Image source: https://optimumnutrition.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/01.jpg
Diet Dinner Recipes: You Can Have Burgers, Chicken and Steak Oh MY!!
Can you really eat these dinner recipes on a diet. Yes, you can really eat your favorite meats and still lose weight. It just boils down to what you are eating in and with them as well as how you cook it up.
Here's some options for diet dinner recipes that you can use to whip up a healthy and great meal for the family.
If you want burgers, they don't have to look like a grease fried hockey puck. Make it with lean beef or turkey. Grill it or even try broiling it (BK style), and cook it to your liking.
Burgers when cooked right are loaded with protein and help stimulate muscle growth, they also fire up your fat burners. To give your burger great flavor and added pop, when making your patty with the stuff you would normally put on top of it.
Add things like onion, torn baby spinach leaves, crushed garlic cloves, reduced-fat shredded cheese (your favorite kind), and your favorite seasonings. A great option for making your burger more fulfilling or even larger is adding 1 egg, and a half cup of oats to it. Tastes great. Also if using a bun, get whole wheat buns as most grocery stores carry them.
Why is it that people say that anything exotic they eat, tastes like chicken? I haven't tried any of these and don't plan on it, but I've heard people say that frog legs, turtle and even snake meat all taste like chicken!
When you think of chicken from a healthy standpoint. The first thing that pops in your head is probably, a boneless, skinless and dry chicken breast right?
Well neither scenario is not given much respect to the great bird that so many love to eat, its big cousin the turkey doesn't get a lot of respect as well. The bottom line is these relatives are great and powerful sources of protein and great go-to options whenever you're stuck on what to eat.
A quick lunch option could be a chicken sandwich,lets say you had some good ol' southern fried chicken the previous night, but you don't want to eat all of that grease and unhealthy skin for lunch. Peel the skin off and strip the chicken from the bones.
Throw it on some whole wheat bread, add some baby spinach leaves or romaine lettuce, a little low fat mayo and mustard, some tomato, onion, etc. You have now transformed your leftovers into a healthy meal.