Senin, 30 April 2018

Healthy Panchendriya with Healthy Dinacharya

Healthy Panchendriya with

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Healthy Panchendriya with Healthy Dinacharya

Panchendriya means the five sense organs. Dinacharya means daily lifestyle routine. Daily lifestyle routines have direct influence on our panchendriya or the five sense organs. The healthy functioning of all the five senses and clear thought processes is a sign of overall health.

Healthy dinacharya leads to healthy panchendriya and overall physical and mental health. Dinacharya is a set of rules for daily routines starting from the time of wake up, doing everyday chores to getting to bed after completing the karma for a day.

Most ideal time to wake up
According to Ayurveda it is well before sun rise, probably around 5 in the morning. Atmosphere is most purified during this time. It is also the time that fills your mind with all positive thoughts and ideas. Early morning is time for sattwa or positive mental traits. It is also the time of the day when cognitive and learning powers are highly illuminated.

Very young children, elderly and sick persons are free to break this rule.

Method of waking up
Don't jump off from your bed as soon as you wake up. Take a moment or two to mentally identify your position on the bed, the room and the thoughts running through your mind. Touch and feel your body for a while and take two or three deep breathes before you slowly get off.

Elimination - bowel movement and urination
Eliminate the wastes before the sun rise. However you don't have to force elimination. Early elimination is necessary to expel the toxic wastes from the body before your body is slowly put to toxicity. See the process as basic cleansing of your internal body.

Cleansing the Senses - Sense Organs or Panchendriya

Wash your eyes and ears as first steps of purifying your sense organs. Apply a drop of sesame or almond oil inside the ear. Thoroughly clean the tongue. Also clean your nose by pulling some water into your nose. This cleans the nose and sinuses.

One indriya not included in panchendriya is our mind. Ayurvedic dinacharya recommends inhaling the smoke of medicinally valuable herbs like turmeric cleanses the thought process and empowers for better cognitive powers and clear thought process. Morning Ayurvedic dhoom pana (inhalation of smoke) also helps in cleaning lungs.

Massage your body with simple coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil. You can also choose Ayurveda abhayanga oils. This promotes blood circulation in all parts of the body, helps getting more nourishment to tissues and prevents aging. Aging is basically the wearing off of bodily tissues because of insufficient nutrition. Abhayanga solves this problem.

Take a bath 30-90 minutes after self massage.

Exercise needs to be complete before taking a bath. The reason is obviously to remove sweat from the body.

Exercise and meditation should be there in your daily routine. Yoga, surya namaskar, pranayama etc are the things to follow.

Daily food
Break fast
Natural organic food is best for your health and body. Take only a light break fast before 7'o clock.

The ideal time to take lunch is before 12.30, five to six hours after your light breakfast. You will be very hungry while at the time of lunch. The hunger is a healthy indication of strong digestive fire and receptiveness of the body for food. Eating too much too soon is the single highest reason for several diseases. Eat a healthy, highly nutritious lunch. This is the main meal of the day. Take a slow walk for no more than two minutes after lunch and take some rest. Don't avoid either the walk or rest. It is essential for proper digestion of the food.

Supper is best taken before 7 in the evening. Keep it lighter than lunch. 'athazham kazhinjal arakkatham' is a saying in Malayalam that suggests you should walk for a little while after supper.

Daily works and travel
Complete your works and travel before sundown. Spend the sundown and later hours with your family and kids, engaging in prayers or meditation.

Time after supper
This is time to relax. Don't try to bring in tiring thoughts. Instead keep this time of the day in the most relaxed mood. Listen to music, read good books etc.

Go to bed at around 10. Bed time is also time for physical union. Make sure you get a minimum of six-seven hours of sleep. You are going to wake up before 5 in the morning, right?

Healthy Organic Food Vs Unhealthy Processed Food

Healthy Organic Food Vs Unhealthy Processed Food

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Healthy Organic Food Vs Unhealthy Processed Food

Think about your present food habits. Are you 100% sure the food you send to your belly is actually beneficial for your body? The food you eat is healthy if you can say for sure that the food supplies all the necessary nutrients to your body and doesnt leave wastes in your body and making your body vulnerable to the attack of diseases of various kinds.

People in the western world think organic farming is something unnatural and comes from outside the world. Applying farming techniques like sprays tons of pesticides, dumping chemical fertilizers, and applying chemicals for quick and uniform ripening of apples as normal natural methods of farming. Not to blame them, because they have been conditioned and accustomed to such farming techniques since more than 150 years ago.

Now we need to have a critical thinking about which techniques are natural farming techniques and which are not. Well, have a look at how plants grow in forests. There is no one to protect any single flowering or fruiting plant or to remove some plants that we label pests. How? It is the law of nature to let the most survivable or healthy plants and animals in tact. The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots of such plants form the food of several animals. The basic unit of food chain is healthy growing plants.

Now, can you say the plants we grow in farms by applying tons of chemicals healthy? Take two fruits say apples. One plucked freshly from the forest and one from the farm. Leave them open in a place for a few days. Observe the fruits closely. You will find the apple that you plucked from the wilderness stays as such for at least a week more than the apple that is chemically conditioned.

Take another example. You may have taken seedless watermelon, seedless grape fruits, etc in the past. Does seedless variety of fruits occur naturally? No. They are results of genetic recombination or at least unnatural methods of pollination. Such artificial fruits lack reproductive capacity at the first place. A major disadvantage you can see by yourself.

Now have a look at organic food. Organic food need not be produced in your backyard, but can come from any farm where no chemicals are applied and the plants chosen for cultivation are free from genetic recombination, mutation or otherwise artificial methods to induce character changes in plants.

Healthy Mother Means Healthy Baby

Healthy Mother Means Healthy Baby

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Healthy Mother Means Healthy Baby

Pregnancy is not an illness or disease. Yet, most women experience more than one kind of physical distress during pregnancy. Morning sickness, dizziness, swollen feet, hypertension, and elevated blood sugar levels are just some of them. Perhaps the most distressing of all is the constant pain, and as the pregnancy advances, the constant pressure on the bladder becomes quite intolerable. However, it is inadvisable to seek allopathic medication for what are essentially self-limiting ailments.

Try Chiropractic Care Instead

That is not to say that you must suffer for almost a year. You have the option of seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy. Since it addresses systemic issues without medicinal intervention, it ensures that your health is taken care of without causing any adverse impact on the baby. Increasing stress on the mothers pelvis and lumbar spine as the baby grows can be addressed through chiropractic care which helps in releasing the tension within these ligaments will allow the uterus to expand with the developing fetus.

It is important that the mother should be cheerful as her mood swings would have a definite impact on the well-being of her child. Poor circulation during pregnancy prevents toxins from being eliminated causing all kinds of muscular spasms, aches, and pains.Chiropractic care ensures that she stays physically and emotionally well. Since endorphins are the bodys natural painkillers, your pregnancy chiropractor in NY is likely to recommend you sessions in a massage chair.

Flush Out the Toxins from Your Body

Massages ease all kinds of aches and pains caused by toxins in the body. As the massage flushes out the toxins, it releases endorphins too. Calf and foot massagers of the massage chair radically improve circulation of blood and lymph to reduce the swelling throughout the body, especially of the ankles. Your discs and joints are kept healthy as sessions in the massage chair might involve having the rollers of the massage chair repeatedly roll over your mid back. This would automatically restore mobility to your limbs, and help correct your stance. In turn, corrected stance will prevent interferences in the spinal cord; thereby keeping the nervous system healthy.

Improved circulation and de-stressed muscles resulting from massages have a profound effecton your quality of life. Chiropractic care is safer than most traditional interventions. Your chiropractor understands you need specialized care to ensure a natural delivery.Gentle relaxing manipulation is often followed by muscle relaxation and/or gentle stimulation which leaves you invigorated.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Healthy Longevity and Taoism

Healthy Longevity and Taoism

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Healthy Longevity and Taoism


Taoism, cultivation of the self, provides guidelines to health and longevity. According to Taoism, you are in control of your own life, in particular, your healthy longevity.

Taoism is a way of life. It encompasses everything from the universe and nature to the human body. Essentially, it focuses on harmony of "yin" and the "yang."

Zen (which I have mentioned in several of my previous articles) is a "practice" of Taoism, and is sometimes interspersed with Buddhist teachings. Unlike Buddhism, Taoism believes in the value of life, but does not focus on life after death. Taoism is not a religion.

Taoism was initiated by Lao Tzu, a contemporary of Confucius (both were among the greatest philosophers in ancient China).

Lao Tzu says, "The highest virtue is achieved through non-action. It does not require effort because virtue is natural to people." In other words, the wisdom in doing things is innate in every individual.

You act without doing and work without effort. You prevent trouble before it arises. You put things in order before they exist. The giant pine tree grows from a tiny sprout (like the Biblical mustard seed). The journey of a thousand miles begins with your first step.

