatment.
Generally the hair get spoiled using harsh chemicals or excessive heat, which in course of time can damage hair's structure causing brittleness and dullness. In this treatment, this product helps your damaged hair by infusing it with polymers that are similar to the molecular structure of your hair. In doing so, your hair becomes like it would be if you had never damaged it. No doubt, it looks and feels like virgin hair. This is works wonderfully with anyone who colors, perms or straightens their hair, and those who use a lot of heat to style their hair. Biolustre can be used before any processing to protect your hair, and then after processing also can be used as an added defense. The polymers in Biolustre actually bond with your hair and it does not wash out fully either. It becomes part of your hair's structure resulting shine, softness, and stronger.

Biolustre can be used as either a regular treatment or every time you chemically process your hair. It depends upon you whether you need this product every time or not, say for example, if you feel your hair is in good shape but you color, straighten or perm your hair, or tend to be hard on it in other ways, you may consider before using. It helps you to restore you hair's natural volume, shine and make it bounce as forever. This process repairs the synthetic carboxyl groups and places a new layer of keratin onto the hair shaft. Europeans are known for their straight, soft and gorgeous hair. As per the reports Biolustre is very popular in European countries. These product are at the top in the market. Now in United States it is growing fast in popularity.
Human hair is very sensitive, and it doesn't take much to damage our hair follicle layers. There are other hair repair treatments, such as different hot oil treatments, etc, but there is nothing like Biolustre Hair Repair System which comes close to rebuilding your hair follicles. Biolustre products can be easily handled from home and you can continue with your hair repair process at your own home too. Biolustre is always a choice of professionals and stylists, where hair treatment is concerned. This product is no wonder will make your hair look better again. It had been tested in the lab which has proven good results. Too many products are on the market but I can say they simply make the hair look shinier. They do not contribute on repairing. The product that both repairs from its roots continue till end of the hair is Biolustre Treatment.

Big Member Size Tips for the Bedroom

Big Member Size Tips for the Bedroom

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Big Member Size Tips for the Bedroom

Men with a small manhood - or even an average-sized member - may not want to hear this, but even guys with a bigger male organ size can sometimes use some pointers in the bedroom. Being blessed with a large endowment doesnt always translate to worry-free nights in the bedroom. For one thing, member size doesnt really affect male organ care, so guys with a big manhood dont get a break on basic care issues. So for guys who are packing more in the member size department (or for the women who are in bed with them), the following tips may be of use.
- Make pre-coupling your play. Especially early on in a relationship, a woman who is encountering an extra-large member may have concerns about whether she can accommodate so much manliness. In fact, it would be very rare for a mans member to be of such immensity that a female organ could not receive it - however, whether it can receive it comfortably is another question. Thats why pre-play is of such enormous importance for a manhood of enormous proportions. (In fact, its usually of tremendous importance even to men of more modest means.) Taking plenty of time with oral and manual stimulation is crucial, and so is paying attention to sensitive areas beyond the female organ.

- Time her release. One thing to consider and discuss with a partner: would it be preferable for the woman to achieve a release before penetration? The reasoning behind this is that most womens female organs are at their most relaxed and receptive post-release, so initial insertion may be more easily achieved. Will she have a second release? Possibly, but that is by no means a sure thing. The partners should communicate; if a second release is not likely, the male may wish to refrain from prolonging to avoid causing soreness in the female organ.

- Release seed first. Sometimes it helps for the woman to manually or orally please the male to seed release and then try for an insertion. Many men can achieve a second tumescence (which is generally softer than the first) - and sometimes even without a second full tumescence, there can be enough hardness for a pleasurable experience.

- Creme, creme, creme. Yes, men and women do create natural lubricants, but when dealing with a manhood of impressive size, some assistance may be needed. Do not skimp here.

- Work up to it. Rather than attempt penetration on the first night, suggest working up to it. Spend a few nights using a manhood-shaped replica (or several, in a variety of sizes) to help her prepare for the real thing.

- Get positioned. Until a man is actually in bed with another person, its difficult to know what position works best - but in general, missionary and doggy are not thought to be the best positions for big member coupling. Many tips look at woman-on-top positions, as the woman generally has greater control. But it may take several attempts to find the position that works best.

- Listen to her. The most important tip of all: the male should pay attention to what she tells him so that he can stop if something is painful, change positions if necessary, continue with a new angle, etc.

The last of these tips is for men of any member size: keep the organ in good health and use a first rate male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help achieve this goal. The best crme will include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and the oxidative stress they cause. As well, the crme should include L-carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that helps prevent loss of sensation from too much rough and aggressive handling of the member.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Better Back through Microbreaks

Better Back through Microbreaks

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Better Back through Microbreaks

And the list goes on. With the type of work most of us have right now, sitting has become the most common position for everyone. While there was a time that sitting is a relief from physically taxing work, its the position that stresses people out after long periods of being stuck on executive office chairs.

Our bodies have grown accustomed to it that we feel discomfort much easier, and at the end of the day, our energies have been spent. What was supposed to be an activity that gave us relief is not giving us suffering. You can say, this sedentary lifestyle have made us weaker.

That ergonomic chair for back pain has provided us relief and keeps us at the correct and proper sitting posture, helping us prevent back pain, but there is another way to keep ourselves healthier and stronger during the day: microbreaks.

What Microbreaks Are

These are small breaks you can do during work where you stand up from your desk and do short stretching exercises to reset your back and keep you from experiencing pain due to non-movement for hours. Your muscles are strained if you stay in one position for an extended period of time, even if you were just sitting. Microbreaks disrupt that unhealthy monotony by getting you to move from time to time.

These small breaks do not have to involve going out for a snack or a smoke (especially because smoking is bad for you). You do not need to use any equipment. You do not even need a pilates exercise chair to help you with the stretches.  A micro-break can be done at or near your desk. All you need is yourself.

So, how do you maximize every microbreak?

How to Stretch

Heres what you should do during your microbreak, which you should be doing when you find yourself working for long periods:

1.    Stand up, set your feet  flat on the ground, and make sure your shoulders are relaxed. If youre wear heels, take them off to give your            feet some break as well.
2.    Raise your arms over your head, but do not stretch yet.
3.    Breathe in through your nose and hold it in. Do not let your shoulders go up.
4.    While holding your breath, stretch your arms towards the ceiling.
5.    Release your breath as you bring your arms down.

Thats it, then you can go back to work.

