Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

10 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Chikungunya Fever

10 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Chikungunya Fever

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10 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Chikungunya Fever

Chikungunya is a viral disease which is caused by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. Due to the little knowledge about the disease, it has caused a lot of panic among people. It is seldom life threatening. The most painful aspect of chikungunya is the period of pain and swelling in the joints. This is due to the response of one's own immune system to the parts the joints. This is known as an auto-immune response. This is most commonly experienced by older people because if they have a pre-existing arthritic tendency, they suffer badly. This infection has become prevalent these days and affecting lives of hundreds and thousands.

Ayurvedic view of chikungunya fever

In Ayurveda, it is known as sandhi jwara that literally means 'fever of the joints'.Chikungunya fever is considered as vata dosha disorder.  In chikungunya, Ayurveda believes in enhancing the immunity of an individual. Thus, Immunomodulator medications are prescribed that help to modulate the immune response of the body against antigens which inadvertently affect the joints. Ayurvedic treatment helps to reverse the inflammatory process as well as prevents the tissue damage. Medicines to improve immunity, medicines to reduce fever and treatment to bring down muscle pain, nausea, fatigue, rash and headache are given in Ayurveda along with rejuvenation medicines.

Allopathic treatment options are only symptomatic for mitigating the pain and fever along with anti-inflammatory drugs, in such cases convalescence cause prolonged joint pain which may require analgesics along with long-term anti-inflammatory therapy.

There is a slight difference between the symptoms of dengue and chikungunya. The most distinguishing feature of dengue is bleeding. Both are caused by viruses but they are different viruses. Chikungunya is caused by an Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus while dengue is caused by Flavirideae flavivirus. Joint pain resulting from chikungunya may last for years.

Diagnosis- Chikungunya fever is diagnosed on the basis of serological tests like ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays) for detection of antibodies like IgG and IgM and RT- PCR (Reverse Transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction). These tests are used to detect the presence of virus in the blood.

A study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri has found that symptoms and blood test results of patients with chikungunya is similar to that of rheumatoid arthritis patients.

What are the symptoms of chikungunya?

Severe joint pain
Muscular pain

How chikungunya spreads?

Several varieties of viral infections are spread through droplets discharged into the atmosphere by the sneezing of the infected patients.
It is important to note that sometimes, post chikungunya affects multiple joints leaving a person debilitated for a long time so proper treatment is necessary.

Some key points about chikungunya-

It is a viral disease.
Mosquito control is the only effective prevention technique.
Usually non- fatal
Currently, there are no vaccines available.
Transmission is only through mosquito bite not from human to human.

Prevention of chikungunya fever:

Currently, there is no vaccine available for Chikungunya so prevention is the best option. The best prevention is not to get a bite from a mosquito. Precautions should be taken to reduce the risk of mosquito bites.

Use mosquito nets during sleep
Keeping a tulsi plant (Ocimum sanctum) prevents the mosquito to breed around your home as it flies with the fragrance of tulsi leaves.
Use of cream or spray that can be applied on the skin. Local application of coconut oil on arms, knees, legs is also recommended to prevent the mosquito from biting on open areas.
Drain all the water collected around the house.
Ensure that drainages are either closed or chemicals are sprayed which kill mosquito larvae.

Home remedies for chikungunya fever

Turmeric(curcumin longa)- Turmeric is natural anti-inflammatory due to the presence of alkaloid curcumin. It has strong anti-oxidant properties thus very useful in treating chikungunya.
Ginger- It contains naturally occurring analgesics, which mimic Non- Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs(NSAIDs). Ginger is anti-inflammatory thus provides relief in chikungunya.
Vitamin c- Vitamin C has antioxidant properties. It helps to flush out toxins from the body. Sources of Vitamin C are- Amla(Indian gooseberry), oranges, lemon etc.
Leafy green vegetables- They are useful as they are a rich source of iron and vitamin E among other nutrients. One must include leafy green vegetables in a diet to fight chikungunya.
Massage with sesame oil is very helpful to reduce the symptoms of pain in the body due to chikungunya.
Giloy(tinospora cordifolia) is an immunomodulator. Thus, Giloy and Ginger boiled in water to make a decoction. It can be taken for 1 week thrice a day.
A decoction of neem, tulsi, giloy, Ginger should be taken thrice a day.
Ashwagandha powder(withania somnifera) to be taken daily with milk.
Local application of garlic paste or clove oil on the painful joints for providing relief from pain.
Chewing tulsi leaves (Ocimum sanctum) helps in providing relief from chikungunya.

Other tips:

Adequate rest is necessary.
Take fine powder of Haritiki (Terminalia chebula),This is to be consumed along with warm water.
Drink fluids to prevent dehydration.
Don't take aspirin and other Non- Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) until dengue can be ruled out to reduce the risk of bleeding.
A mixture made up of honey and lime is also beneficial.
Since there is no cure for chikungunya in modern medicine, medicines are prescribed for symptomatic relief, these home remedies will prove very beneficial as these are recommended to build up immunity and to reduce pain and inflammation.

Various Ayurvedic combinations like- Sanjivani Vati+ Amritarishta(4-6 weeks), to reduce inflammation( Yograj guggul, Vatari guggul), to restore energy after the fever is relieved( Ashwgandharishta, Balarishta 2 times a day), Shilajit capsules etc.

Oil for the application can be used after the fever is relieved to improve joint strength and relieve pain. For kids below 7 years of age and suffering from chikungunya will have to strictly follow the advice of a doctor. In children, 5 ml Amritarishta + 5 ml water can be administered after meals along with medicines prescribed by a doctor to bring fever under control. In case, if a child suffers from joint pain after the fever is relieved, then local application with oil can be done to relieve pain.

9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet

9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet

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9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet

Most of us are "regular" people. We don't eat the perfect diet
all the time and have our struggles with food, same as everyone
else. But having an awareness of this fact and knowing a little
bit about our health and food nutrition can help when it comes to
making wise decisions.

Many people struggle with food "cravings." Studies tell us that
it's fairly common for food cravings to happen at certain times,
quite often at around bedtime. Your guard may be down, you may
have had an unusually hard day, and off you go on your
not-so-merry way to find that tasty treat. Fatigue and stress
often combine to take their toll on the best of intentions.

When food cravings are unconstrained, what starts out as a
bedtime snack quickly turns into a full blown feeding
frenzy...not something most of us fully understand or appreciate.
We head to kitchen and every other place where food can hide,
clearing a path as we go.

Most food cravings are not about satisfying a nutritional need or

imbalance. They seem to be more emotionally related, or God
forbid, are caused by plain old gluttony. Exactly why we
over-indulge is not completely understood, however our knowledge
about this subject continues to grow.

Listed below are some thoughts and ideas about food cravings:

- If the food isn't available, you can't eat it! Empty the cookie
jar and keep it that way! Keep healthy food choices on-hand.

- Recognize the feelings and emotions that lead-up to a food
craving. Do you have food cravings when you're bored, lonely, or
stressed? If you can identify a trigger, you can deal with the
emotion that's making you desire a certain food. Try to deal with
the triggers in the best way you can.

- Sometimes, even recognizing that a craving is about to happen
doesn't seem to help. Don't beat yourself-up. There is always
tomorrow. Call a friend, make good use of your support network
and share your feelings with someone.

- Get enough sleep. When you're tired, you're more likely to

crave things.

- Never give-up. When you "slip", press-in, bear-down, get a
grip, do whatever is necessary to re-gain control. Try to
practice restraint most of the time, but don't get legalistic and
un-balanced in your weight loss approach. Think moderation and
not abstinence at all times!

- Understand that self-control and discipline by themselves,
won't cut it! If you depend totally on yourself for control, you
will fail. Forming caring and supportive relationships is
required. If you do not currently have a support network, start
building one TODAY.

- Exercise. It increases feel-good endorphins that cut down on
your cravings. Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical
activity every day.

- Use moderation. Instead of stuffing yourself with every kind of
food hoping that your craving will go away, eat 100 to 200
calories of your "craved" food.

- Substitute with low-fat foods and complex carbs. If you're
hungry for chocolate, eat non-fat chocolate yogurt. Try fig bars
or raisins for a sweet craving.

- Never skip a meal. Eat every three to five hours. Try six
smaller meals or regular meals with nutritious snacks.

- Understand that hunger craving are oftentimes stress related.
Practice other ways to treat chronic stress - a walk in the park,
spiritual connections, a cozy fireplace, baths...all these
stimulate neurochemicals that activate regions of the brain that
stimulate pleasure. Relaxation techniques may work by reducing
the psychological drives on stress output, which can be the root
causes of stress. Bottom line, substitute pleasurable experiences
for comfort foods.

- Beware of certain medications. They can stimulate appetite.
Drugs used for the treatment of depression and bipolar disorder
can be appetite stimulants. Other drugs, both prescription and
over the counter, may influence appetite as well. If you are on a
medication, and troubled by food cravings, discuss this with your
doctor or pharmacist. You may be able to find an alternative that
doesn't send your cravings out of control.