Taoism offers a much broader concept of health and longevity than contemporary Western medicine.

For example, most of the forms of sport and exercise practiced in both the East and West today are highly competitive. They emphasize strength and quick reflexes, with strenuous training (and sometimes reinforced with drugs) designed to increase strength and stamina for ultimate success. If you cannot complete successfully, you are out of the game. Taoism, on the other hand, offers spontaneity. You do what you can, and do the best of what you can.

Another example, many people today tend to think of health only in terms of curing sickness, and longevity only in terms of avoiding fatal diseases. Taoism, on the other hand, focuses on the art of living longer and healthier, not merely surviving into old age. The Yellow Emperor of ancient China once asked his sage how he could live long. The sage replied, "There is nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard. Just hold your spirit in stillness, and your body will be healthy. You must be still. You must be pure in mind and spirit, not subjecting your body to toil, not disturbing your vital force. Then you may live for long." This succinctly expresses the art of living well according to Taoism.

The Chinese have an ancient tradition that does not share the limitations of the Western approach to cure. Taoism health and practices, which affect all aspects of life, should be embraced at an early age, and healthy longevity is not just a problem for elderly people.


Lao Tzu has this to say about the attainment of longevity through the process of rejuvenation: "The way of Tao is like a newborn baby. . . .The baby's bones may seem weak and his sinews soft, yet his grasp is strong. He knows nothing about sexual conjugation, yet his penis may sometimes be erect, showing the perfection of his vital essence."

According to Lao Tzu, when you were born, your body and mind were in natural harmony. However, as you grow up, you become subject to pressures and worries, undermining the flexibility of your body and the openness of your mind; as a result, there is disharmony.

Healthy longevity is the attainment of harmony of the physical and spiritual aspects of human life. When you concentrate your attention on fasting the spirit to the body, as well as on correct and healthy breathing, your whole being becomes flexible just like that of a baby. This flexibility and suppleness of the body and mind are achieved in Eastern forms of exercise and meditation, such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Yoga.

Lao Tzu also comments: "There is no mistake greater than that of being ambitious; there is no calamity greater than that being discontented; there is no fault greater than the desire for riches. Therefore, true contentment is an enduring and unchanging happiness."

Keeping up with the Joneses, attractions and distractions of contemporary society, personal ambitions and desires often create tension between your physical and spiritual aspects, making your body rigid and your mind unyielding. You begin to lose the original integration of the body and mind of a baby, and you deteriorate and die. This is the way of all flesh.

Lao Tzu says, "When a man is alive, his body is soft and flexible; when he is dead, it is hard and rigid. So it is with all things. Trees and plants are soft and pliant when they are growing; when they die they are dry and brittle. Thus, to be had and rigid is the way of death; to be soft and yield is the way of life."

Lao Tzu has shown you the wisdom of living a life of healthy longevity. It is all within your control.

(More on Taoism and longevity living in articles to follow)

Healthy Living

Healthy Living

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Healthy Living

Part of is getting a health breakfast, consisting of fruits only. This is an easy way to lose weight and to fight or avoid obesity. One factor of health fitness is having a balanced diet, consisting of healthy foods. Another part of health fitness is taking the right exercise for at least half an hour each and every day. A good night sleep is another factor of health fitness.
One fruit which is particular healthy to eat for breakfast is the apricot. Apricots are loaded with a variety of compounds that research shows can fight infections, blindness and heart disease. Apricots contain two types of carotenoids: beta-carotine, to prevent cancer, and lycopene, to prevent heart disease.

A Japanese study that followed more than 3000 men and women for nearly twelve years found that those with high levels of carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lycopene, were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

Another study, which followed more than 73,000 American women for 12 years, found that those whose diets provided the most beta- and alpha-carotene had significantly less risk of coronary artery disease.

You can also get lots of vitamin A by eating apricots (beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body) This nutrient helps to protect the eyes.

When light passes through the eyes, it sets off the release of tissue-damaging free radicals. Left unchecked, these destructive oxygen molecules attack and damage the lenses of the eyes, and initiate the change of getting cataracts. Free radicals can also attack blood vessels, supplying the central portions of the retinas, called the maculas. If the blood supply gets cut off, the result can be macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in older adults.

Vitamin A has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant that means, it helps to block the effects of free radicals. A studie involving 50,000 nurses found that women who got the most vitamin A in their diets reduced the risk of getting cataracts by more than one-third. Three apricots provide 2,769 IU of vitamin A, which represent 55% of the daily recommended value for this vitamin.

The benefits of getting plenty of fiber in your diets are tremendous. Foods that are high in fiber can help you to lose weight, control high blood sugar, and lower cholesterol levels. They also help to keep digestion regular.

Thats another reason to include apricots in your health breakfast. Three fruits contain three grams of fiber, which is 12% of the Daily Value. Thats only 51 calories for all three. But if you eat apricots for fiber, eat them with skin, which contains a lot of fiber.

You may like to eat your fruits nice and soft, but its best to eat apricots when they are slightly firm. Apricots contain the most nurients when they are at their peak of ripeness. Once they begin to get soft, the compounds in apricots start to break down.

Store them carefully. Its important to keep apricots cool to prevent them from getting overripe. When you are not going to eat them in the next day or two, its best to store them in a plastic bin in the refrigerator, where you can keep them for about a week.

When you visit:, you can get a recipe for an Apricot-Mango Smoothie.

Healthy Habits That Everyone Should Follow - Rules For Good Health

Healthy Habits That Everyone Should Follow - Rules For Good Health

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Healthy Habits That Everyone Should Follow - Rules For Good Health

Health is considered as one of the most precious thing and the best way to be healthy is to be happy, practice good habits, and maintain a healthy regular routine and a healthy way of thought. Here are some useful tips to make you fit and healthy.

15 Simple Rules for Good Health

1. You might heard of this nursery rhyme - 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise'. You should maintain a healthy routine after waking up early so as to perform the right time and ensure good health.

2. You should try to avoid anxiety and stressful conditions. Stress and anxiety is linked to many other health risks. So keep them away from you.

3. Don't suppress the natural urge to pass stool and urine. They help remove unwanted toxins out of the body.

4. Use antiseptic soap or liquid gel to wash your hands before eating.

5. Regular cleaning of the tongue to remove extra coatings is necessary for oral hygiene.

6. Brush your teeth after every meal, at least two times - in morning and at night before going to bed. Toothbrush with soft, rounded bristles is best. Brush the teeth for at least two minutes.

7. To remove food particles use a proper up and down motion with the brush and then rinse your mouth thoroughly. If brushing is inconvenient at some places, rinse with warm or plain water for at least 30 seconds.

8. Avoid chewing betel nut to prevent erosion and cavities in the teeth.

9. Floss regularly between the teeth and use a fluoride toothpaste or baking soda.

10. Replace your toothbrush every three months.

11. Do not use your nails, toothpicks or other pointed things to clean the teeth because it can wear away the gums resulting in complete exposure of teeth.

12. Take a well balanced nutritious diet containing all minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water in the requisite proportions.

13. Never eat food while under stress, strain or worry as it hinders the digestive process. Avoid any other simultaneous activity as this forces the heart to pump more blood, showing down digestion and leading to various ailments including indigestion. Thus, you should avoid reading or studying while eating.

14. You sometimes tempted to over eat your favorite tasty foods. Avoid this as it distends the abdomen and leaves no space for water and air.

15. Breathe from the nostrils and not the mouth. Your nose is lined with small hairs that help filter the air. The air is warmed and moistened in the nose. Breathing from the mouth dries the pharynx, resulting in a dry cough and the formation of mucous.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright (c) Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved.

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Healthy Grains Brown Rice and Rice Bran

Healthy Grains Brown Rice and Rice Bran

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Healthy Grains Brown Rice and Rice Bran

When thinking of healthy foods does brown rice or rice bran come to mind? It is common for us to have a list of favored healthy foods; our favorite fruits and vegetables; skinless white meat chicken; yogurt and low fat cheese.

Then there is that list of foods that brown rice may be on. The list of foods one knows is healthy like brown rice or rice bran and maybe they'll try it one day; or not. Healthy grains like brown rice or rice bran are usually on this list.

Consciously, the choice is made for white rice instead of brown rice; processed baked goods instead of something with perhaps a healthy grain like rice bran on the ingredient list.

We opt out of the chewy texture and nutty flavor of a natural whole grain item like brown rice; or the unexpected sweetness of a rice bran product? If you had a choice and were ordering take out, would you look on the menu for brown rice? Would you go out of your way to inquire if brown rice were available at your local Asian restaurant?

I'm not talking about the fried rice that just happens to be brown from the cooking and seasoning process; I'm talking about unadulterated brown rice.

Hopefully we haven't lost something in the low-carb revolution; the part of the message about needing grains like brown rice in our diets to aid in digestion; fight constipation; control blood pressure; and perhaps lower LDL cholesterol in the fight against heart disease.