If you find it too difficult to keep yourself in check during work, you can benefit from using personal work timers to help you time yourself during work to adhere to your microbreaks.

You can also practice using hydration as your timer. Not only is drinking water healthy for you, when you finish the content of your glass, refilling it tells you that it is time to do move a little.

Aside from these, your regular lunch break is an opportunity for you to get some much needed walk around. Bathroom breaks encourage you to go for a short stroll as well. Even walking up to a colleague to hand over some documents can give you some relief from hours of sitting.

Even if you bring your own lunch to work and you have ergonomic chairs for back pain in the office, walk away from your desk! Take advantage that you have this time for yourself and not worry about work.

No matter how comfortable your office chair is, taking microbreaks is healthy for you. If you have time, also make sure you are doing proper stretching and strengthening exercises to help you keep your body healthy.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Best Juice for Weight Loss

Best Juice for Weight Loss

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Best Juice for Weight Loss

Important Solutions for in Easy to Follow Step by Step Detail


Losing Weight is a huge reason why lots of people do a juice fast. The weight loss is only a bonus! Long term losing weight is best facilitated by permanent way of life and diet changes as opposed to short term liquid starvation diets which arent sustainable.

The Honest to Goodness Truth on

When youre working on weight reduction, stay hydrated with water in place of sports drinks, if you dont require the additional nutrients as youre exercising hard and sweating a whole lot. Losing Weight is an important concern for all of the obese people and even those people terminally ill as a result of side effects of obesity or other diseases. It wont show up much in the beginning and you dont want to be disappointed. The number one reason isnt weight loss.

Weight loss diet program is just a balanced diet plan which contains every nutrient required for good body functioning. It has to be included in a weight reduction diet program. The weight reduction diet plan has many benefits. It is exceedingly beneficial to follow healthful juice diet weight reduction plan.

Ideally, one needs to go on this sort of diet only after consultation with a physician or nutritionist. A liquid diet, on the opposite hand, will automatically lessen the consumption of calories, thereby resulting in weight loss. Its the healthiest diet which youve ever eaten. It is necessary to abide by a specific diet so as to slim down. You must exercise regularly and match this up with a wholesome diet for greatest results. Check with your physician before you begin this or another weight reduction diet.

The Hidden Truth on

Everybody can slim down by juicing! In regards to losing weight, there arent any simple answers. In addition, if you are bored of attempting to lose weight however, you cant, this is the opportunity to make it occur. The weight that you lose will be dependent on how long you juice and that which you juice. The best method to reduce your weight and make sure that it stays off is to eliminate toxins from the human body and stay your liver and digestive system healthy. Also, on account of the abundance of electrolytes, minerals and vitamins, it ensures that you slim down without losing power and experiencing weakness. Shedding weight isnt an easy job.

In regards to losing weight, there isnt any proper perfect solution thats right for everybody. It only depends upon how much weight you must lose. Together with helping you shed weight its also going to supply your body with all important nutrients. If you plan to shed weight by consuming juices, make certain to have lemons in your refrigerator. If you prefer to reduce your weight, you will need to watch your sugar intake also. Shedding weight is not an easy job.

If youre searching to reduce your weight and need to incorporate juicing, that may be done, but it is sti require other foods. Additionally, within this book, individuals will get tips and methods to lose their weight naturally and boost their health quickly, and some simple ways to benefit from the ability of juice. Most individuals lose a great deal of weight within the initial two weeks. Use the lemon water and ginger mix to assist you get rid of weight whilst on a wholesome weight reduction diet. Slimming down is something which needs a great deal of determination, but not determination alone, you should also find the appropriate manner that will let you get the desired effects.

Some folks overdo juice fasts to shed weight. If you find the ideal juice cleanse for weight reduction, you may see the effects almost immediately. Drinking juice is a superb method to have a lot of nutrition efficiently. Its possible for You to delight in an outstanding juice without any additional fats that are bad for you, which makes it one of the greatest juices for weight reduction. When consuming only produce using a juice cleanse, theres a decline in the quantity of calories being consumed regularly. Its the sort of juice you may use to recuperate from a stressful day on the job or during the center of a stressful day that will help you cope and keep in control. Aloe vera juice may not taste the very best, but it provides an instantaneous kick to your metabolism.

Top Choices

Remain Healthy Green Juice when you start feeling better youre able to drink this juice as a means to maintain that healthy feeling. Juicing for losing weight is a popular topic, but its ineffective. Pineapple juice, as mentioned earlier, is a superb approach to provide your body a nutrient boost in a fast and effortless approach. In addition to helping reduce inflammation which results in bloating, pineapple juice is extremely hydrating, and is among the most popular home treatments for water retention. Juice cleansing for detox is only one of the ways a juice cleanse for losing weight is so profitable. Thank you for reading an article about best juice for weight loss.

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Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Ulcerative Colitis - Permanent Cure

Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Ulcerative Colitis - Permanent Cure

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Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Ulcerative Colitis - Permanent Cure

Ulcerative Colitis: Overview

Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease, in which inner lining of the colon (the large intestine) and rectum get inflamed, and lead to ulceration in the digestive tract. The inflammation generally starts in the rectum and extends upward to the entire colon. The disease can be effectively managed with the help of some excellent Ayurvedic medicines for Ulcerative Colitis.

In Ulcerative Colitis, ulcers (sores) get formed on the inner lining of the colon because of the occurrence of uncontrolled inflammation beneath the endothelial layer of the colon. The formation of ulcers causes a lot of pain to the sufferers of this condition because the ulcers bleed profusely during the process of defecation.

As a result of the formation of ulcers in the digestive tract, the passing of stools becomes a nightmarish process for the sufferers of Ulcerative Colitis. The condition leads to a swollen and painful colon, which results in a feeling of fullness and gives the sufferers a continual feeling of passing stools. Moreover, the stools are also mostly accompanied by blood, pus or mucous.

Ulcerative Colitis is, therefore, a discomforting disease which can affect the psychology of the patients and disturb their routine work pattern. The patients get depressed because of bloody stools and experience a feeling of despair and hopelessness.

Ulcerative Colitis mostly affects people aged between 15 and 40 years, though it can occur at any age. This disease condition can be caused by several factors including genetic factors, autoimmune conditions, collagen disorders, infection, food allergies, intake of spicy or packaged foods, and consumption of alcohol. The patients suffering from this disease commonly complain of abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, irregular bowel movements, occasional rectal pain, weight loss, burning sensation in the chest, and bluish/yellowish undigested stool.