- Distract Yourself. What's that old expression...idle hands are
the devils workshop? Get busy. Do anything other than cave-in to
your desire for food, and keep doing it until the cravings

- One final thought, take a look inside your refrigerator and
kitchen cabinets and do some general "house cleaning." Throw-out
all that unhealthy stuff that is waiting to sabotage your diet,
and start shopping more wisely. A little forethought and careful
planning will go a long way for improving your chances of

Eat wisely, be happy, and live long!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

8 Health Benefits Of Walking

8 Health Benefits Of Walking

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8 Health Benefits Of Walking

There is an easy way to get - and stay healthy. Almost anyone can do it, it fits into just about any schedule, and best of all, it can be done alone (enjoying nature?) or with company (catching up with your neighbor or sister?)...

It isn't a miracle cure, but at times it sure seems like it. If you're tired and don't feel like exercising, once you start, you'll feel so much better. What is this amazing way to achieve and maintain your health?


I know, it sounds too simple. But - here are some statistics:

Reduce your risk of breast cancer by 20%, heart disease by 30-40%, and diabetes and stroke by 50% just by walking 30-60 minutes a day.

But that's not all, you can also:

Raise your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (which is the good cholesterol)

Lower your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (which is the bad cholesterol)

Lower your blood pressure

Reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety

Maintain lean muscle

Increase cardiovascular endurance

Reduce the pain and joint swelling that accompanies arthritis

Increase weight loss and reduce body fat

If you want to live healthier longer, start now with daily walking or exercise. A study in the November 14, 2005 "Archives of Internal Medicine" showed that exercise levels directly related to years lived without cardiovascular disease. They found that 30 minutes of walking a day adds an average of 1.3 healthy years to your life.

30 Minutes of Walking a Day Adds 1.3 Healthy Years

A moderate level of physical activity, such as walking 30 minutes a day, lengthened life by 1.3 years and added 1.1 more years without cardiovascular disease, compared with those with low activity levels. Those who chose a high physical activity level gained 3.7 years of life and added 3.3 more years without cardiovascular disease.

If you are walking at 3.5 m.p.h., in one hour you will burn an amount of calories equal to twice your pounds of body weight. Take that amount of calories and divide it by 3.5 to see how many calories you burn per mile.

Let's talk about burning fat vs. burning carbohydrates. Many people are confused about this and are making some erroneous exercise choices based on their goals (weight loss, building muscle, etc.).

When you burn fat, your body reacts to the sudden loss of fat by replenishing the fat that has been lost, so that you still have those reserves to pull from. You are training your body to replace the fat that you are burning.

When you burn carbohydrates, the body first burns the carbohydrates stored in muscle tissue before it starts burning fat. Therefore, your body doesn't tell itself to replenish the fat, but to replenish the carbs.

What does this mean?

Walking - a low-intensity workout - will allow your body to burn carbohydrates first, and then fat. If you are looking to lose weight and build muscle, walking is a much better option that jogging or aerobic activity.

When you do low-intensity exercise (like walking), you burn 5-8% protein (or muscle), 70% carbohydrates, and 15% fat. What does this mean? After you're done walking, your body continues to burn fuel - this means that you are burning fat after you are done with your walk.

When you do high-intensity exercise, you burn 2% protein, 95% carbohydrates, and 3% fat. What does this mean? From a health perspective, it means that you are burning fat throughout the day by depleting your carbohydrates.

In sum, the key to a successful walking regimen is having the motivation to walk every day, to be consistent with your walking, for 30-60 minutes. As with all activities, having the right equipment helps. It starts with a quality pair of walking shoes. Don't skimp! This is an area in which you should never cut corners. Walking affects your ankles, knees, hips - your whole body. A good walking shoe should promote the proper mechanics of walking, in which your heel should strike the ground first, and then roll through the step to your toe. People often think that walking is basic. But as with any activity, proper form and equipment will ensure maximum workout and minimum damage to your body.

Personally, I have found MBT shoes to be the best shoes for walking. They are designed based on Masai Barefoot Technology, and promote proper walking form. The proper heel-toe action will both change your stride while walking and greatly increase the effectiveness of your workout. Having the proper mechanics while walking will increase the health benefits of walking.

Senin, 21 Mei 2018

7 Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart FAST!

7 Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart FAST!

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7 Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart FAST!

A broken heart is hard to deal with no matter how the break up goes down. It is something that may hurt for a long time to come.

You need to figure out how to get over a broken heart when it happens. It may not be something that you want to think about but you have to do it because life does go on and you need to take advantage of it.

There are going to be different phases of the breakup. You need to go through them all so that you are able to achieve the sense of security and love that you once did. Having these feelings are going to be good for you but you do not want to take them too far.

This will only make things harder on you when it comes to getting on with your life. There are predicable phases of a break up. You may have been through them before, but there are some good ways to deal with your strong feelings and get over that broken heart fast!

1. You need to share your feelings.

Getting out what you are feeling is going to make you feel better inside. You want to share these feelings with your friends and family or anyone that will listen to you. Having a good support is going to help you get through the tough times faster. You do not have to let it out all at once. Talk about it slowly and work your way up to getting it all out in the open.

2. Think about what is good for you.

You have to get over this broken heart fast so that you are able to feel better. You need to make good choices for what is good for your heart and soul. Make sure that you are not putting yourself in any situation that may be harmful for you. Getting over the breakup is important and you need to do what is best for you.

3. Taking good care of you is important.

You want to keep eating and exercising and staying healthy. You need to keep your strength up so that you are able to be strong and able to feel good about yourself. This will help you get over the break up and get back on track.

4. Let it all out if you want to.

Crying is good. You do not have to be embarrassed about crying. It is part of life. You will find that there are going to be hard times that hit you all of a sudden and you will feel like crying and letting it all out. You need to do this anyway to keep your sanity. This will help you feel better and get back on track. You need to do this when you feel the urge and do not worry about what others think.

5. Doing the things that you love the most will help you get over the break up too.

You will want to make sure that you are keeping up with your hobbies and doing what makes you the happiest. You want to keep your schedule on track and stay busy. This will help you heal faster.

6. Keeping busy is KEY.

You need to stay on the go and keep your mind occupied. This will allow you to keep old what is his name out of your mind and keep you motivated to stay healthy. You want to make sure that you are doing all that you can to stay busy. You will want to talk to your friends, go out more and spend some time with your family. These things will make you feel better and help heal your wounded heart.

7. Time is of the essence.

You need to remember that all wounds heal with time. You need to give yourself the time and soon you will notice that you are not feeling so bad and that life is good again. You will move on and find a new love that will take your mind off of the break up that you thought would ruin your life.

There is no need to worry when you are involved in a break up. Everyone has been through it and there is going to be happiness again. It will happen for you and when it does, you will feel much better that you knew what to do to get over the break up faster.

7 Reasons Why A Close Relationship Is Good For Your Mental Health

7 Reasons Why A Close Relationship Is Good For Your Mental Health

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7 Reasons Why A Close Relationship Is Good For Your Mental Health

To fall in love with the right person is probably the best feeling in the world. It is because a close relationship with the person you love can add so much of meaning and happiness to your life. But, do you know a healthy and close relationship with your partner can also improve your mental health and help you lead a happy life? Yes, relationships are important to your mental health every day of the year. To know why a close relationship is good for your mental health, read the following reasons:

Relationships Can Reduce Stress
Relationships can reduce stress and improve your mental health. If you are in a close relationship with someone you love, it will help you overcome stress and anxiety even in the worst situations. Your partners support and love will help you to get rid off any type of tension faster. Thus, it will make you emotionally stronger and mentally healthier.

Relationships Can Boost Your Happiness
Being in a close and healthy relationship with someone you love can really make you happier as a person. Whenever your partner shows gratitude towards you or surprise you with a Valentine gifts on February 14, it has a great effect on your oxytocin level, which can boost your mood and enhance your happiness.

Relationships Can Prevent Loneliness
Your partner can help you celebrate your good times and also provide support at your bad times. Isnt it? So, if you want to make your presence felt to the girl you love even if you are miles apart, dont forget to send a Valentines Day gift for girlfriend on February 14. Remember your companionship and love can improve your mental health and your girlfriends too.

Relationship Can Heal You Faster
Whether you have got your leg fractured or hurt your head, your partners love and warmth will help you heal faster. A little emotional support and love from the person you love can help you recover from a illness faster. So, make sure you stand by your partner always no matter what the situation is.

Relationship Can Help You Live Longer
Last but not the least, relationship can actually help you live longer. It is because when you are in a relationship you are happy. And, when you are happy, your body releases a number of hormones which boost your mood and strengthen your immune system. So, always make sure that you are happy in a relationship.

Relationship Can Give You Peace Of Mind
In this world full of chaos, people seek out for that peace of mind that can bring contentment in their life. A healthy relationship with your partner can give you that peace of mind amid of every hurdle in your life. So, if you are one of those who is seeking out for peace the, seek out for a healthy relationship.

Relationship Can Improve Your Sleep Cycle
A healthy sleep cycle is very important for a good mental health. Nowadays a lot of people usually suffer from sleeping illness which further cause mental illness. But, being in a healthy relationship can improve your sleep cycle and help you overcome insomnia.

This is how a close relationship with your partner can help you improve mental health and make you a happier person.

