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There is Cleansing and then there is the ultimate, cellular cleansing. Cellular cleansing has been the talk of the town, in recent years, especially among health conscious individuals. The benefits of cellular cleansing are enormous. Medical professionals are now recommending full cellular cleansing.
Health experts have stated that a healthy diet alone is not enough. A more proactive stance is needed to continuously heal the body and counteract toxic buildup of chemicals and waste.
By having a better understanding of various methods for cleansing, you will be in a better position to choose the correct procedure for yourself.
Below are 5 ways of cleansing one's body:
1. Colon Cleansing
In time, food particles will stick to the walls of your colon and cause an accumulation of toxic substances.
The colon can be cleaned through the use of a combination of herbal remedies which securely removes parasites, their eggs and waste through regular bowel movement.
This is a very efficient way of getting rid of disease-causing bacteria and toxic substances, in the colon. The process usually takes 7-10 days and is repeated every 3-4 months.
This is not the ultimate cleansing technique because you have toxins in every single cell of your body. This cleans the colon.
2. Ionized Foot Bath Cleansing
Another process of cleansing involves use of a small tub to soak your feet in water with cleansing sea salts. A small electrical current is passed through the salt water to charge the atoms and create a magnetic field producing osmosis.
These charged atoms will bond with the toxins in your body and excrete them through the pores of your legs and feet. This procedure normally takes a half an hour to complete.
3. Ozone Sauna Treatment
The ozone sauna treatment requires you to stay in a sauna. The pores of your body are expanded through contact with hot steam. This raises the temperature within and around your body. Ozone is then introduced into your bloodstream.
This is not ideal for people who have high blood pressure. The ozone is introduced in controlled concentrations which penetrates your body. This will neutralizes lactic acid, viruses, parasites, toxins, bad bacteria, and fungi.
The toxins are passed out of your body via sweating and the ozone kills the bacteria on your skin. An ozone sauna treatment lasts 30-45 minutes.
4. Alkaline Water
Major health benefits have been attributed to alkaline water consumption compared to regular tap water. Alkaline water makes the transportation of nutrients, minerals and food easier in your body.
It also speeds up the excretion of waste like acids and toxins faster from the body. It has antioxidant properties which reduce DNA and cellular damage by eliminating free radicals in the body.
It also regulates the body's temperature. Alkaline water can be taken regularly with no side-effects.
Alkaline water will change your body from acidic to alkaline. Diseases love acidic bodies but cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.
There is a liquid product that you can add to all your liquid beverages, as most beverages are acidic, especially coffee, that will change them to alkaline immediately. I use this product in every liquid drink.
5. Full Cellular Cleanse
This is the ultimate in Toxic cleansing. You can undergo several cellular cleansing processes in a day.
If you're serious about cellular cleansing and you want to thoroughly detoxify your total body, then I would recommend taking a natural health product such as an all cellular cleanse.
This is taken orally, with no side effects, and the toxins will be expunged from your body through your elimination.
A side benefit of cellular cleansing is a safe and effective way for weight loss. When you do a full cellular cleanse and rid the body of its toxins the fat will melt away. Very few companies are able to do a full cellular cleanse.