There are some extremely beneficial Ayurvedic medicines for Ulcerative Colitis. These medicines are very helpful in relieving the common symptoms of the disease like bloody diarrhea, pain, and discomfort. In addition, these medicines can also heal the ulcers, and restore health.

Best Ayurvedic medicines for Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative Colitis is called Pittaj Grahani in Ayurveda.

According to Ayurvedic experts, the inflammation of the colon in Ulcerative Colitis is caused by Ama (endotoxins or metabolites) produced in the intestines due to improper digestion of food. The foods -- heavy, greasy, and buttery foods -- which produce Ama basically aggravate the Pitta and cause indigestion. The undigested food starts rotting in the intestines and gets fermented, thereby triggering inflammatory processes.

Ayurvedic medicines for Ulcerative Colitis are prepared from widely-known herbs which have the ability to eliminate Ama from the body, and thus provide relief to the patients of the disease. The best Ayurvedic medicines which have proven effectiveness in managing the disease are:

Pitta Balance Capsules

These capsules have potent herbal ingredients which help in balancing Pitta or the fire element in the body. Pitta is responsible for digestion of food articles and for maintaining a healthy metabolism of the body. The capsules are prepared from some very useful calcium compounds which can manage Ulcerative Colitis and relieve the patients from pain, inflammation, bloody diarrhea and burning sensation. After taking a few doses of these capsules, patients start feeling better because the capsules completely stop bleeding during defecation, and have a cooling effect on the body.
The herbal components of Pitta Balance capsules include a combination of Pishtis, such as Praval Pishti (Coral calcium), Akik Pishti (Agate calcium), and Mukta Pishti (Pearl calcium); as well as the extracts of Giloy herb (Tinopsora corifolia).

The dosage of Pitta Balance capsules recommended for patients with Ulcerative Colitis: One capsule with plain water, two times a day, after meals.

Arjuna capsules

Arjuna capsules are one of the most beneficial Ayurvedic medicines for Ulcerative Colitis. These capsules are prepared from the bark standardized extract of Arjuna tree (Terminalia Arjuna). The bark of Arjuna tree has an abundance of calcium, copper, magnesium, and zinc; and is known for its properties for healing wounds.
The regular use of Arjuna capsules can protect the body from diseases because they can balance the Vata, Pitta and Kapha energies of the body, and can maintain a healthy heart. Moreover, these capsules can also protect the inner lining of intestines, stop the bleeding, heal the ulcers in the digestive tract, control the diarrhea, improve hemoglobin levels in the blood, remove toxins from the body, reduce inflammation, and make the body strong.

The dosage of Arjuna capsules recommended for patients with Ulcerative Colitis: 1-2 capsules twice a day, with plain water, after meals.

Kutaz Ghan Vati

This Ayurvedic product -- available in tablet form -- is prepared from pure herb Kutaz herb (Halorrheana antidysentrica).  These tablets can be very beneficial in managing inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, and Ulcerative Colitis, and infective diarrhea.
The regular use of Kutaz Ghan Vati tablets can help the body in eliminating Ama, prevent inflammation, stop the fermentation of food in the intestines, control diarrhea and heal ulcers.

The dosage of Kutaz Ghan Vati tablets recommended for patients with Ulcerative Colitis: Two tablets, 2-3 times a day, after meals.

Vataskadi Churna

This churna is an amazing herbal powder which is prepared from a combination of several ulcer-healing herbs. The herbal components of this churna include Chhoti Elaichi (Elletaria cardamomum), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Anar (Punica granatum) andDhania (Coriander sativum).

The herbs used for preparing Vataskadi Churna have the combined capability to restore the imbalance of different metabolic reactions of the body, heal ulcers, treat abdominal pain, control diarrhea, enhance the function of the intestines, and manage stomach-related problems.

The dosage of Vataskadi Churna recommended for patients with Ulcerative Colitis: 1-2 teaspoon of the churna with plain water, two times a day, after meals.


Ayurvedic medicines for Ulcerative Colitis can be very useful for the patients of the disease because they can restore a healthy digestive process for the patients by gently eliminating the Ama from the body. These medicines create a bacterially-friendly environment in the body, restore the basic strength and immunity of the body, reduce inflammation, improve the digestive process, treat diarrhea, and heal the ulcers in the digestive tract in a safe and natural way.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Benefits of Work Life Balance

Benefits of Work Life Balance

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Benefits of Work Life Balance

You gain many benefits from having a healthy work life balance. It enables you to experience personal satisfaction and professional fulfillment. It also makes you more confident and effective at work.
Lets explore all the benefits you can gain from having a healthy work life balance.

in your Personal Life

Setting clear boundaries between your professional and your personal life is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. By doing so, you enable yourself to experience things more fully, to be more present in each moment of your life, and to spend more quality time with yourself and your family.

When you have a healthy work life balance, you are better able to enjoy the time that you are away from the office. You no longer feel the uncontrollable urge to take work home with you or to worry about work related issues while you are at home. You also have a much easier time getting to sleep and staying asleep.
Long gone will be the days filled with anxiety and the sleepless nights youve gone through while worrying about work. You will feel a much higher level of relaxation overall. Youll be able to truly enjoy the time you spend with your friends and family. This will make you a better spouse, a better parent, and a better human being.

By achieving work life balance, you allow yourself to be more present and focused in your conversations with your spouse, with your children, and with the higher power you believe in. You are able to become more aware of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, values, and interests. You become a well rounded person and as a result, more compassionate and accepting of yourself and others.

in your Professional Life

Work-life balance is not only beneficial to your personal life, it also has incredible effects on your professional life. When you establish healthy and clear boundaries between your work life and your personal life, you are much more relaxed and clear headed. As a result, you are more productive, more effective and confident at decision making, and more creative.

Your new-found creativity translates into innovation, product creation, improved sales and marketing strategies, and much more. It also results in out of the box thinking and creative problem solving. Having a clear mind and feeling grounded are essential to getting ahead in your career. These are particular traits shared by some of the most successful business people out there. They are traits that many would like to have but dont know how to obtain.