7 Herbal Remedies for Lowering Cholesterol Levels

7 Herbal Remedies for Lowering Cholesterol Levels

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7 Herbal Remedies for Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Day by day chances of heart problems is expanding. High cholesterol levels are the main cause of the blockage of arteries in the heart. High level of cholesterol is called hypercholesterolemia. Do you know the healthy cholesterol range? Well, Blood cholesterol levels should remain below 200 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter of blood). When it increases up to 240 or higher mg/dL it is considered as high cholesterol. Though there are various medicines available in the market which helps to lower the cholesterol levels. But these medicines may also result in the negative impacts on health.

How herbal remedies for lowering the cholesterol levels can help us?

In Ayurveda, herbs are used to treat health issues. It is the safest way to cure the sickness since the herbs dont result in the negative impacts on health.

There are various herbs like Which possess the cholesterol-lowing properties.

Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
Pipal tvak ( Ficus religiosa)
Dalchini (Cinnamon tamala)
Choti elaichi (Elettaria cardamom)

7 herbal Remedies for lowering cholesterol

1. Arjuna(Terminalia arjuna)

This herb has the great medicinal importance in the Ayurveda. Medicinal properties of Arjuna are very fruitful to treat the heart problems as it is loaded with the cardiovascular properties.  It helps to strengthen the   heart muscles and maintains the healthy blood flow throughout the body. Use of this herb is quite effective to lower down the LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase the HDL (good) cholesterol.  Hence for the heart health this herb works like wonder.

2. Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is considered as one of most potent herb in Ayurveda as it offers the overall health benefits. This herb is quite good to maintain the good cholesterol levels, good blood pressure. Besides of all this it helps in the dilation of blood vessels and provides the strength to heart muscles also.

3.Brahmi(Bacopa monnieri)

This herb also supports the good health of heart.  Brahmi is also considered as an effective herb to manage the symptoms of congestive heart failure and strengthen the heart muscles. It helps in the blood purification and removes all the impurities from blood.

4. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)

It is considered as the rejuvenating herb for healthy heart. Herb Punarnava is comprised of two words - Puna means again and nava means new. It works like natural mild diuretic and removes the toxins and edema from body. For heart problems it acts as cardiac tonic.  Use of this herb is very beneficial to healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body.

5. Pipal tvak (Ficus religiosa)

This herb is commonly called as Peepal. It is considered as the sacred tree in Hindu and Buddhists religion.  Leaves of this tree are in the shape of heart hence the it is best herb for good heart health. Antioxidants and astringent properties of peepal are quite useful in maintaining rejuvenating effects on the body. Moreover medicinal properties of this herb also aid in the lowering of cholesterol levels in body.

6. Dalchini (Cinnamon tamala)

This herb is commonly called as the Cinnamon. It is the one of most common spice used in the Indian Kitchens. It is a rich source of fiber, calcium and magnesium hence offers the good heart health benefits. Use of this herb is known to be quite effective in lowering down the cholesterol levels, LDL (bad cholesterol). Hence it is herb with heart protective properties

7. Choti elaichi (Elettaria cardamom)

Elaichi  is famous for its magical flavor and known to be quite good in alleviating the bad breath. Whereas in Ayurveda this spice is famous for its medicinal properties since ages. It acts like a panacea for heart health. Essential minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium present in elaichi are quite good to maintain the good heart health. It helps to maintain the healthy levels of cholesterol and blood pressures.
Magnesium present in cardamom plays a vital role in the production of enzymes which act like a scavenger and protects the body from free radical damage.

All the above mentioned herbs are used in formulation of Planet Ayurvedas products which are listed below:

1. Total Heart Support AS the name suggest this herbal product offers the overall good heart health. Total heart support pack is the combination of various herbs which are given below -

Arjuna(Terminalia arjuna)
Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera)
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)

Dosage One capsule two times daily with plain water.

2. ARJUN TEA This herbal tea is loaded with amazing blood cholesterol lowering properties and supports the good heart health also. Herbs used in the formulation of Arjuna tea are given below

Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
Pipal tvak ( Ficus religiosa)
Dalchini (Cinnamon tamala)
Choti elaichi (Elettaria cardamom)

How to use:

Put one cup of water and 1 cup of milk in a pan.
Add 1 teaspoon of Arjuna tea and then stir the mixture.
Boil the mixture and simmer it on low heat. Boil until it reduces to one cup.
Strain the tea and add sweetener if needed (drink without sugar).

3. ARJUNA CAPSULES Arjuna capsules are prepared from the standardized extract of herb Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). These capsules are also quite effective to lower LDL cholesterol and to increase the HDL cholesterol. Moreover, these capsules are free from any side effects.

Dosage - One capsule two times daily with plain water.

Why Should One Go For Planet Ayurveda??

All the products are 100% pure.
Efficacy of the herbs is checked in the labs before making any herbal formulation.
Products are free from chemicals, preservatives, starch and any color.
All the products are manufactured under the guidance of highly experienced MD Ayurveda doctors.

Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

7 Go-To Sources For Health Information

7 Go-To Sources For Health Information

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7 Go-To Sources For Health Information

What does health mean to you? Is it running a really fast 100-meter sprint or a long distance marathon? Is it going 15 rounds in the ring or lifting really heavy deadlifts? Is it being able to twist yourself into poses or just living really long? Being healthy is one of the most overused and among the least understood ideas floating around in the zeitgeist. Health and fitness is one of the only businesses that never has a market crash, and thanks to the internet Health is now content, put the two together and you have a perfect storm of disinformation, misinformation and malicious information.

On one hand, there are the really trusted sources of health and medical information and then there are blogs that claim the source to eternal youth is found by things like auto-urine therapy and ayahuasca ceremonies. Here we look at websites that help you stay healthy and get healthier, during medical treatments and as a part of your daily life.

1) WebMD

WebMD is the leader in health information, especially for American audiences. It gives you in-depth information for an exhaustive list of illnesses and has a professionally written database of health and medical information. With WebMD though you can suffer from the rabbit-hole effect. You may go in looking for help with acid reflux and end up believing you need open heart surgery.

2) Livestrong

Livestrong, in spite of all the scandals good ol' Lance had to suffer, is still going strong. It has a backbone of really interesting and easily understandable material for everyday Americans. It specialises in fitness and nutrition and you will find yourself regularly using Livestrong when you're in search of information on even some obscure fitness topic. However, the fact that it focuses on fitness may leave you need more if you need some serious healthcare info.

3) National MS Society

Foundation websites like the National MS Society website or the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology are often the best way to get what you need to know about serious illnesses and diseases. Since these sites have a narrow focus they bring unmatched latest information with as much focus on all the possible scenarios a patient may face.

4) Health.Online is the new kid on the block looking to bridge the gap between specialised medical information and everyday health information. They have some interesting social media posts that let you keep in touch with your everyday fitness and healthy living information, but also offers complex disease related information in a crisp and level way.

5) Mayo Clinic

The hallowed Mayo Clinic is at the other end of the spectrum, like your stern but experienced doctor in whites. Mayo offers comprehensive and detailed symptomatic and clinical information, but you might get lost in the jargon if you're a lazy person or just go "tl;dr" (the internet's way of saying Too Long Didn't Read)

6) Homeveda

Homeveda deals with the ancient Indian medicinal tradition known as Ayurveda. The website gives information regarding the methods to make many Ayurvedic concoctions for different ailments. Video clips are also available in the website to learn the preparation methods. The concoctions mentioned in the website can easily be made at home using ingredients that are easily available in grocery stores. The website also has many diet plans and cures for all kinds of health problems.

7) Everyday Health

Everydayhealth helps users check possible causes of many common symptoms such as arm pain, abdominal pain, earache, body ache, breast pain, diarrhea, cough, gas, irregular periods, joint pain, excessive sweating, vomiting, vaginal itching, sore throat and many more.

7 Easy Steps to Great Health

7 Easy Steps to Great Health

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7 Easy Steps to Great Health

Here are 7 important steps to becoming extremely healthy and staying healthy. Its a new year and its time to make a few changes. You Can Do It!

One - Eat Right - A whole-foods plant-based diet has been shown over and over again to be the best diet for great health and longevity. We now have thousands of studies showing this. Even the American Dietitians Association has approved a whole-foods plant-based diet for every stage of life from young children to the elderly and it will prevent disease. And the American Diabetes Association has decided that this diet is best for diabetes care. Here is a link to my Whole-Foods Plant-Based Diet and Lifestyle 

Two - Exercise - If a person wants to stay active into their old age they have to adopt a lifestyle that includes exercise. That does not mean anything extreme, just walking, biking, swimming, or other none evasive ways of exercising are super important for long life and great health. And as we grow older we lose muscle mass. But if we work out with moderate weights we can maintain and even gain muscle mass as we grow older.

Three - Meditation - With stress being one of the biggest killers right now and people around the world are full of anxiety. The best way to get rid of stress is with meditation. Taking the time every single day to meditate negates stress and helps a person to feel peaceful, relaxed, and calm so they can do what they need to do every single day. Even the army is teaching the men and women who come back from overseas with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder meditation because even counseling and medications dont work for them the only thing that works over the long term without taking anything is meditation.

Four - Eating Organic - Save Money Too - Our food is full of toxins, this is a given, most people know this. Regular fruits, veggies, and grains contain up to 6 cancer-causing chemicals, 12 hormone-disrupting chemicals, and 10 other disease-causing chemicals and more. And the only way to avoid this is to eat organic. But you will say that eating organic is expensive. But if you contract with an organic farmer near you can buy organic food for less than what it costs for regular food in the markets and they deliver to your door for free. And you can share with your friends, family, and loved ones and save even more money. See my diet about buying organic food.

