Rabu, 11 April 2018

Eat Fats for Your Health

Eat Fats for Your Health

Image source: https://type2diabetes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/How-to-Eat-More-Healthy-Fats.jpg

Eat Fats for Your Health

Mounting research suggests that getting the right amount of essential fatty acids is as important as getting your daily vitamins. There are fats that are very beneficial to our general health, especially our skin health. There are also fats we should avoid; usually we are eating the wrong fats.

Many adults are starting to include an EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) supplement in their daily supplementation program. The benefits are usually noticeable within a few weeks of starting supplementation. One of the first things people usually notice is a reduction in the dryness and itching of the skin. Research in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, cited an imbalance in fat metabolism, due to the modern diet loaded with processed foods and hydrogenated fats or trans fats while being practically void of EFAs - as a major culprit in many health problems. Clearly, a healthy balance of EFAs is critical to total body health both inside and out. Essential Four:

ALA (Alpha linolenic acid) found in flax seeds, has shown great promise in helping the body with cancer prevention, protecting against heart disease, improving immune function, pre-menopausal and menopausal symptoms. Many women report that hot flashes and night sweats disappear after a couple weeks of taking 2 tablespoons of flax seed oil. Improved hormone function equates to healthier, younger looking skin.

GLA (Gamma linolenic acid) is recognized for its abilities in a variety of areas. It is a PMS soother, arthritis alleviator and major beautifier. Borage oil, black current seed oil, and evening primrose oil are the richest sources of GLA. While GLA is found in vegetable oils, there are numerous dietary and lifestyle factors which disrupt the absorption. For example, consumption of sugar, alcohol, trans fats, and lack of minerals and vitamins can interfere with absorption of GLA, EPA and DHA. Trans fats usually come in the form of fried foods, alcohol is alcohol, and sugar is hidden because anything white converts to sugar immediately. High fructose corn syrup is the worst but baked products with white enriched flour convert to sugar and mess with the absorption of GLA, EPA, and DHA fats.

Research with the Omega-3s, EPA and DHA has shown such great promise in a variety of mental and physical health issues that the American Heart Association recently revised its food guidelines to include Omega-3s. They are advising everyones diet consist of at least two 3 ounce servings of a fatty fish weekly. Fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel.

These fats are critical to hormone production and hormone production is at the source of every bodily function. Because of the necessary of these healthy fats in hormone production it is easy to see why they are showing to be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases.

Read food labels before you buy or eat a food. This is critical you will be surprised what you can learn from the label. Hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated oils have been indicated in many major cancers and heart disease. If the product has hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, lard or any added animal fats do not consume it. At a restaurant ask what type of oils or fats are used in preparing this food. Olive oil and butter are your safest options. There is not a food that contains these fats that you cannot live without and there are many alternatives in todays market place. We can take action to remove these foods from the options that are available in the future by not purchasing them.

Many people today are finding they are sensitive and cannot eat gluten containing foods. Even those tested negative for gluten sensitivity still notice their digestion is better when they eliminate enriched flour products from their diets. It is not only the gluten that is a problem in enriched flour products. Digestion is impaired when we eat enriched flour because all the beneficial nutrients, fiber and fats are removed from the enriched product to begin with. Enriched means it is not whole or it is missing something.

To Summarize:

Take a multiple vitamin daily.

Take an EFA daily.

A daily dose of good fats is a vital component of overall health and well-being as well as necessary for beautiful skin.

Avoid alcohol, trans fats, hydrogenated fats and excess sugars.

Read labels religiously.

Eat nutrient dense foods that provide necessary vitamins and minerals.

Eliminate enriched flour products.

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