Studies on the Effects of Work Life Balance at Work
Did you know that according to Northwestern National Life, one-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives? Northwestern National Life also indicates that 40% of workers report their job is very or extremely stressful. Source: Stress at Work, published by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Definition of Work Life Balance
Wikipedia cites to a survey conducted by the National Life Insurance Company in its definition for work life balance. According to the survey, four out of ten employees indicate that their jobs are "very" or "extremely" stressful. The survey also showed that those in high stress jobs are three times more likely than others to suffer from stress-related medical conditions and are twice as likely to quit.

In addition, the following studies which focused on coaching and employees work life balance have shown the positive effects the two have on employee performance, fulfillment, personal and professional satisfaction, and bottom line.

Grant, Frith, & Burton (2009) Randomized Controlled Trial* (RCT) evaluating executives provided with 360-degree feedback and just four coaching sessions for over a ten week period proved that coaching the employees:
Enhanced goal attainment
Enhanced resilience
Enhanced workplace well-being
Reduced depression
Reduced stress
Helped participants deal with organizational change

Duijts, Kant, van den Brandt & Swaen (2007) RCT assessing the effectiveness of a preventive coaching program on sickness and absenteeism due to psychosocial health complaints showed employees:
Improvements in health
Improvements in life satisfaction
Improvements in burnout symptoms
Improvements in psychological wellbeing

Its easy to see how damaging having a lack of work life balance can be. Not only does your family and professional life suffer, but so does your health. These studies are reflective of what truly matters to employees at this time.

Benefits of Squat Stool to Poop Right and Maintain Healthy Living!

Benefits of Squat Stool to Poop Right and Maintain Healthy Living!

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Benefits of Squat Stool to Poop Right and Maintain Healthy Living!

Elimination of waste is not just a factor of waste evacuation from the body. It regulates the health status of our body. When one has to diagnose any serious health disorder in the body, this is done by conducting a test on the stool. The odor of stool, the volume of stool, shape and size of the stool gives a better insight of the gastrointestinal health status.

Now if an individual has been practicing the wrong way to eliminate waste out of the body, reparations are bound to occur. As a matter of fact; we have adopted western ways in our daily life to a large extent. In certain areas, it has benefited to a large extent and in other respects, it had resulted in just the contrary. Adoption of western toilet seat has benefited people in not applying strain on the knees and ankle. But medical studies show that it has many health problems associated with its usage.

Sitting posture on a western toilet is a wrong way to poop as it goes against nature. The natural posture to poop is squatting and not sitting. Sitting does not allow fecal to evacuate naturally and imposes a strain on the colon and puborectalis muscle. Grab complete information on why you need to squat over the potty and not sit to eliminate for logical insight.

Occurrence of adverse health effects with sitting posture

Constipation- natural gravity does not work and this checks the bowel movement. Bowel stagnation occurs to a large extent because of muscle kink right at the entrance of rectum
Hemorrhoids- it is a condition wherein veins in and around the anus and lower rectum get swollen and inflamed as one imposes great pressure on the rectum to push the feces inside.
Colon diseases- as feces get stagnated in the colon area; many intestinal related diseases germinate in the body. Feces are nothing but the leftover of food particles containing no essential nutrients in them. These leftover are highly toxic in nature and, therefore, the sooner it is flushed out of the body the better it is.
Pelvic Floor Issues- The pelvic floor acts as a hammock that supports the pelvic organs which include bladder and rectum of men and uterus and vagina of women. Wrong sitting posture allows damage of this organ. Once it gets damaged it results to constipation, fecal and urinary incontinence.
Urinary infections- The flow of urinary is naturally stronger when one is squatting than sitting or hovering. Incomplete urination leads to greater chances of infection germination.

How purchasing a Toilet Squat Stool helps an individual?

As one acquires proper information on the list of the demerit of sitting posture on modern commode toilet seat they would like to correct it without any delay. But will replacing their toilet seat with any other seat be easy? Will it work out their limited budget? Well relax; you need not get stressed out as present in the market is an innovative tool known as toilet squat stool which is an inexpensive and best-working aid for all who use western commode toilet. You need not replace toilet seat but simply add this stool to be used with western toilet seat to attain perfect squatting posture.

Features of the toilet stool

The stool is easy to tuck under any commode seat size
Stool containing anti-slip grooves in feet shape to allow correct position of feet for perfect squatting posture
Gapping between legs to allow no strain on ankle and again for perfect squatting posture
Stool designed for one for all with no description of age and gender
Stool containing anti-skid grips to allow firmness of stool on toilet surface
Stool manufactured with special plastic material for durability and product strength

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Benefits of Facial Massage

Benefits of Facial Massage

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Benefits of Facial Massage

Facial massage is a treatment that helps achieve healthy, younger looking skin by slowing down the aging process. Massage is considered to be one of the oldest forms of healing. Along with numerous skin benefits, facial massage also provides relief for stress, sinus congestion, and migraine headaches. Having a facial massage on a regular basis can lead to firmer, more radiant skin by minimizing fine lines and wrinkles, moisturizing, and releasing tension.

Facial massage can be performed by a massage therapist, a cosmetologist, an esthetician, or done at home. The most comfortable position for most clients is on a massage table or chair, but any flat surface will work.

Always use massage oil made especially for the face. This product is available through many skin care companies. This oil moisturizes the skin and helps facilitate movement over the delicate facial areas.

Start with cleansing the face first. An exfoliant or masque may also be used prior to the massage. The exfoliant is good for increasing the blood flow and sloughing off any dead skin cells. This leaves the face clean and ready for a moisturizing massage.

Begin the massage by setting the mood. Make sure the surroundings are quiet, lights are dim, and add relaxing music if desired. Apply massage oil on the fingertips and face. This oil will provide lubrication, or slip, for massage movements.

A very gentle, gliding movement, or effleurage, with soft strokes is best for facial massage. The face is sensitive and highly vascular. If the pressure is too deep, facial skin may bruise or swell. Use the index, middle and ring fingers for the lightest pressure. Massage strokes should be an upward motion, which gives the facial muscles lift and counteracts gravity.

A facial massage involves the entire face - including the forehead, nose, eyes, mouth, chin, cheeks, temples, neck, dcolletage, ears, and sometimes scalp. Use caution around the eyes because the skin in this region is extremely delicate and thinner than other areas of the face. The oil is removed after completion of the massage, leaving the face cleansed and relaxed.

As a precaution, facial massage should not be performed with the following conditions: open cuts, sores, or boils, skin inflammation, severe acne, psoriasis, or eczema. Skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, or eczema may be further irritated by a facial massage. Contact lens wearers should remove lens prior to starting the massage.