Five - Fill Your Life with Love - There have been lots of studies showing that when we have a life filled with love we feel better and live longer. Be this a spiritual connection to God, and or friends, and family. Love is one of the most important nutrients for a healthy life. Studies with orphans that were done in the 50s showed that if a baby is not nurtured and loved they died. And the best way to get love is to go out and give love and love will be returned one way or another.

Six - Laugh All The Time - Laughter has been shown in lots of studies to be super healing. I personally, know a lady who is 93 years old and doing great and she laughs all the time. I think laughter is one of the keys to her great health and longevity. Laughter creates the release of special hormones that keep us young and it also has byproducts keep us happy all the time. So laugh and laugh some more.

Seven - Think Positive - Those that think positive thoughts seem to do better in life than those that think negative all the time. In fact, in studies, positive thinkers have fewer aches and pains and in general feel better.

Follow these 7 Steps and Feel Great!

Many Blessings to Everyone

Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist

7 Days Balanced Healthy Diet Plan

7 Days Balanced Healthy Diet Plan

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7 Days Balanced Healthy Diet Plan

As the authors say, using this balanced healthy diet for one week, you will clear your body from toxins, stimulate work of bowel, increase vitamins levels, stabilize sugar level in blood and in addition lose about 8 pounds.

This balanced healthy diet contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, is rich in fibre which stimulates digestion, intensifying the burning of fats, and cleans bowel from harmful products of metabolism.

Balanced healthy diet rules:

During the week you need to drink at least 2 litres of liquid each day. Before going to bed you need to drink a glass of fat-free yogurt.

Prohibited products: fat meat and meat products; white bread and confectionery products; pasta and grains (except oatmeal); fat milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt; sugar and sweets; alcohol.

Recommended products: non-fat meat, chicken, fish; any vegetables and fruits; oatmeal; fat-free milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese; Grain bread; vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower);

Sample menu for the week:

1st day Breakfast - half a grapefruit, sprinkled with cinnamon, a piece of cheese, rye crackers, tea without sugar. Lunch vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast (100 g), carrot salad with corn oil, a glass of plum juice. Snack - glass of natural yogurt with honey (1 spoon). Dinner oatmeal (with water) with dried or fresh fruit, 1 glass of yogurt.

2nd day Breakfast - (kiwi, banana, raspberry) with natural yogurt. Lunch vegetable soup with crackers, salad (avocado, tomato, cucumber, lettuce leaves with lemon juice and olive oil) and a fresh peach. Snack - herbal tea (1 glass). Dinner boiled fish (100 g), boiled potato, boiled courgettes with olive oil (100 g), tea.

3rd day Breakfast strawberries (100 g), fresh orange juice. Lunch vegetable soup, 2-3 boiled potatoes stuffed with tuna, cottage cheese and sweet corn, 2 fresh tomatoes, 5-6 fresh plums. Snack - fresh fruit puree with natural yogurt. Dinner - boiled chicken (100 g), boiled brown rice (50 g), salad of fresh vegetables, and a glass of warm milk.

4th day Breakfast - muesli (30 g) with fat-free milk, fresh fruit, coffee. Lunch vegetable soup, boiled chicken, salad of cabbage and cucumber with fresh vegetable oil and lemon juice, apple juice (1 glass). Snack - fresh fruit salad. Dinner - oatmeal with honey and a piece of cheese, yogurt (1 glass).

5-Day Breakfast - salad of pears, apples, bananas with yogurt, crackers, coffee with milk. Lunch - Vegetable soup, cauliflower and strawberries with fat-free milk. Snack sandwich: black bread with salad and pieces of avocado, orange juice (1 glass). Dinner - 2-3 apples and natural yogurt, a piece of cheese, rye crackers, tea.

6-Day Breakfast - toast and roasted tomatoes with sprinkled parsley or celery, tea with honey. Lunch - fish soup with vegetables, rye crackers, stewed beef liver (100 g) with garnish of boiled beets, tomato juice (1 glass). Snack - muesli with natural fat yogurt. Dinner - stewed liver (150 g), boiled potato (2 paces.), 2 tomatoes, tomato juice (1 glass).

7-Day Breakfast - a piece of ham, tomato, pineapple (100 g), warm milk (1 glass). Lunch - Vegetarian vegetable soup with low fat sour cream, stewed fish (100 g), garnished with boiled beans and lettuce leaves, 2 apples. Snack - a glass of fruit juice. Dinner - boiled salmon (150 g), fresh salad of cabbage with olives with lemon juice, kiwi fruit and tea.

Dont forget to consult your doctor before applying any of these daily diet plans.

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

6 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

6 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

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6 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

By Michael Fehlauer

Long-term healthy relationships are possible. There are fundamental skills, as well as a perspective in the way we approach our relationships, that enable us to experience solid friendships. The people we allow into our world either add to our lives or subtract from our lives. What are the characteristics of the type of friends that add to us? Here are six attributes of great friends:

1. They allow the friendship to be governed by the law of love Three characteristics of love are acceptance, understanding and commitment. The opposite of these is judgment, rejection and manipulation.

When your friends love conditionally, their hope is that your desire for their acceptance will be strong enough to cause you to change your behavior. Inadvertently, they are manipulating you to strive for their acceptance.

2. They are secure enough to celebrate your worth - Great friends are secure in their own worth which gives them the liberty to celebrate your worth and accomplishments. The kind of friends that add to your life arent driven by jealousy, but will always encourage you to achieve your fullest potential.

3. They speak words of faith - Im sure youve heard the saying, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Most of us can remember times when we have been subjected to hurtful words, careless comments or have been victims of gossip. We know how painful those times can be. Real friends communicate words of encouragement, hope and faith.

4. They perform unconditional acts of kindness Another mark of healthy relationships are ones where acts of service dont come with a price tag. Genuine friends refuse to guilt others in order to get their way. True friends extend themselves without expecting something specific in return.

5. They are patient Patience is the willingness to bear pain. We all have our weaknesses and imperfections. Patience is the ability to bear the weaknesses of others. Healthy friends will focus on your strengths and patiently bear your weaknesses.

6. They dont bring up the past A final characteristic of healthy relationships are those friends who dont make it a habit of saying, I told you so. These friends never use your past to get the upper hand in the relationship. True friends dont keep a record of offenses or mistakes in your relationship. Ralph Waldo Emerson says, A man is entitled to be valued by his best moments.


You may read these six points and long for the kind of friends described here. I want to suggest instead of making your goal to have those kinds of friends, decide rather that you are going to be that kind of friend. If you will do that, youll have no shortage of healthy relationships.

5 Weight Reduction Myths!

5 Weight Reduction Myths!

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5 Weight Reduction Myths!

While losing weight can be challenging we need to whey out all the false myths that have affected our weight reduction. We've looked into, ask our loved ones and additionally attempted diverse methodologies, and yet at the same time don't have any good fortune. That may be because we accept false myths that have restricted our weight reduction goals. We should investigate.

Myth # 1-Don't Eat After 7 pm.

If you've worked out after 7pm, your body and muscle needs appropriate fuel to revive. For instance, on the off chance that you don't bolster your body legitimately after leg day, learn to expect the unexpected. All that diligent work has gone to squander. You are harming your muscles instead of helping them develop and recuperate. Your body needs fuel to revive. If they don't have appropriate nutrition your body will get it somehow. Your body will begin to take advantage of different parts of your body, for example, extraordinary muscles bunches for nutrition, causing your skin to look out of shape. You should sustain your muscles within 30 min-2 hours after your exercise. With the goal that implies, if your exercise closes at 8pm, you ought to be feeding your body nutritional nourishment after. Presently, I don't mean snatch a supersized succulent burger and fries from McDonalds. I mean eating lean protein, wellbeing fats, for example, avocado, olive oil and complex carbs, for example, sweet potatoes and entire grains just to give some examples. This will give more nutritional advantages at that point cause weight loss.

Myth # 2-Don't Eat Carbs

This makes me giggle. Try not to eat Carbs or you will gain weight. This is false and is told by people who doesn't know excessively about nutrition. Listen people, complex sugars are not terrible for you, really they give nutritional substance in our regular routine. Yes, carbs are comprised of sugar yet that is transformed into (glucose) and are utilized as vitality. Vitality is critical to keep our bodies going for the duration of the day. You may feel feeble and weakness with the nonattendance of carbs. You can find complex starches found in nourishments, for example, beans, peas, entire grain and vegetables. Yes, vegetables are perplexing carbs and are beneficial for you, so don't float away from carbs.

Myth # 3: Don't Devour Past 1,200 Calories every Day

Look people, the normal body needs 2,640 calories for men and 1,785 calories for ladies just to maintain. Did you hear me?? Just to maintain. In this manner, we are not so much helping our bodies get thinner securely with just 1200 calories every day. Indeed, even nutritional packaging says based off 2,000 calories per day intake. Consuming anything lower we are tapping into our muscles by then and the weight we are trying to lose would be pulled from our well-deserved muscles. Muscle gains are vital to enable us to take a stab at an attractive define look, so it's vital. According to New Britain Medicinal Journal (1), it is sheltered to lose 1-2 pounds for each week which would require no less than 1,500 calories for ladies and 1,700 calories for Men. Unless you're on a unique eating routine gave by an authorized restorative calling. Other than that, quit doing this to yourself and eat women and gentlemen. Besides, eating more calories can have benefits to muscle gains.