In addition brown rice provides our bodies with healthy nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, copper, thiamin, niacin, fiber, iron and vitamin B-6. Brown rice is a staple with other healthy grains in vegetarian and macrobiotic diets for these nutrients. It also has three quarters more dietary fiber than white rice.

The benefits of whole grains may not mean that every individual on the planet needs to follow the recommended guidelines.

Individuals seeking medical attention for diabetes or allergies may receive special nutritional advice from professionals regarding their diet. However adding the right mix of vegetables and healthy grains to your diet is smart eating.

No doubt your taste buds will need some time to adjust. Make your brown rice selection with care. Check labels to ensure a freshness packing date. Since brown rice hasn't been through the same processes as white rice the expiration date may not be as lengthy. Stale brown rice will taste rancid and shouldn't be eaten.

Make the transition of adding brown rice or rice bran to your diet a slow process. Gradually swap out processed foods for a smart food like brown rice and rice bran. Read ingredient labels; find whole grain breads that list rice bran in the first few ingredients.

Ask your favorite Asian restaurant if they serve brown rice in place of white rice. Mix it with white rice in a favorite recipe like stuffed peppers until you're used to the nutty whole grain goodness of the brown rice on its own. In no time your taste buds will be thanking you.

Healthy Environment For Self Esteem

Healthy Environment For Self Esteem

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Healthy Environment For Self Esteem

Healthy self esteem originates in the environment found in the: family, school, peer group, work place, and community. There are certain characteristics of your environment that need to be present in order for self esteem to be fostered and grow.

The main component of a healthy environment for self esteem is that it needs to be nurturing. It should provide unconditional warmth, love, and caring. It needs to provide the realization that other people are recognized as deserving to be nurtured, reinforced, rewarded, and bonded to.

Healthy environment for self esteem transmits messages of warmth, loving, and caring by physical touch, meeting the survival needs of food, clothing and shelter, and providing a sense of stability and order in life.

A healthy environment for self esteem should provide acceptance. It will recognize that other people see each other as worthy individuals who have a unique set of personality characteristics, skills, abilities, and competencies making them special. Acceptance enables people to develop relationships with others, yet maintain healthy boundaries of individuality within themselves.

In the healthy environment for self esteem should be good communication, everyone should be heard and responded to in a healthy way so that healthy problem solving is possible. Appropriate giving and receiving of feedback is encouraged and rewarded. Communicating at a "feelings" level is a mode of operation for these people, allowing them to be in touch with their emotions in a productive manner.

The healthy environment for self esteem must contain recognition and acceptance of people for who they are. That recognition and acceptance should not be based on the condition that they must first conform to a prescribed standard of behavior or conduct. This is unhealthy. Unconditional recognition and acceptance given in the form of support allows individuals to reach their ultimate potential.

The healthy environment for self esteem should be clearly defined and enforced limits known to individuals with no hidden tricks or manipulation. Limits set the structure for the lives of individuals, allowing clear benchmarks of appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Limits enable individuals to recognize their responsibilities and to chart their course of behavior in a rational way.

Respect and latitude for individual action within the defined limits of the healthy environment for self esteem should be present as well. This encourages individuals to use their creativity, ingenuity, and imagination to be productive within the established structure. Restrictions that suppress individuality can lead to a narrow focus, with people becoming stunted and handicapped in the use of their personal skills, abilities, and resources.

Finally, healthy environment for self esteem should be bonding, which is the physical/emotional phenomenon between individuals and the others in their environment. This is necessary for the development of healthy self esteem. Bonding is forming a mutual emotional attachment between an individual and a "significant other" (parent, child, friend, lover, etc.). This involves the significant other giving unconditional love and support as well as developing an emotional link between each other.

Healthy Eating Recommendations - Why it is Important to Watch What You Eat

Healthy Eating Recommendations - Why it is Important to Watch What You Eat

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Healthy Eating Recommendations - Why it is Important to Watch What You Eat

Do you live to eat? Or do you eat to live? If you live to eat, you are destined for "obese-ness." If you eat to live, you are bound for greatness. The order of the words may make only a minor semantic difference, but in meaning, the impact is huge!

Living to eat implies that food is the be-all and end-all of existence. It creates a mindset that essentially says: "I'm in this world for one reason and one reason only. I am here to eat." It does not impose any form of self-regulation. And because there is no self-control, whatsoever, it is only natural for any believer of this tenet to overindulge.

Eating to live is entirely another matter. It treats eating as only one area of life that you need to engage in so you can survive. Food is not everything, living is. And because it is treated as only a means to live, it does not become an obsession. For those who adhere to this belief, eating more than you need in order to survive is simply not natural.

If you eat to live, you also eat for success. Food is the fuel of life. It gives us energy to do the things we need to do, to accomplish our daily tasks. It gives us that oomph to think, to plan, to put that plan in action and evaluate the corresponding results. But success is only possible with a healthy eating regimen.

Nutritious variety is key to a healthy diet. Research has shown that you need at least 40 different nutrients to keep you at the peak of health. There is no single food group and contrary to what we are led to believe, no single multivitamin supplement can supply all these. Thus, your best bet is to eat from a wide selection of food. Breads, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, poultry and dairy products. At least 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables daily should be your goal. Food from other food groups you should take in moderate portions, enough for your caloric needs.

To keep you at your most optimum, balance is essential. Thus, eating too much from one food group alone won't put you at your best. For example, if you ingest a whole carton of milk and love the smell of crispy fried bacon and scrambled eggs in the morning 7 days a week, continue to have fatty meats at lunch and dinner and snack on donuts and ice cream, it would not be a surprise if you have a midsection that's ready to burst at the seams. Eliminating bacon from your diet is not the answer. You simply have to reduce your intake and balance it with other fare from the other food groups.

Always keep in mind that there is no such thing as a good or a bad food. It is our eating habits that get them labeled so. If we eat for success, we strive for moderation. If you want to provide yourself with that much-needed boost to succeed in life, strive for balance in your food choices. Eat to live, eat for success.

Read our shocking Blendtec blender review and learn how a Blendtec can help you shed pounds and become a healthier individual.

Jumat, 27 April 2018

Healthy Eating Pointers

Healthy Eating Pointers

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Healthy Eating Pointers

Everyone wants to practice healthy eating because of the numerous advantages it offers such as increased energy level, improved concentration, clearer mind, bolstered immune system. Given below are six useful pointers to improve your eating habits.

1. Only Reduce and Don't Eliminate
The biggest and most common misconception when it comes to healthy eating is that undesirable nutrients should totally be eliminated. The truth is doing this can cause great harm to the body. Even the most unwanted substances such as carbohydrates and fats are needed by the body especially since they are the primary source of energy for our cells. Total elimination of from our diet of food items containing them will lead to lack of energy and difficulty in concentration. Make sure you consume the minimum amount of needed nutrients.

2. Offsetting and Balancing
It is not necessary to have perfect balance of nutrients in each meal. The important thing is that all meals of the day balance each other out. For example, you can eat a meal with high amounts of carbohydrates during breakfast and then eat a low carbohydrate lunch to compensate.

3. Pitfalls
Knowing what is right is important to healthy eating, but so does knowing what is wrong. Carefully analyze your current diet. List down each item you eat and then divide them into two groups; the healthy group and the unhealthy group. You should of course keep the healthy ones and reduce the unhealthy ones.

4. Gradual Changes
Make a schedule for periodic evaluation of your diet and make changes based on the evaluation. A healthy eating plan may be perfect for you at the moment, but it does not mean that it will stay this way. Certain factors may cause the need for you to modify your diet. The best example for these is during pregnancy in which the pregnant mother needs excessive nutrition to ensure the health of the baby in her womb.

5. General and not Particular
Never forget that at the end of the day, your goal is still to meet your daily recommended dietary allowance. The nutrient content of each item is irrelevant. What is important is the total nutritional value they provide as a whole. With this in mind, your diet will become more flexible.

6. Organic Food
Organic Food has become synonymous with real food because it contains no artificial elements such as the chemical residues that are very common to conventional food.

Healthy Eating Plan

Healthy Eating Plan

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Healthy Eating Plan

Eating healthy isn't difficult to do. It's sticking with a daily healthy eating plan for long periods of time that makes losing weight difficult. The thing that people find to be most challenging is that if your previous eating habits were poor, consisting of fried and processed foods, your new lifestyle change may be shocking to you. Deciding to eat healthier is the first major step to reaching your goals. If you have done that, then you are half way there.

There are some ways to make your new, daily healthy eating plan easier to follow. Asking a friend or relative to join you on your new weight loss crusade will give you the accountability you need to stay motivated. It is one thing to tell yourself will eat healthy, however telling someone that you see, daily only enhances your need to prove you abilities.

Another option is to slowly incorporate healthier options into our diet. Healthy eating plans often include food items such as fresh fruits and vegetables, simple carbohydrates, and proteins. Changing your entire eating program, at once, may hinder your long term results, so you may want to start by substituting a few items first.