The benefits of facial massage include improvement of facial tone, relaxation of muscles, relief from headaches, stress, and anxiety, and overall relaxation. Always use massage oil made especially for the face. Regular massages of the face can lead to healthy, younger looking skin along with mental and physical relaxation.

Benefits of Dental Hygiene for Strong and Healthy Teeth

Benefits of Dental Hygiene for Strong and Healthy Teeth

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Benefits of Dental Hygiene for Strong and Healthy Teeth

Today, We are going to discuss the benefits of dental hygiene for strong and healthy teeth. Since our early days, we all have been instructed one common thing i.e. brush your teeth twice a day. Solid teeth are the base to your good overall health or we can also say overall well-being. But unfortunately, most of us dont follow this basic rule and therefore suffer from the various dental problems in our daily lives.

It is no hidden fact that majority of the people all over the world are facing the number of dental problems. As per different studies, there are near 4 billion individuals in the entire world who are confronting oral wellbeing condition like a toothache, sensation, depression and numerous others.

Dental issues break down our general wellbeing condition and may cause heart infections. Having known its cons, it's the ideal opportunity for us to stand firm and take stand against these diseases. In other words, we can also say that this is an ideal opportunity to visit our dentist.

Visiting dentist is something we should never miss. Our dentist knows exactly what is wrong with our tooth practitioner. He would advise you the correct remedy as well as recommends you come out of the case answer for your dental issues (oral diet).

Keeping up a decent dental cleanliness is vital in the event that you need your teeth to stay solid. Here it must be noticed that Dental cleanliness does mean keeping up a decent eating regimen as well as it to a great extent looks like to a similar essential lead of brushing and flossing and the most vital one going by your dental specialist frequently. The more you take after, the more you will be profited.

Lets discuss a portion of the upsides of having great oral or dental cleanliness:

It forestalls gum sicknesses: Gum ailment is one of the fundamental explanations behind tooth misfortune. In any case, if treated early, it can be effectively turned around. A consistent dental cleaning like brushing and flossing twice per day and a general dental practitioner visit (once in like clockwork) could do ponder to your teeth and gums.
Detecting the issues right on time: As expressed in the main direct, general visits toward the dental specialist have many points of interest, and one of most capable is that they can recognize your dental issues at an early stage. There are a few ailments like pit which does not agony or feel in the underlying stage, but rather your dental practitioner is excessively keen, making it impossible to get it right off the bat and can treat you likewise.
Removal of terrible broadness: Many of us don't know yet awful breath is additionally a piece of the dental issue. Indeed, it is more than what meets the eye. Simply think how humiliating its progress toward becoming to even a discussion with your shut one when your inhale stinks. A decent oral cleanliness is required in avoiding terrible breath. Determine the status of an everyday schedule, cleaning and flossing are a portion of an ideal approach to guarantee your dental cleanliness.

As we have said before, it is critical to pick a correct dental practitioner for your teeth and for that one must visit near a dental clinic. seeing the high demand, the marketplace is now filled with a number of dental specialists who claims themselves to be the best. One must be very careful while choosing the dentist as a single mistake could ruin their dental health. One must come here and have the best gum illness treatment, teeth brightening and some more.

So recollect, dental cleanliness is something you should never disregard and do everything to make your teeth solid and sound.

Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

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Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery is gaining popularity fast due to its so many benefits and advantages. There is no doubt about it that what make this kind of procedure popular are its benefits, safer approach to correct many deformities of the body, and faster results.

Facelifts, breast augmentation, liposuction, etc, are among the type of cosmetic surgeries that are widely been performed globally, especially in countries where people can afford higher medical treatment cost. While cosmetic surgery generously offers its help to correct many deformities of the body, it doesnt come cheaply. This is something that makes many people just keep planning their budget to undergo such a surgery.

Benefits of cosmetic surgery can be divided into two, physical and emotional. Physical benefits are, obviously, re-shaping or correcting a deformed part of the body. You can notice, soon after the surgery, how you get back the desired or normal shape of a deformed body part, say ear, nose, breast, etc. You dont have to wait long to see the result, this is the beauty of cosmetic surgery. When a woman undergoes a breast augmentation surgery, she can soon notice her cup size change, which definitely improves her body shape and makes her more attractive. The same goes with Rhinoplasty or other cosmetic surgery procedures, as once the procedure is completed, get the results immediately.

Benefits of cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery from the emotional angle have their own significance. It is quite obvious that once you find your deformed body part has been brought to its normal shape, or has been made more attractive (as it is the case in breast enhancement in women), you start to feel the lost confidence and self-esteem coming back and you soon start to behave differently. Actually, emotional benefits of cosmetic surgery are more important than the physical. If you feel good and different from inside, the whole world seems to change around you. The joy, the confidence, and the self-esteem, all such plus points very positively affect your behavior and the pattern of life in general.

Emotional wellness plays an important role in our life. If you are confident, with self-esteem, and feeling good about yourself, the rewards are numerous. This very positively influences your whole life, which increases productivity and social behavior. This is the most encouraging benefit of cosmetic surgery that many people fail to realize until they experience themselves.

As other benefits of cosmetic surgery, you can get rid of aging signs, a natural process through which everyone has to pass. You can get rid of the visible wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes, etc from your face or from other visible parts of the body. Many such skin flaws make you appear unsightly, tired or aged. After undergoing the relevant cosmetic treatment, your appearance will become younger, healthier and fresh.

Benefits of cosmetic surgery or cosmetic treatments are many but to avail them and also to avoid any undesirable results or complications, you have to find a surgeon who has enough experience, certification and skill to do such jobs. Cosmetic surgery or cosmetic treatment done improperly usually results so negatively that makes the condition still worse. Some people try to save few dollars and neglect the criteria of selecting the right surgeon, suffer heavily.

Moreover, in order to avail the benefits of cosmetic treatments, the patient has another responsibility, to follow the post treatment instructions seriously. It is essential for you to seriously follow what you would be told to do after the surgery or after a cosmetic treatment. Taking care of such steps is a sure way to avail the numerous benefits of cosmetic surgery.