Myth #4: You Just Need to Work Out

Presently cardio is beneficial for you, it assists with weight reduction, more grounded heart, increased bone thickness, diminish push, coronary illness, and eases sadness and nervousness. Working out is not by any means the only thing expected to get more fit. Nutrition assumes an essential part in each weight reduction administration. You may have heard the saying, 80% of your weight reduction is nutrition. Truth be told nutrition plays a key part in our weight reduction and measures more than really working out. Nutrition help change the body creation which is required to thin down and get those defined looks. Nutrition likewise furnishes our bodies with the required vitality, protein, basic fats, vitamins and minerals to work and develop appropriately. According to Advances in Nutrition-International Review Journal, nutrition has an effect on conceptive wellbeing and the capacity for men and ladies to imagine. It likewise assumes a part in preventing sicknesses identified with conceptive organs, for example, prostate and ovarian growths.

Myth # 5: I can have a Cheat Day or Two Every Week

While its alright to treat ourselves occasionally. It's not extremely savvy to have a cheat feast each week. I know we buckled down during the week and felt like we consumed off lots of dairy animals and the weight should begin pouring off. That is not generally the situation. One cheat dinner can set you back a whole week and some of the time months. Cheat dinners can undermine sound instincts. Much the same as any propensity, it takes 21 days to break one. So, in case you're having a cheat feast each week, you're restarting your tracker without fail. Another negative contact with cheat suppers is it can transform into binges which may prompt eating issue. Only one taste of paradise is not worth it, despite any potential benefits, knowing you need to give it in 12 hours or less. So why do this to our bodies and minds? BFM Tip: It's vital to consider a way of life change to evade these examples.

At the end of the day, try different fitness and nutrition ideas and see what works best for you. At the end of the day, the best project youll ever work on is YOU!


Sacks, F.M., et al., Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. N Engl J Med, 2009. 360(9): p. 859-73.

Sarah D. Ohlhorst, Robert Russell, Dennis Bier, David M. Klurfeld, Zhaoping Li, Jonathan R. Mein, John Milner, A. Catharine Ross, Patrick Stover, and Emily Konopka. Adv Nutr September 2013 4 579-584; doi:10.3945/an.113.004176

5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

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5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

Positive mental health is a great way to ensure you lead a long, happy and healthy life. Maintaining your mental health is easier than most people think and will have a significant impact on your everyday life.

Would you like to have more energy? What about a good night sleep? How you would like to go an entire year without catching the flu once? Achieving a positive mental health state will not guarantee these things, but it sure will help.

Here are the top 5 things you can do to help promote positive mental health in you and your children:

1. Eat Healthy. Eating fast food 3 times a week and downing a few cold ones before bed might be easier than making a home-cooked meal and more enjoyable than drinking a cold glass of water but it wont do a whole lot for your health. Eating home-cooked foods (especially fruits and vegetables) and staying away from the fast food joints will help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire.

2. Drink Lots of Water. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, average individuals are expected to consume at least eight glasses of water a day. And while this seems like it may be a lot, its actually not. Eight glasses is almost equivalent to filling up your water bottle a few times between waking up and going to bed. Remember, if you work out, you will need to increase your water intake to compensate for the water youre burning off while exercising. Drinking water will detoxify your body and restore it back to a healthy state especially after drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages.

3. Kick the Bad Habits. Weve already mentioned it a few times but eliminating significant alcohol intake will have positive results on your mental health. Likewise, kicking other bad habits like smoking and drinking considerable amounts of coffee will also help keep your mental health at its best.

4. De-Stress. Stress is one of the leading causes for poor mental health. When youre stressed out, your body has to work harder to keep up and, overtime, it will take its toll on your body and your brain. Next time something stressful happens, try lighting some candles and taking a bath. If that doesnt work for you, try letting off some steam by going to the gym or going for a run. Keeping a positive frame of mind will promote positive mental health and eliminate undue stress on your brain.

5. Book Regular Check-ups. Unfortunately, you can do all of the things listed above and still suffer from mental health problems. In fact, you might have a mental illness and not even know it. Make sure youre mental health is in good condition by booking regular appointments with your doctor. He/she will be able to confirm whether youre lifestyle is healthy or identify where you may need to make some changes.

Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

5 Ways to Build Muscle Mass That Are Legal

5 Ways to Build Muscle Mass That Are Legal

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5 Ways to Build Muscle Mass That Are Legal

If youre trying to build muscle mass, you know how frustrating it can be when you dont get great results. Youve put all the time and effort into perfecting your form but youre still not looking bigger.

It can be tempting to resort to dangerous or illegal methods like steroids, but they will harm your body.

Before you give up or try steroids, follow this simple guide to increase muscle mass legally!

1. Use Progressive Resistance Training

It makes sense that the easiest way to build muscle mass is to hit the gym, right? But it your workout may need a bit of a change up if youre focusing on the wrong elements.

Instead of going for lower reps of higher weights, switch to a Progressive Resistance Training workout for better results.

If youre unfamiliar with the PRT method, its the inverse of what youre likely doing. Instead of focusing on those higher weights, youll do more reps at a lower weight.

While your workout may seem a bit easy at first, dont worry, youll soon feel the burn.

The entire point of PRT is to build you up to those higher weights in a safe way that wont strain your body.

2. Change Up Your Diet

Even if youre a complete fitness newbie, you know that your results are determined by what you eat as well as how you work out. Keep your body in shape by ditching the fast food in favor of some healthier alternatives.

Its recommended that you snack before and after workouts for the best results. Incorporate these 3 cornerstones into your diet and watch your muscle mass grow:

Protein: The base nutrient for muscle building. There are tons of great protein shakes and powders out there to take away the sting of eating healthy.

Carbs: Youll need these for energy during your workout. Carbs are what will keep you going during those early PRT workouts.

Fats: Healthy fats like olive oil and omega 3 are fantastic for your body in small doses.

3. Use Supplements

Supplements are extremely popular in the workout world, and for good reason. Theyre quick, efficient, and provide your body with some of the essentials that you may not be getting.

Before you plop down the cash, be sure to do your research. Read this Winsol review, for example, and make sure youre getting your moneys worth.

Find out what supplements your body can benefit from and start reading reviews. There are tons of faux miracle cures out there, so skepticism is your friend here.

4. Stop Focusing on Cardio

While cardio should still be part of your workout, it shouldnt be your focus. At least, not if youre building mass.

While cardio is great for those trying to lose weight, it wont help you gain any muscle. Ditch the treadmill and pick up some dumbbells for better results.

5. Boost Your Testosterone

Testosterone is the largest hormonal factor when it comes to muscle gains. Accordingly, youll want to boost your levels to make things easier on yourself.

Luckily, you can do this with just a few life changes.

Add more healthy proteins and copper to your diet, cut out sugar, and exercise regularly.

Its surprisingly easy to boost your T levels, it just requires a bit of dedication on your part.

There you have it! What are you waiting for? Its time to hit the gym and start those reps!

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5 Ways Dental Implants Make You Feel Healthier and Happier

5 Ways Dental Implants Make You Feel Healthier and Happier

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5 Ways Dental Implants Make You Feel Healthier and Happier

Missing a tooth is hard, but youre not alone! Over 120 million people in the United States are living with one or more missing teeth. Thats 1 out of every 3 people. A missing tooth can cause lots of strife, but that ends today.

Dental implants are the number one solution for restoring or replacing a missing tooth. Chances are youve heard of them sometime or another, whether it was on the radio, television or even by word of mouth. Dental implants are everything you want out of a tooth restoration solution. Check out all the benefits of having a dental implant below!

Dental Implants Dont Stand Out

Dental implants may be a standout product, but fact is they fit right in with the rest of your teeth. Thanks to modern dentistry, dentists can stain the crown of a dental implant to match the rest of your teeth. Sometimes, you may forget you have a dental implant because it looks exactly like all your other teeth!

Every year up to a million people choose dental implants as their solution for restoring a missing tooth. This is one of the reasons for doing so. A dental implant natural appearance is great for feeling happier and more confident about your smile and avoiding any embarrassment thats featured with other solutions such as dentures.

Dental Implants are an Affordable Solution

How much are dental implants? This is the biggest barrier many people face when considering dental implants. Dental implants can be expensive, yes, but only if youre looking in the wrong places. Here in Southern California, the price for a single dental implant that includes the implant post, abutment and crown can be as much as $9000. However, no one is paying that outrageous amount, even if youre a celebrity with money hanging out your pockets. Thats why youve got to look at all your options. At some practices, especially one with locations in Van Nuys and Norwalk, a single dental implant starts at $1,495.

To make things even better, dental insurances are beginning to include dental implants in their coverage. For years dental implants fell under cosmetic surgery but thats all changing. Some insurances are extending their dental benefits up to $1,500 per year, enough to cover the cost of a single dental implant at most. So, make this year the one you get a dental implant!

