Jumat, 13 April 2018

Edging Into a Raw, Red Male Organ

Edging Into a Raw, Red Male Organ

Image source: https://cdna.lystit.com/photos/87ef-2015/08/13/haider-ackermann-red-raw-edge-knit-t-shirt-product-1-505461261-normal.jpeg

Edging Into a Raw, Red Male Organ

For this last reason, many men engage in edging, which is self-stimulating until he is just about to release seed; stopping to let the need to release subside; and then resuming self-stimulating and repeating the whole process. For some men, edging can last for 20 or 30 minutes; for others, it can go on for hours. But sometimes edging for an extended period of time can result in a raw, red male organ, and that is something guys want to avoid.
For those who are into edging or would like to explore edging, there are a few tips to keep in mind to help avoid that raw, red male organ.

- Start slow. If a mans typical self-fondling session lasts 5 or 10 minutes, planning on edging for two hours the first time out may not be wise. As with many other things, its usually best to build up to things first. So perhaps have an initial goal of 30 minutes for the first couple of sessions, then 45 minutes, then an hour, and so on. This gives the member skin time to get used to the lengthier amounts of friction.

- Use creme. This is extremely important. Being well-lubricated throughout the edging session is probably the best way to avoid a sore red male organ. The key here is "throughout the edging session." Pouring some lubricant into the palm at the start of the session is important, but replenishing that lubricant as the session goes on is also crucial. Yes, sometimes a guy may over-lubricate and need to wipe off a little excess, but thats okay. It will be easier to estimate the proper amounts to use as he becomes a more expert edger.

- Change things up. Often when a man self-pleasures, he focuses most of his attention on one area of the manhood. For example, many men will spend a great deal of time stroking around the head. When edging, it pays to spread things around, and to vary the parts of the member that are stroked. It also helps to change the way the member is touched. For example, if a man usually strokes with his right hand, he might use his left for a few minutes. He might use a looser grip sometimes and a tighter grip at others. Rather than stroking, he may "pulse" - open and close the fist rapidly. There are many ways to change up the edging experience.

- Goon wisely. Often men who edge get into a state that is referred to as "gooning." This is kind of like a hypnotic feeling in which men feel "at one" with their manhood. It is sometimes accompanied by a zoned-out look, often with the mouth open. The problem is that some men who goon get so wrapped up that they neglect to keep the creme fresh. Reapplication may break the goon state, but it can help keep away that raw red male organ afterward.

- Dont feel edging is required. Edging is something a guy should do for pleasure. Just because a man has grown used to edging doesnt mean he cant allow himself a "quickie" whenever he wants.

When edging does create a raw, red male organ, a man will want to treat his member with special care. He definitely needs to utilize a top drawer member health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). First of all, be sure the crme has a combination of a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E), so that it can remoisturize the raw manhood skin and soothe the soreness. In addition, seek out a crme with L-carnitine. This amino acid can help restore loss of sensation in the member, which can occur when a man edges too roughly.

Visit www.menshealthfirst.com for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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