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Benefits Of Amla Juice For Skin Amazing Home Beauty Tips

Benefits Of Amla Juice For Skin  Amazing Home Beauty Tips

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Benefits Of Amla Juice For Skin  Amazing Home Beauty Tips

Are you aware about the amazing benefits of Amla for a healthy skin? Well for all the lovely ladies there is no need to spend lot more money on the beauty products. Solution is Amla or Indian gooseberry which is famous for its benefits for overall health, skin and hair.  Scientific name of Amla is Phyllanthus emblica and also by other names like known as Emblic myrobalan or Myrobalan. It is an edible fruit with sour pungent taste and another amazing thing about this fruit is you can consume it as yummy pickles, murabbas, chutneys and delicious jams.  Amla offers the various health benefits especially for skin health.

Amla is a rich source of antioxidants which reduces the oxidative stress in the body and also slows down the degradation of collagen. Moreover Amla is loaded with vitamin c and works as a magic for skin.  Thus Amla helps to maintain the elasticity of skin and keeps skin youthful. Lets see the benefits of Amla juice for skin and amazing home beauty tips in detail.

Benefits of Amla Juice for Skin

Anti-ageing properties:

Amla juice is very useful to maintain youthful skin due to a rich source of antioxidants. Vitamin C present in Amla juice helps to maintain skin young for longer times. So the regular intake of Amla juice delays the signs of premature aging like wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots.

Lightens Complexion:

Being rich in the antioxidants and vitamin C Amla helps to lighten skin and gives a natural glow to skin. Drinking the Amla juice mixed along with honey or applying it as a face pack is quite effective for the brighter and lighter complexion. Furthermore it also helps to keep skin free from blemishes.

Good for acne and pimples: Amla juice is best for the treatment of acne and pimple scars. Application of paste on the face made from Amla for at least 15 minutes is very effective in healing of pimples and acnes. Moreover it has the antimicrobial activities and fights against the skin infections. It is also a natural blood purifier so drinking the Amla juice on daily basis helps to maintain a clear and flawless skin.

Pigmentation Reduction:

To maintain a flawless and glowing skin, daily consumption of Amla juice is known to be very effective. Amla juice reduces the pigmentation and brightens the skin. One can also apply Amla juice on face with a cotton and rinse off after few minutes. But keep your eyes shut while doing this procedure. Repeating it regularly is quite effective to lighten the pigmentation and marks.

Exfoliates the Skin:

Amla juice is exfoliant thus helps to remove dead skin cells. Both Ingestion and external application are good to clean the skin. But for sensitive skin, dilute the Amla juice with water before application.

Tightens Skin:

Amla juice helps to tone and tighten the skin. As Amla juice is rich in the vitamin c which helps to enhance the collagen cells production in skin. Hence it helps to make the skin supple, soft and youthful as well as tightens and tones skin.

Cure oily skin:

Use of Amla is very good for oily skin.  Application of a face mask made by mixing the Amla powder and rose water is good for oily skin.  This face mask will provide you lighter, brighter and healthy skin.

Damaged tissue repair:

Amla juice is packed with the healing properties due to the presence of antioxidants and vitamin C. Thus it is quite effective in the repair of damaged tissues and provides a healthy and clear skin.  Amla is also good to resolve the problem of dry and scaly skin.

Benefits of Amla for hair problems:

Strengthens Hair:

Amla juice is considered as a hair tonic as it helps to maintain the hair healthy and strong. It also strengthens   hair follicles and promotes the hair growth. It is also known to be quite effective to reduce the hair fall.

Directions to use

Apply a mixture of Amla and lemon juice on scalp for 25-30 minutes.   Rinse off it with warm water. This home remedy is quite in the strengthening of   hair from roots and also makes hair shinier.

Prevents Premature Graying of hair

Being rich in anti-oxidants and vitamin C, Amla is quite good to prevent premature graying of hair. It is also good to improve the pigmentation and color of hair and makes hair darker and thicker

Dandruff treatment:

Daily consumption of Amla juice is quite effective to resolve the problem of dandruff. Moreover drinking Amla juice regularly also helps to prevent the deposition of dandruff on scalp.

Good Conditioner:

Amla juice is a good conditioner for dry and rough hair.  It helps to provide the smooth and healthy hair.

Directions to use

Mix 2 tablespoon of Amla juice with henna.
Apply it on hair for at least one hour.
Alternatively you can use it as a hair wash which is to add extra shine and bounce in hair.

Scalp Cleanser: Amla is also good to nourish and clean the scalp.

Directions to use

Mix Amla juice with an egg, beat it.
Massage hair with this mixture.
Amla juice will mask the smell of eggs and provide you with shiny, silky and squeaky clean nourished scalp.

Beauty at Any Cost - Helping Young Women Avoid This Dangerous Trap

Beauty at Any Cost - Helping Young Women Avoid This Dangerous Trap

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Beauty at Any Cost - Helping Young Women Avoid This Dangerous Trap

It's no secret that our society and the media have established and continue to promote an idyllic, almost impossible, standard of beauty that women consistently judge themselves against and are always aspiring to achieve.

With the advent of readily available cosmetic surgery and treatments, this quest has reached a new fever pitch. By one estimate, American women spend almost $7 billion dollars a year on products used in the pursuit of beauty.

And we've all seen or heard stories of women addicted to Botox or plastic surgery -some have had so many nips and tucks that their faces resemble cartoon characters and still they want more! These extreme cases are the casualties of a popular culture that is saturated with images of airbrushed, over sexualized, and perfectly coiffed celebrities and models that can make even the most confident of us feel a little insecure or inadequate at times.

The extent of this problem was documented in a 2008 report released by the YWCA called "Beauty At Any Cost". The report underscores the substantial health implications for women on the endless treadmill of "unrealistic beauty attainment." Through chronic and unhealthy dieting, using smoking as a weight-loss aide, taking unnecessary risks during cosmetic surgical procedures, and absorbing unsafe chemicals through cosmetics, women are placing themselves in precarious health situations to maintain some semblance of their idealized physical selves. Women and girls are at risk for lifelong health problems - and the problems start at an early age.

Add to the mix a $50 billion a year unregulated cosmetics industry that puts unlimited amounts of chemicals into personal care products with no required testing or monitoring of health effects, ready to profit from these narrow beauty standards to convert women and girls into life-long customers. Many of these companies go to great lengths to market to teens and "tweens" (8 to 12 year olds) as part of this goal. Their emphasis is on creating cheap products that appeal to this demographic with little or no regard for the potential health or environmental impact of the chemicals used to produce them.

Clearly, young girls and teens are more vulnerable and susceptible to harm than ever before. However, with a little guidance they can learn to make safer, healthier choices for themselves and set an example for their peers.