Dental Implants Are Easier to Manage

Before dental implants there was dentures. However, once people find out how convenient and affordable dental implants are, they quickly make the switch for many reasons. First is due to how difficult dentures are to take care of and maintain every day. Secondly, theyre blocky, inhibiting your ability to eat and speak. Lastly, they do little for the health of your remaining teeth.

Dental implants supersede dentures in every way possible. Theyre a fixed solution, so you dont have to worry about any embarrassing slippage throughout your day. You treat them exactly like your natural teeth, so toothbrushing and flossing is all thats required to clean them. Dental implants also strengthen your oral cavity, as they support your jawbone and prevent other teeth from shifting in place. Reasons like these are what encourage so many people to schedule a Free Consultation for dental implants.

Dental Implants Keep You Younger

One thing few consider about dental implants is how they keep you looking young. We highlighted how they support your jawbone. See, when you have a missing tooth, the portion of the jaw underneath will begin to deteriorate because theres a hole in it. This can cause your face to sink in, much like the painting, The Scream. The gap in your teeth left by a missing tooth causes the teeth adjacent to it to shift in place to fill as much of the area as possible. This will lead to tooth and jaw pain.

Dental implants can stop this from happening, as the implant post bonds to the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. Itll also fill the space left by the missing tooth, disallowing any surrounding teeth from moving in place. Thanks to dental implants, youll feel healthier and younger.

Dental Implants Last a Lifetime!

Growing up, your told youll only have two sets of teeth your entire life. However, dental implants defy that logic. Dental implants are essentially your third set of teeth. We already covered the benefits of having one, but did you know that dental implants last a lifetime? In a study including all dental implant cases, 98% of them are successful. That gives you more reason to get a dental implant!

In order for your dental implant to last a lifetime, you must take care of it. But unlike other restorative solutions, dental implants dont need adhesives or special cleanings. All dental implants require is the same care you would normally give your teeth. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes, flossing, rinsing with mouthwash and visiting your dentist every 6 months. Thats it! These are all simple things that take only minutes out of your day, but it certainly pays off!

5 Unique and Healthy Ways to Break a Smoking Addiction

5 Unique and Healthy Ways to Break a Smoking Addiction

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5 Unique and Healthy Ways to Break a Smoking Addiction

You may smoke, but that doesnt mean that youre happy to be a smoker. Smoking addiction affects a lot of people and many wish that they could drop the habit altogether.

According to a survey from the American Cancer Society, 70% of the participants want to stop smoking. Giving up smoking can be one of the most challenging things you do, but that doesnt mean that its impossible.

Ending Smoking Addiction

If you want to stop smoking, there are a variety of things you can do to help get rid of your habit. People have used mental tricks, products, and even medical help to stop their habit.

Are you ready to stop smoking? Any of these five methods could help you finally quit for good.


Are you close to giving in to your tobacco craving? Instead of taking a smoke break right now, just wait a few minutes. It may sound crazy, but those few minutes can help do a lot to stop a craving in its tracks.

Spend 5-10 minutes doing something else. Check your e-mail, look at social media, or basically do anything to get your mind off of your craving. After awhile it should pass and you wont feel the need to smoke anymore.

Deal With Stress Constructively

Smoking and stress almost work together hand-in-hand. A study from the Pew Research Center shows that a lot of smokers struggle with stress, and those stressful feelings cause them to light up more cigarettes.

If youre a stress smoker you need to find a different way to handle feelings of stress. Some people find that using a stress ball helps them. Others have used yoga or meditation to center themselves and fight off cravings.

Find New Routines

Some people like to end their lunch breaks with a cigarette or two, and others need a smoke before they go to sleep. Smokers that fall into routines can have trouble quitting because it became a part of their daily schedule.

Finding a new routine can help you break your smoking habit. Replace your scheduled smoke breaks with new routines that are satisfying.

Instead of having that post-lunch smoke, take a quick walk to energize yourself for the next half of the day. Consider having a snack instead of a smoke before bed.

Think About Natural Remedies

If you want to quit smoking, mother nature may be able to help.There are a variety of herbs and other natural things that can help break your smoking addiction.

Cream of tartar health benefits have been touted by naturalists for years, and it can also help you quit smoking. Ginseng has also been known to help combat cravings.

Reward Yourself

Quitting smoking is tough, and even just slowing down your habit is a cause for celebration. Quitting comes with a variety of health benefits, but small rewards along the way can make it easier to end your smoking addiction.

If you just went your first day without smoking, treat yourself to a fancy coffee in the morning. If youve gone weeks or months without a cigarette, it may be time to buy the new pair of shoes youve been eyeing.

Your Turn

What helped you end your smoking addiction? Did we miss your favorite method to break habits? Tell our readers about it in the comments!

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Kamis, 17 Mei 2018

5 Tips to Regain Your Pride by Avoiding Hair Loss

5 Tips to Regain Your Pride by Avoiding Hair Loss

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5 Tips to Regain Your Pride by Avoiding Hair Loss

Whether you accept it or not, our appearance sure carries a lot of weight when it comes to our natural confidence. The more appealing you look, the more confident you are, thats the norm of the day. But dont get us wrong, were not saying that you cannot be confident if you dont fall in the brackets of societys accepted standards for beauty, which is certainly not the case. But having bigger biceps, 6-pack abs, toned legs, and a chiselled face are all nice addition to the catalogue arent they? The thing is, our hair play a more than an important role in making us more or less attractive, and taking good care of it, goes a long way in making you feel pride when it comes to the way you look. So without wasting any second, lets discuss the five greatest tips that you can follow and regain pride by avoiding hair loss.

Egg whites and Yogurt:

Might seem a little gross at times, but a freshly prepared solution of egg whites and yogurt and do wonders for you if you want to prevent hair loss. For this, take whites of two eggs and add some yogurt to it, then finally apply it to the hair. This tip has been in use for as long as our memory takes us back, particularly in the Indian subcontinent, and people have been avoiding the loss of hair consistently. Besides, you can even add curd paste to the mix and enjoy an even more effective solution for your hair.

Aloe Vera:

An extract that grows in Aloe Vera plants, this is as natural as it can get. Aloe Vera has been scientifically proven to be very healthy and helpful for us humans in a number of different uses. Be it our digestive system, our skin, and even the growth of hair, applying fresh Aloe Vera gel to your head can dramatically increase the production of hair. Apart from that, Aloe Vera is edible, which means you can also take it orally and improve a lot of bodily functions, it is THAT good.

Get a hair transplant:

For some people even if they take care of their hair more than anyone else, genetic inheritance is inevitable. If you are inherited hair loss problem from your family, you can just delay hair loss by applying the tips. But you cannot prevent it. However, these people that are genetically unlucky are not alone. If you are getting bald, there are different alternatives to help you enjoy a fine head of hair quickly and effectively. We are talking about getting a hair transplant, it might be a little expensive of course, but there are many packages and multiple options available for you to pick and choose from. If you search, you can find the best transplantation option for a cheap price.

Dealing with Stress effectively:

Even if you are not physically harming your hair or the follicles, your hair can still fall. WHY? Because of psychological reasons. Things like stress, cortisol, and other things like that can really cause your hair to fall like the Niagara. So if you are looking to preserve your precious hair, you should always keep close tabs on your stress and cortisol levels. Keeping them as low as possible is the key to success, so never underestimate their importance to the cause.

Enjoy a good nights sleep:

Sleep is our bodys natural way to heal things. Be it emotional, physical, or psychological, a good quality sleep, of usually 7-9 hours, can really improve everything inside your body, so it is like visiting a pit stop in the middle of a race. Similarly, a good sleep can also cause you to grow good hair, naturally, without having to use any other product or following any other strategy.

5 Tips to Keep Divorce Civil For the Kids

5 Tips to Keep Divorce Civil For the Kids

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5 Tips to Keep Divorce Civil For the Kids

Divorce can be a nasty situation in the worst circumstances and a hardship in the best. And while the numbers may not be as staggering as once believed, divorce is still sadly common.

Youre facing new challenges as a single parent while trying to protect those around you. You likely feel a mixture of anger, sadness, and guilt.

Everyone in the family is attempting to deal with the news in their own way. But perhaps no one is as affected by the news as your children.

Thats why youll want to keep things civil and as pleasant as possible for your kids.
Here are some easy tips on how to keep things civil through your divorce even during hard moments for your kids.

1. Never Discuss Legal Proceedings

As you begin the legal process of divorcing your spouse, make sure you dont spill the details to your kids.

Its alright to vent to friends or families, but your children have enough on their plates as it is. They dont need to know about what goes on in the courtroom.

Part of protecting your children involves deciphering what is and isnt important for them to know. For instance, its important that they know you still love them, or that they can still see the other parent.

The ins-and-outs of the legal case, however, are not something a child should have to know. Divorce hearings can get downright nasty sometimes.

Make sure youre taking care of your kids above all else.

2. Dont Speak Ill of Your Spouse

Depending on your circumstance, this may be easier said than done. However, you should never badmouth the other parent to your children.

Your ex is still their parent after all. They love them and likely hold them in high esteem, no matter which party was at fault.

Part of keeping things civil for your kids is watching your words. When you mention your spouse, speak deliberately and thoughtfully. It can be all too easy to let an insult slip.

3. Let Your Kids Grieve

You may associate grieving with the death or loss of a loved one, but its perfectly appropriate for kids to grieve during a divorce.

