Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Eggplant And Eggplant Recipes

Eggplant And Eggplant Recipes

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Eggplant And Eggplant Recipes

Eggplant comes from India. It was cultivated mainly in South and East Asia long ago but it became famous in the western world after 1500. It is cultivated as annual. It grows from 40 to 150 cm. It has big leaves - they can reach 10-20 cm length and 5-10 cm width. Some wild plants can reach the size of 225 cm. Their leaves can be longer than 30 cm and wider than 15 cm. Their trunks are often thorny. Their color can vary from white to purple. The fruit is pulpy. Wild plants have no longer than 3cm fruit in contrary to the cultivated which fruit is quite bigger. Raw fruits of the eggplant have a bitter taste. This bitter taste can easily be fixed. It is necessary to put some salt on the eggplant and then wash it out. Nowadays most of the sorts do not need this manipulation.Another well known fact is that this fruit has the ability to absorb big amounts of fat. It is important to mention that the absorbing ability of the eggplant can decrease if we put salt on it. Eggplant is major ingredient in many cooking recipes. It is famous all over the world-from Japan to Spain. In your meals you can see it boiled, fried, baked...

Recipes with Eggplant

Baked Eggplant

1 kg eggplant;
2 middle-sized tomatoes;
7-8 tablespoons vegetable oil;
5-6 big cloves of garlic;
1 cup water;

Peel and slice the eggplant on thin slices. Put salt and leave for 30 minutes to strain off. Slice the tomatoes on thin slices and the garlic cloves lengthwise. Stir all the products in vegetable oil and pour in a tray. Spread out equally and pour the water. Bake on second level of the oven at maximum temperature then lower to 200 degrees Celsius(392 Fahrenheit). Serve with sliced on fine pieces parsley.

Eggplant with green peppers

500 g eggplant;
300 g green peppers;
1 onion;
80 ml vegetable oil;
a bunch of parsley;
4-5 cloves of garlic;
1 circle of lemon,

Slice the green peppers on fine pieces. Wash and peel the eggplant and then slice it on cubes. Fry onion in a frying pan using vegetable oil until it becomes rosy. Add green peppers and eggplant. Add salt. Stir the mixture and cover so the vegetables can get mellow. After the vegetables soften uncover and leave on the hot plate until only fat remains. Slice parsley and garlic and add to the vegetables. Put a pinch or two cumin and pepper for better taste.

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