What can you do to help the young girls and teens you know avoid falling into this trap? Here are some guidelines that you can use:

1. The Buck Starts and Stops with You
Most children are influenced by the behaviors and attitudes of their parents and caretakers. So it's up to you to set the bar for what's acceptable. If you want your daughters, nieces, or younger sisters to adopt healthy habits then make sure you are doing the same. Take a look at your inventory of cosmetics and personal care products and eliminate those that contain ingredients that are known to be harmful. If you're not sure where to start, check the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetics Safety Database available online.

Their comprehensive database contains over 25,000 cosmetics and skin care products from both major companies and smaller ones you may not even know. The products have all been researched, catalogued, and ranked for safety concerns based on currently available data on toxicity of their ingredients. The database also provides lists of the Top 10 Worst and Best Products and Companies based on their ratings.

Show them how to use the database and make it clear that you will not fund the purchase of products that have been ranked with high safety concerns.

2. Turn Them Into Smart Shoppers
Share your concerns with them about the safety of many beauty products on the market and how even small amounts of repeated exposure to certain ingredients can cause harm. Teach them how to read product labels and look for problem ingredients to avoid.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires ingredients to be listed in descending order of concentration. So ingredients listed at the top are the most prevalent and the ones to pay more attention to.

Teens Turning Green (formerly Teens for Safe Cosmetics) has compiled a list of chemicals in personal care products to avoid called the Dirty Thirty. You can download it at their site. Review the list together, then use it as a guide for reading labels and ruling out the products that contain them.

3. Encourage Them to Take Action
There's nothing more powerful than kids and teens united and engaged in action to promote a worthy cause, and what could be a worthier cause than their health and safety? Encourage them to learn more about this issue and how they can get involved to make a difference.

Whether it's action to pressure the government to regulate cosmetics, or participating in consumer boycotts that force companies to change in response to trends in the marketplace, or joining groups that teach and promote self-esteem and healthy body images -- all of these activities serve to enlighten them and reinforce the positive messages that will ultimately lead them to make better choices and influence their friends to do the same.

4. Turn Them On To Greener Alternatives and Make it Fun
Throw a spa party at your home for your daughters and their friends and introduce them to the ever-growing variety of safe and healthy skin care products, natural scents, and cosmetics available, and make it "cool" for them to explore and indulge their senses. Make it a recurring event so that they have a chance to be constantly exposed to a lot of new and different products.

Or take them to the local health food store for a shopping spree where you can review and compare the products together and make it a contest to see who picks the best ones first. Remember, just because a product is sold in a health food or natural product store, it doesn't mean that product is safe or natural. It can be an excellent teaching moment to help them (and you) become a truly discerning shopper.

5. Reward Them for Making Good Choices
Focus your efforts on helping them make the best possible choices and then reward them for it. Make sure that the rewards you give them are in line with what you are trying to teach them. In other words, don't reward good choices in one arena with bad choices in another (i.e. taking them out for junk food or offering them candy).

If you succeed in convincing them that personal care products made with organic ingredients are better, there's a good chance you can convince them that organic foods and foods made without chemicals and additives are also better for them!

Copyright 2009 Dropwise Essentials

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Beach VacationHere are Some Tips to Plan Ahead for Meals

Beach VacationHere are Some Tips to Plan Ahead for Meals

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Beach VacationHere are Some Tips to Plan Ahead for Meals

I love my family and I love it when they can visit for an extended time period. A few years ago, my family and my brother's family started getting together at the beach in North Carolina for a week. We rent a condo, and just enjoy the company. It has been such a great time! I am the one who loves cooking (and eating), so that is where I tend to concentrate my efforts. Over the years, I have found the important thing is to plan ahead so that I can spend time with them, and not just focus on food - although that is one of my favorite things in life!

So, I have a few tips that have worked well for us, and made the trip a little more organized and hassle-free. You have all the normal things you have to take to the beach, like wine, soda, water, toiletries, tissues, paper towels, foil, napkins, etc., so just make a master list of those things, and determine which you are willing to purchase at home and take, and those that you want to purchase at the beach grocery stores.

But, let us focus on the food. First, I make a list of the menus that would be enjoyed by the group for the nights we will be cooking, and not eating at a restaurant. And, since the sun takes so much out of you, do not forget the appetizers and the dessert! Breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Let us start with breakfasts.

I usually take a couple of breakfast casserole and coffee cake or muffin recipes along that can be made there. Also, think about cereals, juices and bagels. It all depends on the preferences of the group. Oh, and do not forget the coffee!

Lunches are usually sub sandwiches, tacos, pasta salad, nachos, and peanut butter and jelly or grilled cheese sandwiches for the little ones. Most lunch ingredients are purchased at the beach, but we can make the beef for tacos and pasta salad ahead. The beef can be frozen.

Now on to dinners. We are talking about appetizers, main courses, sides, and desserts. We go out about half of the nights to a restaurant, so 3 to 4 will be spent having dinner at the condo, which we will have to prepare - although we have ordered pizza delivery regularly for a meal.

Because this is always a beach vacation for us, we count on buying and preparing at least one seafood meal. I usually purchase shrimp and scallops and deep fry them with the local breading. Next, pasta and meatballs is always a hit for those huge appetites we build from a long day on the beach. We can prepare meatballs and pasta sauce ahead and freeze them. I also bake a few baguettes and freeze as well. Another idea is to make grilled teriyaki chicken breasts. If there is a fourth dinner, we usually opt to have seafood while we can get it fresh. Our group favorite is shrimp. For this meal, I would normally make some steamed shrimp as well as fried. The local fish markets usually have some great cocktail sauce as well, unless you make some of your own that you would prefer.

So, out of 7 days at the beach, here is what sample dinner menus may look like:

Dinner #1
Assorted cheeses, crackers, and artichoke cheese dip with crackers and broccoli, cauliflower and red bell peppers
Pasta with sauce and meatballs
Garlic bread
No bake strawberry cheesecake

Dinner #2
Warm chili con queso dip and salsa with chips
Deep fried shrimp and scallops with cocktail sauce
Steamed broccoli
Milk chocolate pie

Dinner #3
Warm Mustard Dill Gouda in pastry with crackers, salsa and chips
Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Breasts
Sauteed Mixed Vegetables
French Bread
Leftover desserts from the previous meals

Dinner #4
Leftover appetizers from previous dinners
Steamed and Fried Shrimp with cocktail sauce
Steamed Green Beans
Ice Cream with hot fudge sauce

The main thing is to be organized and think ahead about what you will make. Then, it is easy to determine what you can do ahead and what you will need to prepare while there. The more you can have completed before the trip means more time to just relax, and less headaches while you are on vacation.