Children go through an extreme cycle of emotions that mirror the stages of loss. Your job as their parent is to be their shoulder to lean on.

They need to know they can count on you for love and support.

4. Dont Argue in Front of Them

One of the best things you can do for your kids is to avoid arguing around their other parent. This doesnt simply extend to arguments in front of them, either.

Make sure that if an argument breaks out, the kids arent within earshot. Hearing an argument will only add unnecessary stress and emotion.

5. Work as a Team

At the end of the day, you and your spouse are still a team. Although youd change things if you knew better, youre equally responsible for parenting.

Your children need you both of you. Try and find a way to work as a team to benefit your kids. They should have equal access to and support from both parents.

Dealing With Divorce

You owe it to yourself and your family to find the best family lawyers around.

You deserve a team that will work with you to find a healthy and reasonable resolution to your divorce.

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5 Things You Need to Know About Vitamins for Puppies

5 Things You Need to Know About Vitamins for Puppies

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5 Things You Need to Know About Vitamins for Puppies

Adding a cute little puppy to a home can be an incredibly joyful and fun time. It can also bring about some stress as you worry about if the puppy will be friendly with your child, or if the puppy is getting enough of the right nutrients to be healthy.

One question that may arise is the need for vitamins. Its often a great thing for us to take vitamins, so why wouldnt the same be true for our beloved pups?

Continue reading to learn more!

Vitamins for Puppies: The Necessary Information

1. Puppy Food is Rich in Vitamins

When choosing a brand of food for your new pup, make sure to seek out the ones specifically made for puppies. Those foods are already balanced and full of good nutrition to keep your puppy healthy and growing strong.

In most cases, this kind of food is all youll ever need for your pup. Even as an adult dog, their food intake is generally all theyll ever need!

Make certain to buy a good brand that goes into detail about the food so that you know exactly the kind of nutrition youre giving your puppy.

2. Too Much is Not Good

It can sometimes feel like the more vitamins you give your pet, the better. It might feel that its a lot like giving vegetables to your kids, the more the merrier, right?

That is not the case with dogs. Too high an intake of most vitamins will actually cause harm to your puppy.

For example, too much calcium can lead to skeletal problems, especially in large breed dogs. So make sure to only give them the necessary dosage!

3. Research All Supplements

If you want to give your puppy an extra dose of a particular kind of vitamin, do proper research before hand. Although you may be busy with all of your parenting responsibilities, take some time to learn about all of the different vitamins and how deficiencies and excessive intake of them can affect your puppy.

You could look through dog multivitamins reviews to give you a good idea of the different types available. Just remember to do the research before you decide to feed it to the pup.

4. Regular Exercise is Another Great Supplement

Good and regular exercise alongside a balanced diet is just as beneficial for your puppy as vitamins.

Try to include exercise for your puppy every day to make certain he grows up strong and healthy. Going for frequent walks with your children and pup in tow, or perhaps having some fun at an off-leash area are good examples to achieve this.

Plus it can be a great way for you and your family to get some extra exercise as well!

5. When in Doubt, Ask a Veterinarian

If you are even the slightest bit uncertain about what to give your puppy or how much is a good dose, ask your local vet. They will be able to walk you through everything you need to know. They might have a list of suggestions for you so that you can relax in knowing that your puppy is getting the best care he deserves.

Its better to be safe than sorry, so dont feel bad about asking for help from a vet!

Enjoy Your Happy and Healthy Puppy!

It can be easy to worry too much about the furry critters in our lives. Just remember that your vet will help you know if you need to add anything to help boost any deficiencies. In the meantime, enjoy your time with your newest family addition!

Have questions? Weve got answers!

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Rabu, 16 Mei 2018

5 Reasons To Reach For A Green Smoothie To Fast Track Your Health

5 Reasons To Reach For A Green Smoothie To Fast Track Your Health

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5 Reasons To Reach For A Green Smoothie To Fast Track Your Health

Not everyone would salivate at the idea of a green smoothie. If your one of these people then you're missing out on a fast track ticket to great health! This gloriously green smoothie is actually a simple blend of assorted fruits with green vegetables added to it. If your Mama never told you to eat your greens, then you're in for a BIG surprise.

Greens are essentially nature's most potent ingredient offered to heal our body.

Green smoothies are delicious, nutritious and by far the fastest and easiest way to jumpstart yourself to a whole new healthy revitalized YOU!

1) Fresh food


We usually don't consume the amount of greens we need on a daily basis. Normally, we cook or make them into salads. Heat kills a large amount of live nutrients so the more greens are cooked, the more nutritional value it has as a cardboard! The same way goes for the pasteurized 100% fruit juices seen on your store shelf and most green supplements which are both prepared in high temperature. Green supplements can give some added nutrients if you can't cover the variety of greens, but it's not enough to replace the real thing. Salad is a healthier option, but dark greens are not so palatable. Tendency is we cover it with oils and creamy dressing, but there is just so much you eat before you get tired of the flavors. Some only eat the sweet greens such as Romanian lettuce which contain fewer nutrients then the dark greens. The less delicious the taste the more vital nutrients it contains.


Green smoothies; Blending your favorite fruits can easily cover the taste of quite a large amount of greens. The smooth texture is also a given benefit because it helps the body to absorb it quickly without exerting extra energy to digest it.

2) Virgin source of protein and nutrients

This power health drink can pass off as a meal on its own. Depending on your imagination with fruits and greens it can cover the A to Z of minerals and vitamins. You may ask "Don't you need meat for protein?" Let me ask you, "Do powerful mammals like Oxen, Horses, Elephants and Gorillas eat meat to develop its muscles?" Green veges give us all the essential amino acids that our body turns into protein, just like any other animal. Meat is an overdose of second hand protein packed with high acids and animal toxins. Eating too much meat makes you fat easily and can lead to various liver and kidney diseases.

3) Alkalinity

As said earlier eating meat contaminates the body with acids. High acids deteriorates our blood cells, drains the body of energy, and pretty much is the route cause of our sicknesses. Greens and fruits are the strongest food sources of alkalinity and neutralize the acids in the blood. To give you an idea of how much alkaline food we should have each meal is around 80% alkaline based.

4) Antioxidants

Ever wonder why no matter how much you diet and exercise, you can't seem to remove those extra folds? It's because your body protects itself from excess toxins by wrapping fatty cells around it. Besides gaining weight, severe amount of toxins can lead to top silent killers such as heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. Let prevent ourselves from being part of these statistics!

Antioxidants in green smoothies such as Carotenoids - Lycopene, Lutein, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin E and C, selenium, anthocyanins and many more are like magnets that collect toxins in our body and brings them down to our human sewage, the digestive tracks, where the fiber of the green sweeps it clean out of our system.

Being green helps you loose weight, boost the immune system, keep bones and muscles stronger, aid digestion, and have better mental clarity and high energy levels.

5) Increased Sex Drive

Reducing junk food and replacing it with healthy alternatives removes preservatives, refined salt and sugar, and other chemical downers that lower your sex drive. So far studies on this have shown that the majority of people that have replaced at least one of their meals a day with one of me green smoothie recipes have said that their libido has dramatically increased. A healthy body results to stronger cardiac and reproductive systems plus better regulations of hormones. A healthier body, better moods, added confidence and great stamina in the sack is what you can expect from green smoothies.

Jumpstart to health

Adding a green smoothie to your diet is an easy way to jumpstart your health. Take that step and replace one coffee (or beer or wine) for something this natural and you'll find your body slowly craving for more. You'll eventually unfold to healthier habits instead and spare yourself those forced guilt techniques. Share it with your family and friends. Live a refreshing green life! Cheers!


Here are some recipes to get you started. Enjoy!!!

Spango Tango
2 cups spinach
2 mangos, peeled and chopped
1 banana

Peachy Green
2 cups spinach
2 peaches, seeds removed
1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup water (optional)

Tropical Green Smoothie
1 head romaine or any green leafy vegetable
2 cups water
1 banana
1/2 pineapple, skin and core removed

Blue & Green hit the Scene
1 head romaine lettuce or any green leafy vegetable
3/4 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
1 apple, roughly chopped
1/4 lemon or lime
2 cups water

Grape Cooler Smoothie
Large handful of red seedless grapes, stems removed
Basket of fresh or frozen strawberries, stems removed
1 banana, peeled
1/2 head romaine lettuce
Put grapes at the bottom of blender to create enough liquid to blend the other ingredients; add a little water, if needed.

Copyright 2009, Brendan McCarthy. All Rights Reserved.

5 Natural Beauty Tips for Glowing skin

5 Natural Beauty Tips for Glowing skin

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5 Natural Beauty Tips for Glowing skin

Everybody wants to look beautiful with glowing skin. Good diet on a routine basis makes it possible for you to have a glowing skin. We have got best simple ways to get clear and shining skin in a matter of days. One week is all what you want to make your dreams a reality.

All you have to do is follow the steps daily said that you keep the procedure following and keep your skin glowing all time.

Always use a good cleanser to remove dirt on your face. The cleanser depends on your choice or on your skin type is advisable to opt for a good cleanser that is soft and good for your skin. You can also try using the toner after cleansing so that no amount of dust or oil remains on the skin. This daily practice is the basic thing to follow for healthy glowing skin in seven days.

Wash your face at night:
Over the span of the day, cosmetics, soil, and oil build up on your face. Make cleansing your skin part of your bedtime routine.