For instance, instead of running to your favorite fast food restaurant to buy French Fries, make a healthier version at home. All you need is: non-stick cooking spray, potatoes, and seasoning. Slice the skin off your potatoes then cut them into long wedges. Spray an oven pan with cooking spray. Lay the potatoes on the pan and season. Try not to use too much salt. Put the pan in the oven on Broil until the fries care brown on each side. When you take the fries out the oven, add a little ketchup and enjoy your treat.

Writing your daily meals in a journal will also help you to stick with your program. You can find food journals at most book stores. Look for journals with dates, times, and a section to add notes. You'll want to record every item you eat throughout the day. Try to see how many food items you can add to your daily meals that are included in your healthy eating plans as best you can.

The best way to stick to a daily healthy eating plan is to prepare your meals in advance. Like many, your hectic schedule may not allow you to prepare meals each day, which may cause pressure to eat out at fast food places to grab a quick meal. Preparing your foods in advance, possibly on the weekend, and freezing them in separate containers will help to reduce excuses of why you can't stick with your healthy eating plan.

Allowing yourself to cheat every now and then makes it even easier to stick with your new healthy eating plan. If eating healthy seems like challenge to you, there's no need to worry. Incorporating these few additions to your daily eating plan will ensure that this time your new healthy lifestyle will be one that lasts.

Healthy Eating on a Shoestring Budget

Healthy Eating on a Shoestring Budget

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Healthy Eating on a Shoestring Budget

If you only had $300 a month to spend on groceries for a family of four, could you do it? Maybe you would need more than $300, but this guide to eating on $300 a month will show you the basics so you will know how to add on if necessary.

Whatever your reason for having a tight budget, the truth is that going to the grocery store without a shopping list and a plan is a BIG budget breaker and unhealthy to boot. You need to understand the overall strategy, write your list, then shop with care.

First you must divide the budget you have into three categories; weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. Once you have the totals fixed, try to find a way to make it work. If you budgeted too tight, only then consider how much more you really need to spend, and add to your budget proportionally.

Decide what you need in each of these categories. Your family's needs will determine what is in each category, what follows is only a suggestion. Just be sure you stick to your food budget, plan simple, rotating menus, and keep it healthy.

Second, identify your WEEKLY needs; milk, bread, fruits. These will be your saving graces when the troops are hungry. You can load up every week and always have a healthy snack available. Think about $15/week; that's $60 of your monthly $300.

Third, identify your BI-WEEKLY needs; eggs, cheese, vegetables, meat and cheese for sandwiches etc. These items have a slightly longer shelf life but you will watch how much you use when you know there's still four days until your next purchase. Try $20 every two weeks, that's $40 a month.

Fourth, get the remainder of your groceries in one place. Use cash to pay (to avoid temptation of over spending) and work out your shopping list ahead of time. You only need to do this once as many of the items (cereal, meat, pasta, rice etc.) will need to be repurchased every month. Other items (sugar, flour, dry beans etc.) may be substituted every other month. In this example you have $200 to spend on monthly needs.

Fifth, have a schedule of meals that you can rotate. Cheap, healthy meals like stir fry can be inexpensive as they use less meat than full pieces of chicken or beef for dinner. Plan to have a major meat meal offset by a simpler dish like pasta every other night. This way your family will not go through 'feast-and-famine' when they eat like kings the first week and are eating canned chili every night for the last week. One trick for cooking meatless meals is to either use small quantities of meat for flavor only, or to season with broths and lots of herbs. You would be surprised at the amount of flavor a can of sardines, for example, can lend to a stir fry or pot of potato chowder.

As much as possible, buy items when they are in season, on sale and available in bulk. For example, buy ground beef in large quantities when it's on sale, divide it into meal-sized portions and freeze. Plan meals that can use small quantities of meat with larger quantities of rice, potatoes or pasta, such as goulash, spaghetti and meatballs, shepherd's pie, or stir fry. Prepare savory sauces in advance, such as spaghetti sauce, cheese sauce, sweet and sour sauce, teriyaki sauce, and garlic and herb butters, and refrigerate or freeze them. If you can, buy fruit and vegetables in season and freeze or can them yourself. Grow a garden. Trade at your local farmers market.

Always base your menus on what you really plan to cook. If you have easy weeknight staples, try to find the cheapest method of preparing them, and make do with fewer pre-packaged meals on other nights when you have more time. Using items like frozen vegetables can make eating cheap, healthy and convenient.

Clearly the $300 suggestion will depend on your family, the age of your children and how much your budget really allows. Whatever your budget, taking the time to draw up a plan and think about your choices will guarantee that you eat healthy and keep more of your money in your wallet.

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Healthy Diet for Baby Boomers 7 Tips for Weight Loss

Healthy Diet for Baby Boomers 7 Tips for Weight Loss

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Healthy Diet for Baby Boomers 7 Tips for Weight Loss

As a baby boomer it is so important that we eat right and develop a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. We all need to lose weight to live longer. Gone are the days where we can eat however we want and gain no weight. Gone are the days that exercise was easy and recovering from sickness and injuries was a piece of cake. Every physical problem, every health and weight gaining issue is now intensified. Truly if you are over forty like me you know the fight to stay in shape and maintain our weight is not easy. We have years of bad habits to change if we want to live longer healthier lives.

If I am like most baby boomers I see the sickness and death of friends and relatives. This frightens me. My mortality is in my face. But there is something We can do about it. It starts with our diet. These 7 simple tips can help us lose weight and prevent major diseases.

Tip #1 Drink Plenty of Water

Water is needed to help the functions of all of our organs especially our digestive system. Our digestive system is the center of our health. This is where food is converted and the nutrition is sent throughout our bodies while the waste should be eliminated. Water helps our metabolism, energy and general hydration. Water is also important for weight loss. The best thing we can do for our health is to drink plenty water, about 8 glasses a day.

Tip #2 Eat 9 Servings of Fruit and Vegetables Daily

The USDA recommends 9 servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Fruit and vegetables along with whole grains, nuts and beans make up the seed bearing plant that God said he gave man to eat as food. Accordingly the best diet is one with of variety of fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Fruit and vegetables offer all the vitamins and nutrition we need in a healthy diet. We also get antioxidants to fight the many diseases that plague us. Fruit and vegetables are lean offering minimal fat with maximum protein and carbohydrates. They give us energy, increase our metabolism and improve our immune system. The maximum benefit of vitamins, minerals and nutrients come from fresh, organic, raw, uncooked fruit and vegetables. Therefore you avoid the chemicals of processing and preserving. Cooking can kill all of the nutritional value of fruit and vegetables. The easiest and best way to get 9 or more servings of fresh fruit and raw vegetables is to juice.

Tip #3 Eat Early, Eat Often, Eat Less

To start your day with a healthy breakfast ignites your metabolism and your mental awareness. There is nothing worse than being physically and mentally sluggish. We should eat 5 to 6 times a day every two to three hours eating smaller portions as this makes our food easier to digest. A healthy snack in between each meal as well as a glass of water or tea keeps us energized and productive throughout the day. As we eat early, often and less we also move to our optimal weight and fight disease while optimizing the functions of our mind and body.

Tip #4 Drink Natural Tea

Tea is a seed bearing plant that God gave us as food to eat. Tea is an herb that offers medicinal, health, weight loss and nutritional benefits like fruit and vegetables. Green Tea, Pu-er Tea,Oolong Tea, Wu-Yi Tea and more all have antioxidant qualities to help fight disease as well as weight loss benefits. There are no calories in tea. Tea can serve as a substitute for water as part of your healthy diet.

Tip #5 Avoid unHealthy Food and Drinks

Refined sugars, excess sodium, food preservatives and artificial sweeteners are all major culprits to our being overweight fighting diseases. Quite often our diets are full of useless and often harmful calories with no nutritional substance. Who can say no to German Chocolate Cake, home made ice cream or peach cobbler? What about another can of your favorite soft drink? Can we give these up? These are all addictive. Just like drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, sweeteners, sugar, and sodium are all addictive and are added to foods to get us hooked. Money not health is the major goal of the food industry and we need to take charge of our personal health and wellness.

Tip #6 Regular Physical Exercise

Yes exercise strengthens our muscles, builds stamina, helps us lose weight and make us look good. But regular physical exercise also helps us fight disease and builds up our immune system. We need both aerobic exercise and strength training for optimal health. As baby boomers we need to avoid high impact exercise as many times our bones can not handle this. But, 30 to 60 minutes a day of aerobic and strength training will do wonders for us. We we lived in a primary agriculture or even factory society most people got there exercise from work. Now we must be intentional about exercising daily.