It is also important to make sure that you take those items that you know you or your family will want to have during the trip, and may not be available at the beach. For instance, your favorite coffee or cheeses. Also, depending on what you decide to make, you might include some of your own cookware or cutlery. You never know what the condo or rental property will stock.

I hope these tips will help you in planning your vacation. I will include a few recipes in future articles that I have mentioned here, although there are many versions available. Keep in mind that you are looking for quick, easy and yummy recipes to cut down the time in the kitchen.

We have planned ahead like this for the past two years, and it only leaves determining where and which nights you are going to dinner to think about. But you can agonize over those decisions while you are hanging out on the beach or in the pool!

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

BDSM a new sexual orientation

BDSM a new sexual orientation

The term sexual orientation is mostly used about being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transsexual (LGBT). This powerful concept - sexual orientation - pioneered courageously by members of the LGBT community, has empowered people, within the last 50 years or so, to think of themselves as not bad, or sick, but just different.
Readers may remember that it is not all that long since homosexuality was considered a form of sickness. Until 1973 Homosexuality was listed in the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as a psychopathology: a form of mental illness. The underlying assumption here was that gay people had something wrong with them. While there are of course still individuals who think this, it is no longer generally seen in this way, at least in the USA and UK.
Most people have heard of S&M, or SM (in case youre one of the few who hasnt, it stands for Sadism and Masochism). Fewer have heard of D/s (domination and submission), but the most comprehensive acronym which is in general use by those who take part in these activities is BDSM (the B is for bondage). If you google BDSM you will find a lot of porn websites, some community sites run by members of the BDSM community, sites of suppliers of BDSM gear (fetish clothing, specialist fetters and restraints, whips and so on).
However for those looking for serious research into the prevalence and experience of people who indulge in BDSM with consenting adults, there is not very much around. And yet these practices seem quietly to be sneaking their way into our consciousness, with a growing stream of articles and documentaries which, while they are not serious academic work, are also not purely porn. The internet, TV and mainstream magazines are providing media for people who are perfectly nice, and ordinary (whatever that means) to reveal that they get off on BDSM activities. In these articles and TV shows, participants generally dont seem to feel theres anything wrong with them, or that they have anything to apologise for about their sexual practices. Having said that, most BDSM-ers feel uncertain about how they might be judged for their activities by, say, employers, friends, health professionals and family. In effect, then, it seems many BDSM-ers think of themselves as not sick, but as having a different sexual orientation.
If we think of BDSM as a sexual orientation then what are the implications of this? The following is a rough list.
BDSM is not proof of some kind of emotional damage (e.g. trauma or abusive parenting)
People cannot be counselled or otherwise treated out of being into BDSM
People should not be discriminated against for being into BDSM
People are not in some way ill if they are into BDSM
People are not in some way bad if they are into BDSM
Those who do see BDSM as a form of sickness can still find support in the DSM, where activities involving, for example the suffering or humiliation of oneself or ones partner are classified as a paraphilia: a form of mental disorder. But this is a grey area because there is a systematic ambiguity about whether suffering or humiliation within a mutually consensual roleplay situation is what is meant here. The BDSM players who are on our TV screens, or internet sites, or who are running businesses around BDSM are talking about exactly this mutually consensual game, as opposed to real, non-consensual torture or humiliation.
For therapists who may encounter clients who present with BDSM-related issues, I invite you to consider the bullet points above, and to see if any of these statements conflicts with attitudes you may have held about BDSM. I invite you to entertain the idea of BDSM as a sexual orientation.

Author's Bio: 

Bay Whitaker is a counsellor and partner in the private counselling service, Sheffield Central Counselling

She has worked with many issues, and has specialist experience in working with victims of sexual abuse and with BDSM clients. Bay is a member of the BDSM community and welcomes debate that will help us understand this form of sexual behaviour better.

Battery Health

Battery Health

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Battery Health

Battery health is a term I had never heard of before. Maybe that's why I always seem kill batteries faster than anyone I know. My laptops and cell phones always find ways to kick the bucket after only a year of life or so, while my friend's batteries are still holding at least half their charge for similar models. Then I heard about this thing called battery health, which at first made me chuckle. I thought it was a joke, batteries being likened to humans, whose habits are often the determining factor in how healthy they are. How can a battery be unhealthy, I thought? Before I heard of battery health, I had thought I just kept getting lemons... Sickly, infectious batteries that don't know how to keep their charge. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. The problem I've found, lies with me :( Apparently there are certain practices a person must employ in order to keep their battery healthy. Go figure. They're listed below... six easy to follow steps that when you employ, will greatly increase the life of your battery, and give your battery the health it deserves!!

Tips on keeping your battery healthy:

Laptop batteries and any kind of lithium ion batteries are EXPENSIVE, and probably not going to drop in cost anytime soon. Here are some tips on how to maximize battery health so you don't, like me have to keep dropping $100 a pop for new lithium, ion batteries.

Tip 1) You actually have to use your battery. Sounds simple and stupid, I know. But when I first started using laptops, I just left it plugged in all the time. But a battery, in this way, is just like a body. It needs exercise from time to time and you can't let it just sit there wasting away.

Tip 2) Fully drain and fully charge the battery every two to three weeks. This shouldn't be that difficult to do. For some reason that I haven't figured out, batteries like to occasionally be taken to the edge.

Tip 3) Fully charge a new battery before using it. This is a tip most all of us already know. New batteries need to be broken in, just like a car engine, before using normally.

Tip 4) If you're ever not going to use your battery for a long period of time (let's say 3 weeks), take it out of the laptop and store it somewhere cold. That way, it won't just waste away in your laptop. This is a tip that I should have done a long time ago instead of just leaving it in the computer while running the cord from the wall.

Tip 5) Stay away from extreme temperatures. This isn't just for the health of your battery. This is for the health of your whole laptop. Don't leave your laptops in places like cars. Just don't

Tip 6) There are some pretty good computer programs out there that maximize and monitor the health of your battery, letting you know exactly how healthy it is and when it's expected to decline. They're easy to find if you look for them.

10 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Chikungunya Fever

Image source: 10 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Chikungunya Fever ...