Use cosmetics remover. Not just does this keep it from obstructing your pores and bringing on breakouts while you rest, it additionally prevents you from spreading microscopic organisms on your pad where it can get into your skin night after night

Fruit Juices:
Consuming a lot of fluids including fruit juices and water should help you in getting the glowing skin. They help in generating the necessary chemicals required for your skin to glow. Do not forget to remove you make up before you go to sleep as your skin doesn't need it.

Stream Bath:
Try giving a steam bath your face so that it helps up in opening up the pores on the skin. If you do so that will ensure the impurities and the dust in your face comes out easily. Clean your face with rose water tipped with cotton ball. Applying rosewater gives a cooling effect to the skin and makes it looks fresh and healthy.

Sandalwood Face Pack:
You also try using sandalwood face pack in the evening or night to give a smooth texture to your skin and to have a healthy glow. You can wash it off after 30 minutes. You can also try some fruit facials to give a natural fitness and load your face ensure that you not forgetting drinking lots of water in order to maintain the elasticity of your skin tissues.

Ensure that you practice all the above for one week so that you can notice a huge difference in the way how your skin feels and look. These are the easy steps that you can follow at your home to a glowing skin within days. But be regular so that you always have a beautiful skin.

Bio -

I'm an artist and musician so I filled o brim with creativity and it was just screaming to get out! This articles has been a long time coming; I waited until I was ready and had done enough research. I like to give inspiration, be inspired by others and I am really enjoying making like-minded friends those are the many reasons I started writing articles on Natural Beauty Tips

5 Most Shocking Meth Lab Explosions in History

5 Most Shocking Meth Lab Explosions in History

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5 Most Shocking Meth Lab Explosions in History

Breaking Bad aired its finale in 2013. Youd think that after it brought the grisly details of the meth business to the forefront of Americas consciousness, use would start to decline.

Unfortunately, the manufacture of this deadly drug continues, and it continues to claim the lives not only of those who are addicted to the drug, but those who make it.

Unlike weed, theres nothing funny or entertaining about crystal meth.

Meth lab explosions are a tragic but all-too-common experience. Heres a chilling look at some of the worst ones:

1. Locke, NY, 2014

Nine people in Upstate New York were charged in connection with the death of a man who died from injuries he sustained during a meth lab explosion. Four of the individuals arrested by the Cayuga County District Attorneys office were related to the victim, 47-year-old Shawn Perrault.

Authorities say that Perrault was actively cooking the methamphetamine in a mobile home when an explosion set the home, as well as a nearby barn, on fire. Perrault sustained major injuries, from which he died nine days later.

Perhaps most tragic of all? Three children were in the mobile home at the time of the incident.

2. Evansville, IN, 2011

In one of the worst meth lab explosions in recent history, three people were injured and two killed when a private home blew up. Two neighboring houses were also damaged and had to undergo hazmat cleanup, while the house in question had to be leveled,

In addition to the two fatalities and three adults who were injured, a child was also taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

A neighbor who witnessed the explosion stated, You felt it over your whole body  through your bones.

3. Milton, FL, 2004

Heather Raybon is among the most notorious victims of meth lab explosions. She suffered severe, disfiguring facial burns during the initial incident, and has since undergone a number of plastic surgeries. Nevertheless, her face remains a shocking testament to the dangers of cooking methamphetamine.

Raybon was arrested several times after the explosion, once in 2009 for a traffic violation, and again in 2011 when police raided a trailer on a warrant for her alleged boyfriend, William Hindall.

Hindall, 30, and Raybon were both charged with trafficking methamphetamine, possession of felony drug equipment and possession of chemicals necessary to manufacture the substance.

4. Lakeland, FL, 2012

In one of the most alarming meth lab explosions, a driver was killed while attempting to make meth inside his moving vehicle. The body of 36-year-old Clifford Ellison was found inside his overturned car, along with evidence of a mobile, shake-and-bake meth kit.

This method of creating the illegal drug involves mixing chemicals in a bottle, then shaking it. In Ellisons case, the result was an explosion that drove shards of glass into his neck, killing him and causing the car accident.

5. Allegan, MI, 2011

Dennis Letts had been burned once before while attempting to manufacture meth, but a second incident frightened him into sobriety.

The explosion set Letts, then 28, on fire after throwing him 17 feet. He then burned for an estimated 90 seconds before a friend doused the flames with a fire extinguisher.

The skin on his chest, arms, and face, he later said, was melting like hot wax.

Meth Lab Explosions Can Be Stopped

There are many dangers associated with crystal meth, both its manufacture and its use. To learn more about actions you can take to create drug-free communities, visit the Community of Anti-Drug Coalitions of America website.

And if someone you love has a problem with addiction to meth or any other drug, please urge them to get help through rehab. There is hope!

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Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

5 Hulu Alternatives

5 Hulu Alternatives

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5 Hulu Alternatives

As great as Hulu is, its not available for users outside of the US, even if you are paying for the service and happen to just be traveling internationally. Take a look at five alternative streaming services equipped to meet your needs while traveling abroad.

When it comes to online video streaming, only a few names tend to come to mind. But did you know that there are alternatives available? Hulu, in particular, is one of the more popular online streaming sites, but leaves much to be desired, even when you pay for their subscription service, Hulu Plus.

One problem with Hulu is that if you like to travel often or are located outside of the United States, its pretty much off limits. You arent able to use it internationally, even if you are paying for the service and happen to be traveling outside of the U.S. at the time.

So lets take a look at some other streaming services that can serve as an alternative (Hulu only has so much to offer anyways):


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If you havent already considered using Netflix, its probably time that you do. Though it still doesnt offer TV shows as theyre released by your cable provider, it does have a good selection of movies and shows to choose from. One of the biggest pros to using Netflix is that there is a wide variety of categories to browse through, so its likely that theyll have something to please even the pickiest of viewers.

Netflix can be used on several different devices, so youll still be able to watch shows and movies while on the move or visiting friends or family. It also works on game systems, and like Hulu, Netflix only costs $7.99 per month, though you can add SHOWTIME (yep, the same SHOWTIME as your cable provider offers) as an add-on to your subscription for an additional $8.99 per month.

Another thing that Netflix has in common with Hulu is that you wont be able to watch it in every country.

Amazon Instant Video

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Chances are youve ordered something from Amazon before, and if you order often, Amazon Prime might be a good option for you. Not only will you save some money because they offer sales that are exclusive to Prime members and a handy Subscribe & Save service, but youll have access to videos and TV shows as well. Youll automatically gain access to Amazon Instant Video when you sign up for Prime membership at $99 per year ($49 if youre a student).

As far as pros and cons go, the downside is obvious with this one: its not going to save you any money if you dont order products from Amazon on a regular basis. Theres also less of a selection compared to Netflix or Hulu, as Amazon offers a lot of the videos as 24-hour rentals instead of free streams included with your membership. On the bright side, you do get 2-day shipping on your Amazon orders with Prime, and if you tend to order things online, it could be worth it just for the fast shipping and availability of a wide variety of products. The videos can just be a bonus added on to something you already use!


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Vudu is primarily a rental service, but you also have the option of buying the videos so you can re-watch them without having to pay again. Rentals cost $5.99 and under, depending on the film or show and in which resolution you choose (SD, HD, or HDX).

Never heard of HDX before? Vudu created it, and the overall viewing experience is close to the quality you would expect from a Blu-ray movie. The benefit of using Vudu compared to Netflix or Hulu is that youll have access to new releases without having to wait. As soon as the DVD is released, Vudu will have the movie available for you to view.

A useful feature that Vudu has that isnt offered elsewhere is the ability to convert the physical DVDs you already own a digital copy and store the files in the Cloud. This is particularly useful if youd like to have access to your movies while youre visiting friends and family but dont want to carry around a bunch of discs.


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Owned by Sony, Crackle is a free video streaming site that is compatible with a variety of different devices (everything from phones and tablets to game consoles and streaming players such as Apple TV). Crackle doesnt offer as large of a selection as some of the other streaming services on the net, but who can complain when all of their content is free to watch? Just as the others, they offer both movies and TV shows.

Despite this service being free, the quality of the videos is quite good, though you cant expect to view them in HD when youre viewing for free. However, depending on the size of the screen you use to watch, the quality can appear to be nearly as good as the quality offered by paid services. Because its free, I would definitely recommend that you check it out. It might even save you a few bucks!


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Yes, you read that right: YouTube. Even though its packed full of user content and silly videos, you can also find movies and TV shows on it. The unfortunate part (for the viewers at least) is that YouTube has been cracking down on the free content lately, so its not likely that youll be able to find free movies on the site, though you could in the past.

If youre lucky, you might be able to find some of your favorite shows for free, but when you cant, TV shows cost between $1.99 and $2.99 per episode, or you can buy a season pass to have access to the whole season (typically costing anywhere from $9.99 to $14.99). Movie rentals tend to cost around $3.99, but the price varies. Theyre also available for purchase.


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Paid services will give you the highest quality streams, but they can drain your wallet pretty quick (especially when youre paying per video). There are free services available, many of which cover only a specific genre, but youll have to dig deep to find them. Browsing through new sites can be risky, though, so keep that in mind on your search.

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Image source: 10 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Chikungunya Fever ...