Tip #7 Fresh Air, Sunlight and Sleep

Quite often we ignore the importance of fresh air, sunlight and sleep. Living such a fast paced life we rarely take time to get outside to get fresh air and sunlight. Our bodies require fresh oxygen. If we continue to only breathe indoor air we are recycling the waste the we exhale. God made plants to take in our waste and give us fresh oxygen and we need the sun to promote growth in our bodies. Have you ever noticed the best athletes are generally from the warmer climates. They get lots of fresh air and sunlight. If we eat right, drink right, exercise right, get fresh air and sunlight we will sleep better. Our bodies need to renew and rejuvenate themselves.

So to live longer healthier lives we need to adhere to these healthy diet tips; Drink Plenty of Water, Eat Fruit and Vegetables, Eat Early Often and Less, Drink Natural Tea, AvoidunHealthy Food and Drinks, Regular Physical Exercise, Get Plenty of Fresh Air, Sunlight and Sleep.

Healthy Benefits With Custom Elliptical Trainers

Healthy Benefits With Custom Elliptical Trainers

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Healthy Benefits With Custom Elliptical Trainers

Elliptical trainers, when they are used for cardiovascular exercises, offer high health achievements. These achievements include total conditioning, developed cardiovascular responses and handsome weight loss as they expedite the process of metabolism to a considerable rate.

In the beginning, it was designed as a low effective exercise machine. But for its virtues, the elliptical trainer has proved to be a overall fitness machine; that's how it is described at Best-Gym-Equipment. No commotion, only motion; thus to depict it.

The firm footpads of any elliptical trainer let the user a natural, frequent and flowing walking condition. Consequently, by working out on it your bones get strengthened, weight gets lessened and fats get reduced; but all these are achieved without getting joint injuries because its movement produces no shaking effects.

You should not be partial with some parts of your body like your hips and legs by joining a gym because gyms generally offer resize of selected parts of your body. But an elliptical trainer will keep the integrity of your body parts by providing you with cross training handlebars that take care of your upper body too.

You can aggravate the benefit of calorie shedding which you deserve from your elliptical trainer. Simultaneously, your arms, hips, shoulders and breast are strengthened.

Elliptical Trainer - The Primary Checklist:

Manageable Resistance: When your body becomes used to with cardio exercises and as a result, the aerobic capacity of your body will grow up; you will be craving for a feature, say, manageable resistance, in the programs of your elliptical trainer for its effectiveness. Go for an elliptical trainer that provides you this facility in touch and go manner. You would like to change the gear not the momentum.

Backing Up Means Beneficial: Elliptical trainers must provide forward as well as backward movements. This protects you from certain strain injuries such as injuries caused by the repetitive motion. The elliptical trainers do this by deploying several muscles into action altogether. Thus it maintains the versatility of exercise with utter interest.

Concise Consoles: You have to make out the functions of the controlling unit of your elliptical trainer. A conspicuous programming and effectiveness are necessary. Some elliptical trainers easily accommodate several users at a time.

It Should Be Done By Yourself: It is a common feature of most of the elliptical trainers that they offer you a number of variety of programs that are pre-set for you; so many that you can be tired to test them out all. But you may need an option to set a particular program for any particular need of your body. Your elliptical trainer must let you do this.

Even Fluency: The fluency of motion of elliptical trainers, when tested, should be the basis to judge the quality of them. The level of noise should also be low. Anything less than these in a certain elliptical trainer should direct your opinion to shift to another.

Footprint Fit: Elliptical trainers are ideal exercise machines, for their compactness, where space is one of the biggest problems. Many of them are fitted with wheels that allow them an easy mobility.

Monitoring the Rate of Your Heartbeat: Many of the elliptical trainers have sensors found in the handgrips, fitted with the handlebars. During a cardiovascular workout, you must have your heartbeat monitored with a view to adjust the intensity of the exercise. A heartbeat monitor gadget should also be there with your elliptical trainer.

Incline Incentive: An elliptical trainer of good quality is expected to have an adjustable incline from 0% to 10% so as you can increase the degree of your exercise as and when your muscle power will increase. Set a challenging routine of exercises to get the maximum benefit of power-building and cardiovascular workouts.

The Shakes and Jerks: While testing, be sure to find an elliptical trainer that is free from jolts or jars of any kind and having a smooth movement of its footpads.

Knee-Demand: If you have a problem from your knees, an elliptical trainer may be a good solution for it. Its natural movement ensures your knees a proper alignment as it does to your hips and ankle also. But remember to make a check by the doctor if it is a problem relating to medical attention.

Stride Lengths: Check out the comfort level of your elliptical trainer. Your machine should not be the cause to cramp your muscles.

All renowned manufacturers have made elliptical trainers with a number of features giving them artistic looks. Nothing less than a thorough test of the versatile ranges of the elliptical trainers can help you getting a perfect machine for your cardiovascular exercises.

Healthy And Filling Breakfast Choices

Healthy And Filling Breakfast Choices

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Healthy And Filling Breakfast Choices

In order to stay energized throughout the day, experts suggest eating a hearty breakfast daily. The first meal of the day is usually the most important. But many people seem to neglect it or eat unhealthy choices while on the go. Some may even choose to eat a breakfast meal that simply does not provide the body's energy needs or may even contribute to weight gain. Here are some healthy breakfast choices for you that would both be a filling meal and help provide the energy boost you need for the day.

Cereals With Milk, Fruits And Walnuts
Nothing may be a more appropriate and convenient breakfast than having cereals in the morning. Cereals help provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to keep going the rest of the day. A good cereal breakfast would be a bowl of your favorite cereals and poured with a cup of low fat milk. You can also add a cup of blueberries and a couple tablespoons of walnuts for a more unique and inviting taste.

Oatmeal Pancakes
Pancakes for breakfast are another common breakfast choice for many people. You can put a healthy variation to this breakfast by adding about a cup of quick cooking oatmeal into pancake mixture before you cook them. The oatmeal works well with wheat flour to boost the fiber in your pancakes, making them more filling. Add some blueberries and buttermilk with them to make them more tasty.

Egg Omelet With Cheese And Toast
Another good meal worth having for breakfast is an egg omelet with cheese and toast. Its easy to make and can be quite filling and tasty. Mix and cook an egg added with two more egg whites into an omelet filled with spinach, tomatoes and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese. Eat them with two slices of toast for a filling breakfast.

Peanut Butter And Banana Sandwich
A tasty choice for a breakfast that you can try out is a peanut butter and banana sandwich. You can slice a muffin into two and then smear it with peanut butter on both sides. You can then top it off with about 1/4 cup of sliced bananas. Eat this as an open faced sandwich. You can add a bowl of fresh blueberries on the side.

Bagel With Cream Cheese
For those who are really on the go all of the time, preparing breakfast may be out of the question. But that shouldn't stop you from getting a good filling meal. You could try eating a bagel with cream cheese that would help you feel stuffed and not worry about gaining weight. You can head on to the nearest deli on your way and order for yourself a raisin bagel. You can then add some spread of light cream cheese on it and then eat it with a cup of coffee or tea. That would make a good and simple breakfast to start the day right.

Dennis Chiu,
Writer and Certified Blogster

Rabu, 25 April 2018

Health Care An Emerging Industry

Health Care An Emerging Industry

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Health Care An Emerging Industry

Health care is one of the most promising industries in the health and hospitability sector today. Health care relates to the prevention as well as to the treatment of illness. It also implies the overall mental and physical well being of individuals. A health care system refers to the organized functions which are involved in promoting the overall health of the country. The United Kingdom is the only industrialized country that does not offer health care universally. The National Health Service in the United Kingdom deals only with healthcare in the UK.

Overview of The Rising Health Care Sector

The health care industry is an industry that is considered to be one of the most budding among all other recent upcoming industries. Health care deals with delivering quality service towards improving the health of the people residing in a country. In recent years, the health care sector has been witnessing an upward surge. In a developed country, the health care industry contributes to 10% of the country's gross national product. The professionally trained people serving the health care system ensure that all processes run smoothly.

In most of the developed countries of the world, the health care sector has undergone a lot of privatization. This ensures that the systems that are developed under it run without any bottlenecks. There are several health care models that have come up in recent times. With the growing popularity of the health care industry, some major public insurance systems have also come forward to ensure the smooth functioning of the systems. There are numerous pay systems that have been developed to guarantee the accurate administration of the health care sector.

The health care industry has witnessed a rapid growth in recent times mainly due to its contribution in maintaining the overall health and hygiene of a country. Today, the governments of different countries invest a huge amount of money in the health care sector to ensure that the sector has the proper support needed to grow. Statistical studies have shown that the profit derived from the health care sector is huge, both from the social, as well as the economic point of view. It is due to these reasons that the health care sector is considered to be one of the most emerging and promising industries today.

The technological development brought forth by science in this 21st century, has been seen in the domain of the health care sector too. Today, there are many trained professionals who work in this sector. The professional touch has been given to the health care sector which goes a long way in delivering quality care and support to those who seek its help. With the increase of demand among the people of various countries, the health care sector is also undergoing various stages of evolution to cater to the changing needs and demands of the people. As a result, health care today, stands as one of the most significant industries of recent times.

