Image source: https://www.organicfacts.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Lobster3.jpg
Because of the unsafe consequences of eating animal protein, most people are taking a cautious approach when it comes to eating the right kind of food. Various people from all nationalities are now becoming attracted to seafood. This commonly includes shrimp, crab, clams, and lobster.
Lobster is a large sea creature that belongs to the Nephropidae family. Found in all oceans, this species lives on rocky, sandy, or muddy bottoms of the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf. They are commonly consumed in the form of soups, bisque and rolls. Lobsters are actually one of the most delightful and wholesome foods available today. They give out vitamins and minerals particularly when boiled, baked, steamed, or grilled.
Read further to know more about the health advantages of lobster meat.
Lobster meat is very beneficial. It is low in fat substance and has a high content of proteins. It is the best choice for athletes and for fitness conscious people. Lower in cholesterol than chicken breast which contains eighty-five milligrams; therefore, lobster meat is very good for the heart. Aside from the heart health benefits, lobster also contains Omega-3 fatty acid, which lowers blood pressure, prevents heart attack and is excellent for the brain.
Lobster is composed with mineral content, which is required for the body to function normally. Selenium, the trace element, aids the immune system and thyroid gland. High in copper diets like lobster can prevent bone and tissue diseases. The vitamin B12 is essential for healthy nerves and red blood cells. Phosphorus contributes to proper kidney function and decreases arthritis pain. Zinc promotes increase of brain activity, boosts immune system, and provides a healthy reproduction system. Potassium contributes to improve the heart functions.
Eating lobster is a good choice and can avoid health issues in the future. Some health issues include, but are not limited to; osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and chronic conditions involving bone, connective tissue, heart and blood vessels.
Considering the benefits previously stated, one should also be mindful on how to get and buy fresh seafood and how to preserve and store such foods. Most of the issues today are not because of the food itself, but the source of food.
Always choose fresh lobster that is alive and frisky, with tails curled up, instead hanging down.
Be sure that it has not been in the tank for more than one week.
Avoid buying those that are dry and has yellow meat, because it may indicates old and sickly lobster.
Fresh meat has a bright red shell while those that are exposed already shows white and moistness.
When refrigerated, wrap it with several sheets of thin papers and wet it before storing.
To store your lobster for long periods of time such as three months, wrap it in a freezer paper or plastic bag.
Being mindful means being wise when choosing the right source for all yours seafood needs.