Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

How to Find an Anti Aging Skin Cream That is Safe and Works

How to Find an Anti Aging Skin Cream That is Safe and Works

Image source: http://intreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/antiagingproducts_2644.jpg

How to Find an Anti Aging Skin Cream That is Safe and Works

To have healthy radiant skin your anti-aging skin cream must do four things. Grow new collagen; Produce more elastin; Promote healthy skin cells and new fibers. One problem is that most anti aging skin creams do not have the ingredients to do this. Applying some animal collagen will not give the desired results. But there is a way to get new, beautiful and younger looking skin.

Cynergy TK is a skin care ingredient that you probably haven't heard about. It is new and revolutionary because it works where no other skin care product has before. What it does is help your body produce the growth of new collagen, new skin cells and elastin. When your body produces new collagen. elastin and cells, wrinkles slowly disappear.

Skin's Building Blocks

The skin's building blocks are made up of different types of protein. Keratin is one that is very important. Some anti aging skin products say they have keratin. But keratin cannot be absorbed into the skin if it is not made right or it comes from the wrong place. For an anti aging cream to work it needs the right kind of keratin. What is the right kind of keratin?

It's called Cynergy TK. It has "functional keratin" called such because it works beautifully in anti aging cream. It is patented so very few companies have the real keratin. They only have a cheap ineffective imitation. I found the one that everyone would like to have. But only a few do.

Wakame is another ingredient that skin creams should have in them. Wakame is from the Sea of Japan. It is sea kelp that is loaded with calcium, iron, sodium, potassium and B vitamins.

Originally used a food in Japan and still is, Wakame was also used by women on their faces. As a result smooth and younger looking faces. An analysis was done on Wakame and it was found that a component inhibits hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid which is one of the protein building blocks of skin.

Wakame used regularly causes the skin's protein levels to increase to that of a person of lesser age. In addition it is a good antioxidant.


As you know antioxidants get rid of free radicals that can cause damage to our skin cells resulting in wrinkles. So having them in anti aging skin creams is a logical choice.


Skin creams should contain antioxidants like wakame, vitamin E and CoQ10. Of course, these ingredients need to be natural, not some cheap imitation. Nano-lipobelle is created in such a way that it will penetrate through seven layers of skin. It contains both COQ10 and vitamin E in a special emulsion created specially for use as an anti-aging skin cream

Ingredients to Avoid

Briefly, let's look at a few of the things that a skin cream should not contain: -alcohol because it is drying. -fragrance because it can be irritating. -sunscreen because it alone does not reduce the risk of skin cancer and some compounds are hazardous. -parabens because they are cancer causing suspects. -paraffin wax or mineral oil because they clog the pores and strip natural oils, leading to dryness.

Our skin absorbs almost everything that touches it. That means it could go into our bloodstream. Only all natural ingredients should be in anti aging skin creams. - Margaret Bell

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