Health Benefits Of Taking HMF Probiotics

Health Benefits Of Taking HMF Probiotics

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Health Benefits Of Taking HMF Probiotics

One of the popular ways today to prevent diseases is taking probiotics. Although most people know that microorganisms such as bacteria are the cause of some diseases, new studies have found out that taking supplements that have live bacteria is beneficial to one's health. Probiotics comes from the words "pro", which means "for", and "biota" which means "life". Historically, Europeans have unknowingly consumed these beneficial microorganisms, because they consume foods like yogurt.

Taking live bacteria is beneficial to our health if taken in the right amount. Actually, there are already existing bacteria that can be found in the gastrointestinal tract. These are both good and bad bacteria. When bad bacteria overpower the good ones, that's the time the person experiences different health problems such as stomach upset, headaches and even indigestion.

Consuming supplements and food that are rich in live bacteria aids the body in many ways. Some of the popular beneficial bacteria include Bifidobacteria bifidum and L. Acidophilus. These good bacteria keeps the balance in the intestinal tract and aids proper flow of food inside the intestines, proper absorption of nutrients and neutralizes harmful toxins that are released by harmful bacteria in the body. Without these live bacteria, we would be complaining about many problems in our body.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is considered by many microbiologists to be one of the strongest probiotics. This good bacterium already exists in the human body but their numbers are greatly reduced because of acidic diets, stress and unhealthy lifestyle. It is therefore healthy to take foods that are rich in L. acidophilus so that their number will be replenished and humans get to enjoy the health benefits of taking probiotics.

Some of the health benefits of HMF probiotics include enhanced response of the immune system; aids in proper food digestion, minimizes the negative side-effects of taking antibiotics and heals colon inflammation after surgery. Other benefits such as prevention of yeast and urinary infections, treatment of eczema in children as well as alleviation in many intestinal infections are also credited to regular consumption of probiotics.

A lot of people credit regular intake of probiotics as a remedy of having bad breath, improved absorption of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B and calcium while there are those who claim that probiotics reduces lactose intolerance. Common digestive disorders like IBS, diarrhea and constipation have been significantly minimized due to Genestra probiotics intake. Remember though that what happens to a certain group of people can't be true to you. We may have different responses to probiotics and is still best to buy safe and established probiotics supplements and products.

There are many probiotic products in the market today but be extra careful in the purchase of these products. Make sure that all the food and supplements have listed all the ingredients clearly. The food should be fresh and properly refrigerated to ensure that you'll be taking in healthy and live bacteria. It is best though to ask your dietician the best probiotic products that is appropriate for you.



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Because of the unsafe consequences of eating animal protein, most people are taking a cautious approach when it comes to eating the right kind of food. Various people from all nationalities are now becoming attracted to seafood. This commonly includes shrimp, crab, clams, and lobster.

Lobster is a large sea creature that belongs to the Nephropidae family. Found in all oceans, this species lives on rocky, sandy, or muddy bottoms of the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf. They are commonly consumed in the form of soups, bisque and rolls. Lobsters are actually one of the most delightful and wholesome foods available today. They give out vitamins and minerals particularly when boiled, baked, steamed, or grilled.

Read further to know more about the health advantages of lobster meat.

Lobster meat is very beneficial. It is low in fat substance and has a high content of proteins. It is the best choice for athletes and for fitness conscious people. Lower in cholesterol than chicken breast which contains eighty-five milligrams; therefore, lobster meat is very good for the heart. Aside from the heart health benefits, lobster also contains Omega-3 fatty acid, which lowers blood pressure, prevents heart attack and is excellent for the brain.

Lobster is composed with mineral content, which is required for the body to function normally. Selenium, the trace element, aids the immune system and thyroid gland. High in copper diets like lobster can prevent bone and tissue diseases. The vitamin B12 is essential for healthy nerves and red blood cells. Phosphorus contributes to proper kidney function and decreases arthritis pain. Zinc promotes increase of brain activity, boosts immune system, and provides a healthy reproduction system. Potassium contributes to improve the heart functions.

Eating lobster is a good choice and can avoid health issues in the future. Some health issues include, but are not limited to; osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and chronic conditions involving bone, connective tissue, heart and blood vessels.

Considering the benefits previously stated, one should also be mindful on how to get and buy fresh seafood and how to preserve and store such foods. Most of the issues today are not because of the food itself, but the source of food.

Always choose fresh lobster that is alive and frisky, with tails curled up, instead hanging down.

Be sure that it has not been in the tank for more than one week.
Avoid buying those that are dry and has yellow meat, because it may indicates old and sickly lobster.
Fresh meat has a bright red shell while those that are exposed already shows white and moistness.
When refrigerated, wrap it with several sheets of thin papers and wet it before storing.
To store your lobster for long periods of time such as three months, wrap it in a freezer paper or plastic bag.

Being mindful means being wise when choosing the right source for all yours seafood needs.

Selasa, 24 April 2018

Health Benefits of Cabbage - Proper Fitness

Health Benefits of Cabbage - Proper Fitness

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Health Benefits of Cabbage - Proper Fitness

Cabbage is a vegetable that is mostly disliked by kids. The mere mention of cabbage in dinner can make them conjure up the weirdest of excuses to escape the meal. However, the vegetable has a high nutritional value and has numerous medicinal properties too. Infact, in the ancient times, Greeks used fresh white cabbage juice to treat soreness or infection in the eyes. Cabbage can be eaten either in cooked form or raw form, as a part of salad. In the following lines, we have provided information on the benefits of eating cabbage.

While the health benefits of cabbage and other fruits and vegetables are numerous, it is important to eat a variety of foods every day.

The healthy heart cabbage diet or the cabbage soup diet is one of the fad diets that the American Heart Association and other public health organizations warn against. There are many reasons for these warnings, depending on which diet one is attempting to follow. The healthy heart cabbage diet has many flaws.

Phytonutrients found in cabbage and other Cruciferous vegetables stimulate your genes to increase production of enzymes that detoxify your cells, resulting in elimination of free radicals, toxins, and potential carcinogens from your body.

Cabbage ranks right up there with broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts with a reputation for fighting cancer. It's also a good source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and other nutrients. Cabbage also offers a major payoff -- the fewest calories and least fat of any vegetable.

The health benefits of cabbage include constipation, stomach ulcers, headache, weight loss, skin care, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye care, heart diseases, ageing, detoxification, cancer, brain function, and Alzheimer's disease.

Cabbage is low in calories and therefore it is good for weight loss. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed that cabbage juice helps in treating peptic ulcers. Since cabbage is abundant in Vitamin C, it is good for protection from free radicals.

Cool cabbage leafs are recommended for nursing mothers who suffer from breast engorgement. It is suggested to use the green part of the cabbage leaves in between feedings. They can be used for prevention of engorgement as well. Many nursing mothers have gotten relief from the use of cabbage with this simple technique.

The most interesting property of this vegetable is its power to reduce the risk of developing a colon cancer. Studies have shown that population who eat large amounts of cabbage have low rate of colon cancer. This is due to its high content in fibers and chemicals. Fibers help our intestines to stay healthy by increasing our transit movements. Cabbage also contains chemicals that inhibit tumor growth and protect cells against free radicals.

Cabbage may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke as well as that of cancer, specifically colon cancer. It may also cut the risk of cataracts and spina bifida. It speeds ulcer healing and improves digestive health. Cabbage has a high folate, vitamin B and antioxidant content.

Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C. Cabbage is also a good source of thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, vitamin B6. It contains good amounts of vitamin k, folate, vitamin A and protein. Cabbage contains lactic acid that acts to disinfect colon.

Health and Beauty Tips To Keep Your Body Youthful Looking!

Health and Beauty Tips To Keep Your Body Youthful Looking!

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Health and Beauty Tips To Keep Your Body Youthful Looking!

Your body is your most important asset. Without a healthy body, you will not be able to enjoy your life. For this reason, you need to take care of your body. In these times when everybody is chasing a career, it's easy to neglect caring for the body. However, it is never too late to make changes in your daily routine and seek ways to achieve a healthy lifestyle. All too often, people don't realize that the proper maintenance of the body is the key to good health and beauty.

Taking control of your body will also lead to a more youthful appearance. There are many ways to achieve this. Trying to follow some health and beauty tips in the magazines is a great place to start. One of the best tips is to plan a regular exercise routine. The more you exercise, the healthier you will be. If you don't really have the time for a full exercise routine, you should know that even the slightest physical movement can make a huge difference. For instance, you can choose to use the stairs instead of elevator. Even walking your dog or doing some gardening is some form of exercise. As far as possible, try to add some physical activities in your daily routine. This will keep your body in good shape and reduce the risk of illnesses or diseases.

