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Getting pregnant is possible and many women have successfully brought a baby into this world. Keep an open mind and keep yourself as healthy as possible. To learn more about curing infertility in women, please take a moment to read this article and please visit for more information. Good luck and don't lose hope.It is not easy to accept that you are infertile. You have been trying for months, maybe even years, to conceive and do what millions of women do each and every year yet this seems like it is an impossibility. However, there are treatment options for you to get pregnant if you are deemed infertile. Most women and couples hastily make the decision to go this route when they are having problems getting pregnant as they are frustrated or, if you are over the age of 40, feel that the window of opportunity is fast closing. It is true that it is easier for women to get pregnant when they are in their 20s as opposed to their 40s but before you make the decision to undergo fertility treatments, you should really think about what this entails.
Putting aside the heavy emotional toll you and your partner will surely experience, you also must factor in costs. You may feel like there is nothing that will stop you from raising a child but the sad fact is, finances determine a lot in our lives and fertility treatments are no different. To give you an idea of how much and how quickly these treatments cost, in vitro fertilization costs between $8,000 and $15,000 per cycle. The final cost will depend on how
complicated your treatment is which relies on numerous factors. Consider that some couples undergo as many as three or four IVF treatments, the cost can prove to be a crushing financial burden. Only you and your partner can decide how much you are willing to spend but as you can see, it is very expensive.
You may not realize this but your insurance provider may be able to pay for part of your fertility treatments so it is a good idea to find out from your insurance provider what fertility treatments are covered by your plan, if any treatments are covered at all. Now, many reproductive specialists do not take insurance, do not assume you are not covered. You should still try to make a claim yourself and get reimbursed yourself. Reading your insurance policy is a daunting endeavor but it will be worth it as footing the entire bill for fertility treatments can get out of control. Read to see what your limitations are and what the coverage requirements are. Then, call your insurance provider and ask more questions. For example, if the person on the phone states that no fertility treatment is covered but your policy states otherwise, you are now armed with information to successfully argue for some kind of reimbursement and coverage.
Check to see if you are able to use your flexible spending account to cover the cost or part of the cost of treatments. You should see if your employer offers it as a benefit and check to see if fertility treatments are an accepted use for the money. They typically are but you will want confirmation from your employer. Another employer-provided benefit that you may use is dipping into your 401(k) plan. It is up to your discretion as to whether or not you should do this or even if your 401(k) plan allows you to do this but you will want to see if this is an option for you. It may turn out that you cannot or it may be that you do not feel you should. Either way, it is a good idea to see what all of your options are before making an important decision like this. Other common options are taking out loans or even maxing out credit cards. Again, this is completely up to you but make sure you can afford to do this.
An option that you may not know of is IVF Refund Programs. Check with your fertility clinic if this is offered and see if you qualify. In short, IVF Refund Programs work when infertile couples pay for a set number of IVF treatments upfront. If the couple does not get pregnant within the set number of treatment cycles, the couple gets partial refund or maybe even an entire refund. It is worthwhile to see if your fertility clinic offers this and if you even qualify. If you do not have a fertility clinic and this option seems appealing to you, find one that offers this.
Getting pregnant is expensive particularly if you need a little help. This is especially true if you are over the age of 40 as your fertility, unfortunately, is not as it once was. However, it does not mean you do not have options. Obviously you do. Make sure you really think long and hard about each option and decide where to draw the line. It could be an emotional line or a financial one but if you prepare now to deal with these figurative lines, the better off you
will be.