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Your Food Guide for Achieving a Healthy Acid/Alkaline Balance
To help achieve a healthy balanced pH level, refer to the chart below. Keep in mind the more alkaline and less acidic the food source the better for your overall health and well-being. According to the health experts,75% of your food should come from alkaline sources and 25% may come from acidic sources.Try pairing foods for easier digestion and to promote a healthier balance. For example consume beans (acid) with broccoli (alkaline)
Most Alkaline: broccoli, cucumber, cilantro, oriental greens, garlic, onions, kale, spinach, parsley, sea vegetables,
Medium Alkaline: bell pepper, cauliflower, parsnip, endive, ginger root, sweet potato, cabbage, celery, carrots, asparagus.
Low Alkaline: Brussels sprouts, beets (tops and roots), tomatoes and tomato juice, fresh peas, dark lettuce, all mushrooms, potatoes with skin, pumpkin, squash, tempeh.
Most Acid: processed soy beans, salted and sweetened peanut butter
Medium Acid: salted peanut butter.
Low Acid: corn, lentils, peanuts with skin, organic peanut butter, soy protein powder, beans,(kidney, lima, navy, pinto, white,black, peas, split and chick,) extra firm tofu ,edamame.
Most Alkaline:cantaloupe, honeydew melon, raisons, nectarine, raspberry, water mellon, fresh black cherries, black olives in oil.
Medium Alkaline: apple, avocado, pink grapefruit, lemon, lime, mango, pear, peach.
Low Alkaline: fresh pineapple, apricot grapes, blue berry, strawberry, black berry, papaya.
Most Acid: cranberry,dried fruit, sulfered.
Medium Acid : prunes, olives, (pickled ) sweetened fruit juice, sweetened canned fruit,sweetened jams, sweetened preserves.
Low Acid: dried fruit, natural figs, dates, banana, unsweetened canned fruit, natural fruit juice, unsweetened jams, unsweetened preserves.
Most Alkaline: Celtic sea salt, Great lake salt, miso and natto, cayenne, ashwagandha, gotu kola, ginkgo biloba, baking soda.
Medium Alkaline : cinnamon, ginger, dill, mint, peppermint, turmeric, rhodiola, basil, oregano, licorice root, Siberian ginseng.
Low Alkaline : most herbs, curry, mustard powder,kola nut, tamari, milk thistle, maca, astragalus, suma, Echinacea
Most Acids: black pepper, MSG, soya sauce, brewers and nutritional yeast.
Medium Acid : vanilla, nutmeg, mayonnaise, ketchup.
Low Acid : tahini, carob, cocoa, regular table salt.
Most Alkaline : electron-rich alkaline water, plasma activated water.
Medium Alkaline: teas, green, macha green, ginger, rooibos, chamomile, water, ozonated water, ionized water
Low Alkaline : dry red wine, unsweetened almond milk, distilled water, draft beer, dark stout, organic black coffee.
Most Acid : alcoholic drinks, soft drinks,
Medium Acid : coffee with milk and sugar.
Low Acid : unsweetened soy milk, unsweetened rice milk, black tea black coffee, decaf coffee.
Most Alkaline : bee pollen soy lecithin granules, dairy free probiotic cultures.
Medium Alkaline : aloe vera juice,
Low Alkaline : whole oats quinoa, wild rice, millet and spelt, hemp protein powder.
Most Acid : barley, pastries, cakes tarts cookies.
Medium Acid : plain rice protein powder, rolled oats and oat bran, rhy, white bread, white pasta, white rice.
Low Acid : brown and basmati rice, wheat and buck wheat, kasha,amaranth,whole wheat and corn pasta, whole grain bread.
Most Alkaline : Pumpkin seeds , almonds, (W/Skin), plain almond butter, all sprouts, wheat grass, alfalfa grass , barley grass.
Medium Alkaline : extra virgin olive oil, borage oil and primrose oil, chestnuts, Brazilian nuts, light and dark flax seeds, macadamia nuts, black currant oil.
Low Alkaline : hazelnuts, flaxseed and buckthorn oils, hemp seeds and oil, sesame seeds and oil, sunflower seeds and oil.
Most Acid : pistachios, trans fatty acids, acrylamides.
Medium Acids : cashews, pecans, walnuts.
Low Acids: popcorn, canola oil, grape seed oil, green soybeans, pine nuts, safflower oil.
Most Alkaline :
Medium Alkaline : wild, ultra pure omega 3 fish oil, CLA ( conjugated linoleic acid)
Low Alkaline : cod liver oil.
Most Acid : beef, lobster.
Medium Acid : chicken, lamb, pork veal.
Low Acid : fish, turkey, venison, wild duck, seafood.
Most Alkaline : Human breast milk.
Medium Alkaline : dairy probiotic cultures, whey protein isolate powder.
Low Alkaline : soft goat cheese, goat milk.
Most Acid : Processed cheese, hard cheese, yolk of chicken eggs
Medium Acids : soy cheese and soft cheese, ice cream, whole chicken eggs.
Low Acids : cows milk, cream ,yogurt,butter, buttermilk, white of chicken eggs.
Most Alkaline :
Medium Alkaline : unsulfured blackstrap molasses.
Low Alkaline : stevia,brown rice syrup, pure maple syrup, unpasteurized honey.
Most Acid : artificial sweeteners
Medium Acid : corn syrup, and fructose, high fructose corn syrup, sugar.
Low Acid : commercial honey.
Most Alkaline :
Medium Alkaline : Apple cider vinegar.
Low Alkaline :
Most Acid : White vinegar.
Medium Acid : balsamic vinegar.
Low Acid : rice vinegar.