A good exercise routine does not necessarily mean that you have to join an expensive gym. The most effective way is to set aside at least 30 minutes to perform some form of exercise to burn fat and tone your body. There are exercise DVDs and simple home equipment that you can use. After sometime, you will notice a change in your body and overall health.

Exercise also has an effect on your skin, giving it luster and glow. To maximize the effects of exercise, it's best that you accompany it with a good healthy eating habit.

Eating healthy food and acquiring proper nutrition plays an important role when it comes to caring for your body. It is best to avoid junk food as well as foods that contain a high level of fat and oil. Healthy food lessens the risk of illness and other health issues. As a result, you will feel better as your energy increases. Regular consumption of healthy food helps to slow down the aging process.

If you want to reduce the process of aging, then it is best to abstain from smoking. Tobacco contains substances that can cause the skin to age. Perpetual smoking will make your skin look dull, thus, increasing your chances of developing wrinkles even if you are not in the stage yet. Quitting smoking has a lot of positive implications. It includes reducing risks of acquiring cancer, lung, and cardiovascular diseases.

Remember that taking care of body will bring positive results. By following good health and beauty tips, you are taking good care of your body. The end result is a healthier and younger body. Start by making changes today and you will feel the difference right away.

Have You Heard Copper Has Health Benefits

Have You Heard Copper Has Health Benefits

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Have You Heard Copper Has Health Benefits

Have You Heard? Copper Has Health Benefits

Whats the first thing to comes to your mind when you think of copper? While most of us think of a red metal used to create many objects, did you know that its also a metallic element essential to our health?

Since our bodies dont actively produce copper, the only way to consume it is through our diet and the foods we eat. Adults should be consuming around 1.5 mg to 2.5 mg of copper per day.

Copper is a catalyst for our normal metabolic processes and it combines with proteins to make sure our bodies are functioning properly. With too much or too little of it, we can suffer serious health issues.

If youre experiencing weakness or energy loss, maybe its time to take a look at you copper intake. Read on for coppers serious health benefits.

It stimulates the brain

Copper plays a huge role in brain functionality and your thinking processes. Too much of it could cause health problems and too little of it can cause abnormalities.

The myelin sheaths are an essential part of the nervous system in your brain and copper helps in producing and rebuilding these. This will ultimately impact how alert and fast youre able to process information.

Its also said to promote unique out-of-the-box thinking.

It soothes joint pain

Have you ever heard of people wearing copper compression socks or clothing? They do this because copper is known to increase circulation and in return, soothe your joint pain.

Cooper is said to increase the elasticity in your feet and contribute to the growth of lost cartilage. On swollen and sore joints, copper will work wonders.

It strengthens hair, nails, and skin

Copper is a critical component in a nutrient called melanin, which promotes hair, nails and skin growth and coloration. When melanin and copper work together, they create an enzyme called tyrosinase.

This keeps your hair healthy and lessens your chances of hair thinning and grays forming. It keeps your skin smooth and flexible and lessens your chances of developing wrinkles.

It helps absorb iron

One of coppers most important health benefits is that it helps with the absorption of iron and in doing so, maintains proper red blood cell count.

It makes sure iron and sugar are distributed evenly throughout your body. Ultimately, copper promotes proper iron levels and decreases your chances of iron deficiency.

It prevents premature aging

Copper fights diseases that form from premature aging like arthritis. It creates anti-inflammatory actions and these are what assist in fighting arthritis.

But, it doesnt just stop here. Copper also helps with your normal growth and health in general.

It has been demonstrated to improve cardiovascular health, opening up blood vessels and preventing blockage that could lead to heart attacks.

It supports digestion

Lastly, copper is known to kill bacteria and viruses. Ultimately, it can kill infections lurking around in your body.

As a result, this boosts your immune system and helps your body defend itself.

Consuming the right amounts of copper can also help your bodys digestive processes work more smoothly. It awakens the muscles and allows waste to travel through the body much faster.

Theres more copper leads to many other health benefits like balancing the thyroid, supporting the liver and spleen, boosting energy, reducing cholesterol, and helping form connective tissues.

Hopefully now you understand why this simple metal is so important for your health!

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Senin, 23 April 2018

Handling an Itchy Male Organ on Vacation

Handling an Itchy Male Organ on Vacation

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Handling an Itchy Male Organ on Vacation

Summertime is the season when people like to pick up and take off for a while, whether on a vacation to a different continent or just to a nearby county. A vacation is an excellent way to relax and forget about the woes and worries that beset a guy at work and at home. But some woes - like an itchy male organ - dont necessarily stay at home. Practicing proper member care can help address the itchy male organ issue while enjoying a vacation.
Identify the cause

The first step is to see if there is a cause for that itchy male organ before leaving on vacation. Is it jock itch? Eczema? A reaction to the chemicals in the laundry detergent? If a man is able to identify what is causing his itch, he can take some definite steps to relieve it - and perhaps make it go away before he even embarks on his vacation.

Bring what is needed

But sometimes a cause isnt easily identifiable - or a man may simply have sensitive skin that is prone to itching. In such cases, it helps if a man brings supplies that can help prevent an itchy male organ while traveling.

Generally, a man travels with certain essentials: toothbrush, deodorant, etc. To help avoid an itchy male organ, he may want to consider the following as well:

- Soap, shampoo and lotion. Yes, its true that one of the nice things about going to a hotel is knowing that they supply these essentials. But a man with sensitive manhood skin may regret using hotel supplies. They may contain chemicals (especially fragrances) that may not be "in sync" with his manhood skin needs. Even if a man uses shampoo and conditioner only on the hair on his head, it often drips down to other body parts, and contact with the male member can spark discomfort. The same goes for body or hand lotions; applying unfamiliar products to the member can be risky.

- Shaving materials, too. By the same token, it pays to bring along his own shaving cream or gel, razor and aftershave - and thats especially true if manscaping the male organ is involved. Using a new, never-touched razor is perfectly fine, but never use another persons razor when manscaping.

- Protection. One of the pleasures of a vacation for a guy traveling alone is the opportunity to make new friends. Of course, if a guy ends up in bed with one (or more) of those friends, he needs to pack plenty of protection. Assuming he is not allergic to latex latex barriers, its okay to buy latex barriers while on vacation - but beware of any with "add-ons" (such as fragrance or spermicides) that may irritate the male organ skin. And be sure to purchase a latex barrier that fits properly; those that are too tight or too loose can cause skin irritation during vigorous activity, leading to irritation and itchiness.

- Plenty of underwear. Some guys skimp on the underwear, assuming they can do laundry on vacation. The problem is that they often end up using bar soap or whatever detergent a vending machine has - and that may mean inviting harsh chemicals in. Some guys also opt to go commando, which has its perks, but sensitive manhood skin may get irritated and that often leads to prolonged itchiness.

Perhaps most importantly, help keep an itchy male organ at bay on vacation by bringing and regularly using a high level member health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Search out a crme that is heavy on the hydrating capability, preferably one with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E); skin that is well moisturized is less likely to itch. For even better results, find a crme that also contains vitamin C, which is noted for its role in giving male member skin tone and elasticity.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Hair Loss Treatment & Remedy

Hair Loss Treatment & Remedy

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Hair Loss Treatment & Remedy

Although hair is not essential to life, it is of sufficient cosmetic concern to provoke anxiety in anyone when it starts thinning, falling, or disappearing. To a woman, the sight of a comb or brush covered with lost hair can cause intense mental strain. Hair is formed in minute pockets in the skill called follicles. An upgrowth at the base of the follicle, called the papilla, actually produces hair when a special group of cells turn amino acids into keratin, a type of protein of which hair is made. The rate of production of these protein 'building blocks' determines hair growth. The average growth rate is about 1.2 cm per month, growing fastest on women between fifteen to thirty years of age.

A vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water is one of the most effective among the several home remedies for the prevention and treatment of hair loss. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will activate the sebaceous glands and energise the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy.

Indian gooseberry oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of indian gooseberry in coconut oil, is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of an equal quantity of fresh indian gooseberry juice and lime juice, used as a shampoo also stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Amaranth is another valuable remedy for hair loss. Its fresh leaf juice should be applied to the hair. It will help the growth of the hair and keep it soft.

Mix equal amount of warm castor and almond oil and massage over scalp at least once a week.

Apply a paste of hot olive oil, honey, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath and keep for 15 minutes.

Make a shampoo by mixing 100 g each of amla (Indian goose berry), reetha, and shikakai and boil in two liters of water until the liquid reduces to half. Use this shampoo for your hair for at least one month. Your hair will become thick.

Mustard oil, boiled with henna leaves, is useful for healthy growth of hair. About 250 ml of mustard oil should be boiled in a tin basin. About sixty grams of henna leaves should be gradually put in this oil till they are burnt in the oil. The oil should then be filtered using a cloth and stored. Regular massage of the head with the oil will produce abundant hair.

Daily application of refined coconut oil, mixed with lime water and lime juice on the hair, prevents hair loss and lengthens it. Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also considered beneficial. Washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram and fenugreek lengthens the hair. Regular use of castor oil as hair oil helps the luxuriant growth of the hair.

The healthy condition of the hair depends, to a very large extent, on the intake of sufficient amounts of essential nutrients in the daily diet. Persons with a tendency to lose hair should take a well-balanced and correct diet, made up of foods which, in combination, should supply all the essential nutrients. It has been found that a diet which contains liberal quantities of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits would provide adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients. Each food group should roughly form the bulk of one of the three principal meals. These foods should, however, be supplemented with certain special foods such as milk, vegetable oils, honey, wheat germ, yeast and liver.

Visit for more useful information on Hair Loss,Hair Care Tips and Hair Care during Monsoons.



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Henry Miller wrote in the Preface of H.E. Bates selection of stories Seven By Five (1963) that Bates with an obsession with pain. Pain stretched to breaking point, pain prolonged beyond all seeming endurance yet not by any means beyond the bounds of possibility. One of H.E. Bates great strength is to show a manly and unsentimental pity for those that suffer alone.

The Ox is a story of Mrs. Thurlow who suffers pain to the limits of endurance and bears her pain as well as life with the fortitude of an ox. Herein lies the justification of the title. More than one time Mrs. Thurlow has been compared to an ox. Mrs Thurlow was a washerwoman. At half past seven every morning she pushed her great rusty bicycle down the hill, and pushed it back at six in the evening, loaded with grey bundles of washing, oilcans, sacks, cabbages, old newspapers. She never rode the bicycle but always pushed it. Her relation to the bicycle was like that of a beast to a cart. She was the ox pulling the cart. Slopping along its side, her flat heavy feet pounding painfully along under mudstained skirt. Her face and body ugly with lumpy angles of bone she was like a beast of burden.

All day long she worked for a number of people, washing and cleaning. She never went beyond her regular boundary. She never thought about herself. In an oxlike way she thought about her two sons. She was ambitious for them, that they would become established. She had washed and scrubbed for fifteen years and had saved money for them. She kept it in a bag under her mattress. All the time she saved money religiously. Sometimes when she had no cleaning, she picked and planted potatoes, cabbages, roots peas, did more washing. Everyday she washed and ironed. She worked by candlelight. At night she folded clothes or cleaned boots. All along with an ox like fortitude she saved money. She had saved fifty four pounds. Every night she counted her money. It was an ox like obsession she had. She worked in the fields with her skirt pinned up like a tail looking like a bony ox.

She had one relaxation. On Sunday afternoons she read the newspapers. She read about wonderful things but her face remained ox like in its impassivity. She worked and saved emotionless like an ox except her one obsession.

Mr. Thurlow had a silver plate in his head. He often boasted about it. He had a bill hook. Her world crashed when one day Mr. Thurlow came with blood on his hands. He had committed a murder. He left the house with Mrs. Thurlows savings. Mrs. Thurlow was not concerned about her husband. She only cared for the money, her sons future. The money was missing. She told the police about it. The loss of her money brought her to the edge of distress. It symbolized the future. She moved about ponderous, flatfooted and unhurried, resolutely like an ox. But her future was destroyed. When her husband did not return she walked resolutely four miles to the next village. She held her bicycle firmly because she felt a sense of security and fortitude holding it. She went to her brother who was a master carpenter and talked to them about keeping her sons. Her sons hated the cheapness of Mrs. Thurlows home. They departed to live with their uncle.

Mrs. Thurlow was informed that her husband had been found. She went to the police station. She walked in heavily like an ox. She hardly registered anything. The only thing she asked when she met her husband was if she knew anything about the money. But he could not remember. The one hope that Mrs. Thurlow had also came to an end.

Mrs. Thurlow went back to her work with the resoluteness of an ox. I got my cleaning to do. I got to pick up my bicycle. She returned to her work and felt a return of security. She went back to reality. But she was oppressed by a sense of duty. She resumed her duty expressionless like an ox. She suffered the pain in silence, she felt bitterness, her life was a suffering. She pushed the bicycle back and forth each day in the same ox like manner, her heavy feel slopping dully beside it.

She still had one hope, her boys. She hoped they would return to her. She went to her brother to bring them back. But they had liked the comfort of their uncles home. They did not want to return to the discomfort of their home. So they refused to return. Mrs. Thurlow stood still, with the crushed core of her optimism and faith. As she returned with her bicycle the tyre gave way with a faint hiss. Ox like she struggled up the hill. Her life had come to a standstill. No hope remained for her. But still she struggled on like an ox. She was the beast of burden bearing her pain in silence.

Minggu, 22 April 2018

Grow Your Compound Bow Sales With SEO Copywriting Services

Grow Your Compound Bow Sales With SEO Copywriting Services

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Grow Your Compound Bow Sales With SEO Copywriting Services

Are your online sales and online traffic constantly letting you down? Outsourcing to someone who specializes in SEO copywriting service can be the missing piece you need to unlock everything.

You know that blogging can help your business, but its probably something you keep putting off because you dont have time for it. Or, because you have no idea what to write about.

But that doesnt need to stand in your way. Lets take a look at exactly how a professionally written and optimized blog can help you.

Its Actually Cheaper Than Doing it Yourself

You got into this business because youre passionate about the outdoors, hunting, and bow hunting. Not because you knew how to write about it.

You have probably tried. That means you probably opened a word document and stared at it for an hour before writing anything.

Then, with enough procrastinating and putting things off, you possibly put together an article in about four or five hours. Maybe even more.

And even then, you werent really sure you did the right thing. What keywords should I be focussing on? Can I get somebody to proofread this? How often should I be doing it? How do I promote it? Where do I get the pictures?

Your Time and Money Can Be Better Spent

It feels like a waste of time because it is. As the business owner, your time can be spent in a lot more productive places, like training your staff, managing your inventory, or building relationships with your customers.

But lets take a look at the dollars and cents involved. Lets say very conservatively, as the owner of the store, your time is worth $50 an hour. So the five hours that it took you to write the blog actually cost $250.

Or maybe you gave the task to a salesperson or other member of your staff. So maybe it cost you about half of that when you subtract their time from the company. Thats still too much.

And youre still only guessing if everything was done the right way.

The better business decision is to take that money and invested in professionals and SEO copywriting services. That way, youre paying for the product and that you will have a full confidence was done the right way.

It should be properly optimized, and well written with absolutely no spelling or grammar errors. And it will also be 100% free of plagiarism.

Because SEO Copywriting Services Actually Makes You Money

Your blog can make you money both directly and indirectly. First of all, would-be customers can read your blog and go directly to your online store and make a buy. Thats a direct sale, and very easy to track.

It can be a little bit trickier to measure the return on investment for the indirect sale.

The main benefit of SEO copywriting services is to capture more SEO respect. Websites with a blog tend to have 434% more indexed pages than the ones who dont.

Thats because today Google is looking for quality and organic content, like blogs.

So how do you measure the ROI of that? Well, you can see your key search terms go up in the ranking. All of a sudden, youre at the top of Google rankings instead of your competition.

This sends more traffic to your website, and more traffic into your storefront, as people are now finding you on Google. Most people who find a business on Google will call or visit them within 24 hours.

This means people will be coming to see you even more buy-ready than they did before. And your sales team wont have to work as hard to close the sale because a lot of the education process is now done through your marketing.

So clearly define the keywords you want to focus on, and monitor their progress in SEO ranking. Also, try to measure how much of your sales and foot-traffic is coming in as a result of finding you online.

Because Its a Lot Easier Than You Think

You might be worried that its going to be hard to find a writer who knows a lot about your industry. Do they even hunt?

Its actually a lot easier than you think. There are lots of freelance writers and writers at SEO agencies who have a lot of experience writing about the outdoors and hunting.

Also, you can still leverage your own expertise and get it into their writing. They should be able to interview you for an hour and have enough material to turn it into three or four blocks.

They should be able to rate industry expert articles like comparing recurve vs compound, based on those interviews. And they should be able to do a pretty good job of capturing your voice.

One meeting a month with your writer should be just fine. And that meeting can even take place on the phone or over Skype.

Because Youre Buying Much More Than Just Copywriting

When you outsource your SEO copywriting services, your writer should have a strong knowledge of SEO best practices, and keywording.

That means they should know which keywords to focus on with your blogs, and how to properly optimize them in each one.

Most SEO firms and a lot of freelancers will also give you access to high-quality images from expensive subscription-based sites like Shutterstock or Adobe Images.

You really do need high-quality images for your blog. Less than professional images and boring cookie cutter stock photography can hurt your blog.

This image will be the first thing people see when your blog pops up on social media, and it will often make or break their decision to read more.

Let Us Show You How to Run a Succesful Blog

We can help you with everything from which WordPress theme to use, to how to pay your writers.

Learn everything you need to know about your content strategy here.

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